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Well, that was embarassing.

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13 years ago
As many of the players have noticed, round 10 of PlanetWars...did not go quite as anticipated. Besides the persistent difficulty in creating balanced teams, the rule setup also resulted in the Synthetic Front achieving a runaway economic victory.

As such, we've ended the round and will be going back to the drawing board for the round 11 design for a while. The SynthFront victory will probably be recorded in the Hall of Fame, but not incorporated into the running story. It's not yet clear whether the two-faction system can be salvaged, or written off and PlanetWars restored to five factions.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope to see you again in the next round!
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13 years ago
Rofl @ that picture
+0 / -0
13 years ago
You want to fix it?
Reincorporate the five factions and get used to alliances,
It's exactly the way it would work out in real life;
And it's exactly the way that's fun.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Last round of PW basically ended up with 2 factions anyway. The trueborn+empire alliance basically led to licho invading my planet twice but i got more IP than him even though he won, because he was playing alongside the trueborn.

He even raged and changed the balance weights, which only made things worse for him, because now the trueborn were with me and he got all the rubbish, reject players and really imba matches (which is how i won).

2 factions solves this as long as the player counts are even and there are plenty of mercenaries (they should be 33% of players, so that even if no members of the other faction are online, they can play vs mercs), but needs different victory conditions (eco victory is especially illogical, as all you need is for one faction to win the first couple planets and they will be the only ones with cash, duh).
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Or just a timer before a victory is actualy possible like 100 turns? So that everyone gets a chance to play atleast 1 game.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
In a 2-faction PW, eco victory as a concept doesn't really make sense... Suddenly the mortal enemies decide to resolve the issue with money?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
then why its perfectly fine with 5 factions?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
In 5-faction it makes more sense in my opinion, because the 5-faction PW is more like a power struggle over the galaxy, whereas the 2-faction feels more like a brutal fight for existence.

That said, I'm no great fan of it in either PW format, and wouldn't mind its removal at all.
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