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Zero-K adopts Spring engine v84.0 + new game version

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13 years ago
After the abortive engine update to 83.0, we've formally adopted the new Spring version 84.0 with its numerous fixes. Concurrently, we're also releasing a new game version, v0.9.


  • Linux desyncs should be fixed
  • Vehicles maintain speed on turning properly
  • Reduced pathfinding lag and improved "flow"
  • Heightmap changes (e.g. terraform) invisible outside LOS
  • Radar plane LOS not based on ground position
  • Players are no longer defeated if they lose all units (including /take) as long as their allyteam is alive.
  • Units target things that they can no longer see for a lot less time
  • Units no longer attack recently captured units
  • /advshading command replaced with /advunitshading; analogous /advmapshading command added (try this if you're experiencing lag or graphics-related crashes)
  • /dynamicsun command added - toggles dynamic sun shading. May be buggy, recommend disabling.

Large blocky map texture and extreme CPU drain from the start of the game are known issues that affect a few players. Try to fix these with '/advmapshading' and '/dynamicsun'. Otherwise update graphics drivers and if problems persist create a ticket.

  • It is now possible to set "Data folder" where all content is stored (maps, games, engine, configs, logs) -> for people who run c: on small SSD
  • Fixes to default configs

  • Fixed Spidermonkey egg issues
  • Commanders which forgo a weapon at level 1 can keep the free peashooter at level 3
  • Pylon locked

New unit, Felon. A heavy shieldbot walker which uses shield charge to power its fun.
  • 700 cost
  • Slow speed
  • Shielded
  • Accurate LLT range
  • It uses shield charge to fire, use with Thugs and reduce it's damage output by shooting it.
  • Discharge from full shield does 1600 damage in 2.4 seconds
  • DPS is 27 when drained and reliant on regen.

  • On-fire effect from Firewalker, Inferno and corresponding commander weapons much shorter (so it expires quickly if you leave the burning area)
  • Moderator does 33% less slow damage
  • Slow effect capped at 50%
  • Merl cost reduction (800 -> 700) and damage increased (650 -> 700)
  • Puppy range increase (145 -> 155) and health increase (60 -> 80)

  • Hellfire Grenade burns a much larger area; reloads more slowly and costs more
  • Disruptor bomb does 25% more slow damage
  • Kodachi AoE down to almost what it used to be
  • Gauss rifle a bit stronger
  • Missile launcher range down (450 -> 415) - now requires two range modules to outrange LLTs
  • Standoff Rocket a bit cheaper

  • Fixes to VR grid; disabled on all default settings except maximum
  • Improved large napalm effects

  • Fixed many playerlist issues
  • Core selector should work in spectator mode
  • Fixed incorrect values reported by resource bar
  • Fixed randomness in music player
+0 / -0
13 years ago
* Fixed randomness in music player

OMFG! where is a musicplayer in ZK? want to have it ^^
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Karotte, it's enabled by default! :)

But since it probably isn't for you then, enable it from the widget menu. It's under 'sound'.

There is a slider to adjust the music volume beneath the normal ZK volume slider.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
oh ok. i though there is a musicplayer for my own music. This would be a nice widget.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Just make a folder - spring/sounds/war and spring/sounds/peace. You can add your own music to the playlist here, in .ogg format.

The Zero-K musics will still play since they're a part of the game file. But you can mod the folders to be something different, then it will only play your own music. :)

If .ogg doesn't suit you, you could try to switch the widget to play .mp3 - haven't tested whether this works though.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
having the same problem i did on v83
it loads and gets to ingame then it goes at 1 fps or lower
my cpu is not maxing nor is my gpu
i have no idea whats wrong, do any of u?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
If using nVidia make sure threaded optimization is off in the nVidia control panel.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
ok i did that but now its instantly maxing cpu when i enter the game
+0 / -0

13 years ago
All games always max your cpu,thats normal
+0 / -0
13 years ago
well i normally could play and now i cant, sooo its not normal
+0 / -0

13 years ago
What you mean? You could play on 82. engine?
Report to engine mantis then please
+0 / -0
13 years ago
yes it worked perfectly fine on 82. engine
i have no idea whats wrong, it dosnt say anything is wrong, but obviously something because its going at 1 frame per 8 seconds when i get ingame
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Disable adv map shading
/advmapshading 0, or edit springsettings.cfg to have AdvMapShading=0
+0 / -0
13 years ago
ok ill try it
+0 / -0
13 years ago
ok so i managed to see some errors, it says something about kernel32.dll and something else in system32

ill screw around with some things and see if i can find any more problems/solutions
+0 / -0