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10 years ago
Been a while since posting anything on here. Couple of things;

1. Not sure of this one but Radar is blocked by line of sight land although terraforming walls don't block the signal (minor point).

2. As a way of balancing early game could there be a period where singus/detris cannot be made. The amount of games that are lost when a high ELO player sits at back JUST making singus (ecoing) are plentiful.
This is not to say it doesn't work - just a 1800+ ELO player just making singus would better serve on the front line and a 1400 ELO player spam singus at the back.
This would also encourage more fighting at the front - people could still build fusions but obviously this is not as rewarding.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
1. is an issue with engine
2. is an issue with fireman
+3 / -0
10 years ago
The amount of games that are lost when a high ELO player sits at back JUST making singus (ecoing) are plentiful.

High elo <=> player wins often => maybe ecoing isn't as bad as you think
+0 / -0

10 years ago
or perhaps he throws half his games to stay at lowish elo
+0 / -0
Oh thanks for telling me #1. Gonna loose less radars now! \o/
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Radars (and I think also sonars and jammers) will keep working when partially reclaimed IIRC, and will not use energy in this state. Gotta check whether T2 radar wobble upgrade is kept.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
or perhaps he throws half his games to stay at lowish elo

He plays high-risk, high-reward strategies. His results are less related to his skill, and more related to the general randomness you get from the large team pub games.

I.E. early superfusion is very punishable if the other team scouts and coordinates, but many times will not do either
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Isn't early superfusion just bad anyway? Even if unscouted? You need to also link it to your entire economy, and until you have both enough energy and metal to make it, it'll take so long to build it will actually pale in comparison to more graded economic strategies (which also have the benefit of being reliable).
+0 / -0
10 years ago
In 10v10+s the average player skill is low enough that some people just randomly spam useless Pylons everywhere, so suddenly you don't have to bother about the grid anymore when rushing Singus.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Singularity is more extreme than Fusion in both possible ways. If it's successful, it's a lot more efficient (+225 vs +140); if unsuccessful, it blasts half the base away which rushers also find funny ("lelele nebs blew up!").
+0 / -0
(+225 vs +140);

i think you are confusing armfus, armgeo and cafus

armfus only gives 35, nothing extreme here :P
+0 / -0
i think you are confusing armfus, armgeo and cafus

EErankAdminAnarchid when you spend as much time devving as you do, does it slowly become second-nature to refer to units by their codename instead of their humanname?
+0 / -0
No, not really. The hidden point is that "superfusion" is "cafus" because the unitname means "core advanced fusion". So neither armfus (fusion) nor armgeo (moho geothermal) are superfusion!
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Moho geo is amgeo...
+1 / -0

10 years ago
(+225 vs +140) - armfus only gives 35

Since when does Fusion cost 4000m (or - the horror! - Singularity 1000m)?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
He is comparing 4 Fusions (4k cost) to 1 Singularity (4k cost).
+5 / -0

10 years ago
Fusiolarity or Singlusion? im confusioned.
+2 / -0
To be fair, I've very rarely seen somebody actually build four fusions rather than just building 1 to 3 and then going into a Singu, so the comparison isn't really all that great.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I usually build four+ fusions on metal heavy maps (eg CCR) when I want to OD. That's because I don't like building Singus inside the build range of my factories' caretaker farm.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
hate it when people try to dictate how you should play just because of elo

funny when low elo ppl say "he's high elo, he should be at the front doing all the work while us noobs sit at the back making useless tech!" as though that's the natural order of things

great thread 10/10
+3 / -0
Page of 6 (105 records)