quote: what the :O i'm not perfect neither shaman or failer but still failer is provoking and u say. this is not about grammar. failer is juts messing with me. he understand and so do u shaman. don't do this absurd thing becuase everyone knows what failer been innocent and accusing me about bad gramamr is not the end of the world. failer stop that -_- |
There's nothing to argue. Your posts are
objectively hard to read. Everything blends into itself and presents itself as a big block of text with no structure or organization. All we are suggesting:
1. When creating a new idea, create a new paragraph.
1a. After each sentence, ask yourself "is this related to the first sentence?" If not, new paragraph, new line x2.
1b. Try to keep paragraphs to 8-12 sentences max. Ideally keep them at 4-5 sentences long.
1c. Is there a reaction emoticon thing? It's likely time for a new line.
2. Use proper punctuation.
3. Use proper negation!
Using these tips you go from


Which of these looks better? A few paragraphs are easier to manage and keep track where you are in long winded passages. One big paragraph is intimidating and most of us will go "Too Long, won't bother."
quote: don't do this absurd thing becuase everyone knows what failer been innocent and accusing me about bad gramamr is not the end of the world |
This is not only a run on sentence, it's also confusing. This is an example of the grammar that we're complaining about.
quote: okay u know what i won't say anythign anymore, i giving u the right this is stupid i don't want to argue with u or shaman. this has gone bad i'm gonan go silent pls, and that's it we go silent. no need for silly nonsense |
So you respond to actual criticism by being defensive and ultimately shutting down? This kind of prideful reaction isn't going to get you far in life. Look, the grammar part is excusable. English is probably a secondary or tertiary language for you. Just work on the paragraphing part. If you're struggling with it, ask for help. I'm willing to offer assistance.