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Banisher re-role

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10 years ago
Just saw this in the GitHub:


Cost 780 -> 520
Range 430 -> 340
Damage 650 -> 440
Reload time 4s -> 2.3s
Sight distance 660 -> 374

Very interesting.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Mh....i found the "old" Banisher was nice.... dont see a ground for a patch...
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Rerole would be nice. This would turn banisher into a riot, which leaves heavy tanks without a skirmisher, not that banisher was a typical skirmisher anyway, but still...
+0 / -0
One of the problems was that tank raiders needed to trade very well against raiders from other factories due to the lack of a proper riot.

Panthers were tuned to be extra deadly against Scorchers (just barely having enough damage to two hit kill them) since without that there would be little that the tank player could do to really counter Scorchers. This resulted in somewhat undesirable gameplay where tanks could own the map against vehicles with Panthers and force them to play defensive hiding behind Levelers/Slashers/defenses.

With Banisher off the rioty skirm role and firmly in the riot role Panthers don't have to counter Scorchers or other raiders like they needed in the past.

The following change is also related to the Banisher change, it puts Scorcher above Panther's two hit threshold and Glaive above Panthers' one hit threshold without nerfing Panthers against most other things: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/commit/dfc50983a77493a562e3351a9cf8a018c6df8c59

Ideally these changes will result in tanks not inhibiting aggressive play from vehicles and other factories as hard while having the tools to deal with it. This Banisher might need further tweaks as players figure out how good or bad it actually is.

These changes also finally give tanks a decent counter to Panthers which will hopefully improve the tank mirror.
+2 / -0
I agree with DErankXivender and besides citing CZrankAdminLicho "If it has been working for 2 years already then why change it?"
(yes I am being atrocious)
+1 / -0

10 years ago

Would've rather moved some power from the Welder's armor into its weapon to make it a riot/con instead of its current assault/con form. Cut its health down to 1200 or something but upgrade its weapon so it makes cost v. scorchers.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Welders should never be able to make cost against scorchers (or any other raider) otherwise it would be impossible to raid cons. Making a con immune to early raiding would be a huge balance change.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
panther got damage nerf too...
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Heavy Tanks getting nerfed lol
+1 / -0

10 years ago
citing Licho "If it has been working for 2 years already then why change it?"

Because it does not live in a pineapple under the sea.
It lives among other units who had their balance changed a lot during the 2 years and balance is a relative thing.
+6 / -0
I agree with DErankXivender and besides citing CZrankAdminLicho "If it has been working for 2 years already then why change it?"

Because after you killed my factory and all economy with a 5 scorcher rush while losing none of the scorchers in the process, i was able to kill all the scorchers with my one Panther, and kept killing them until i had rebuilt.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Nah EErankAdminAnarchid I it was meant to be spontaneus atrocity :F Besides i lost 3 out of 5 these schorchers and it has nothing to do with Banisher. Ha! Counter that argument!
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Then you must have made new ones for me to kill.


Being able to nerf panther was the rationale behind the banisher nerf, so it has things to do.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
From what I've seen of banishers, I expect shorter range banishers may have a bad tendency of killing each other. On the other hand I don't think they really worked well as skirms anyway, so making them better as riots probably wouldn't hurt.
+0 / -1

10 years ago
That can be fixed by upping the missile velocity, big problem there is AA.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
USrankaeonios you are talking off you ass again since you didn't even try the new banisher -.-
1st aquire experience
2nd formulate opinion
3rd share it with others
Its not that Goddamn hard really
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Like I said elsewhere, I don't even know if this is a good idea but I'm interested to see what it does.

The way I see it, this isn't so much intended as a buff or a nerf to Banisher as a change to the way tankfac plays. (Especially in conjunction with the panther nerf.) Perhaps additional changes will be required to rebalance, who knows?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
The factory does need a proper Scorcher counter, and relying on Panther hasn't really worked (It becomes a monoculture unit if it's that good).

I've always wanted a riotier Kodchi, but the Koda would have to be changed a LOT before it started countering the Scorcher.

I'm not sure a unit as slow and still fairly costly as Banisher will work, but I totally understand Lauri's explaination here, and he knows tank fac. If the factory needs a skirm we can look at re-rolling Pillager a bit since it has tremor, though I know they do very different things.

I always intended Banisher to have flex-AA capacity, BTW, esp vs gunships.

If we really love Panther, Koda, Banisher and Pillager all in their current roles too much (any one of them could be made into a proper, slower, AoE based riot) then we can add another unit. The tank models are easily kitbashed.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Kodachi Scorcher Counter Example Bad Idea:
Disruptor Napalm!!!
Applies Slow AND Burn with Green+Purple flames!
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Banisher + trollcom rush is b to the r to the utal
+0 / -0