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please delete my account!

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10 years ago
please delete/disable my account at zero-k.info + all data associated to it.

+1 / -1

10 years ago
first context: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Infrastructure/issues/355#issuecomment-69434632

Now, as a minor S44 dev (more or less) and a ZK player this saddens me a lot since both spring and ZK are wonderful projects that have a lot to benefit from cooperation.

Unfortunately but naturally, the devs at both sides don't see eye to eye all the time, however a compromise is definitely possible.

If you guys want to improve the situation rather than worsen it, I'd love to help with mediation (I have a bit of experience in these things), you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain (main S44 devs may help or may not, I hope they do).

Contact me through pm in the server/spring forums, these public discussions damage more than they help.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
+0 / -0
10 years ago
U missed some drama.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
+0 / -0
10 years ago
ATrankhokomoko already posted it.
first context: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Infrastructure/issues/355#issuecomment-69434632

Very short summary.
Licho: I wanna create my own fork of uberserver with blackjack and hookers. A-a-and I wanna fork more!
abma: U MAD! Fork ur face!
+2 / -0

10 years ago
zk has been using Spring 91 for way too long and without cooperation with the engine devs won't get anywhere.
Imo actual game(fix desyncs) > lobby(fix queues)/website

+2 / -0
ZK is using 91.0 because performance went to hell in 92.0 and we care for players rather than just "new"...
Our benchmarks show this is true for all tested windows users.. engine devs dismiss that and there isn't going to be help from them .. our only chance is finding fix ourselves or fork 91.0 and improve that.
+2 / -0
I neither know nor care about ZK (or any other third-party) infrastructure. This is about providing clients the option of secure communication and authentication with the lobby server. The ZK project can solve its own problems.

Not that I know anything about the issue technically, but...

Spring devs saying this and then turning around and accusing ZK of wanting to split from the community reads like a giant "FUCK YOU" to me. If they don't know and don't care about fixing any problems ZK has, or even briefly checking whether something they do messes up ZK, then functionally the communities are separated already, and they're simply taking advantage of whatever work ZK people do for them.

Then again, maybe that particular guy's just an idiot.
Some other guy said:
Finally, I'm puzzled by the comments in the code, not yielding much confidence. They say the security system can leak data and crash the server. Am I foolish to believe the comments?

Spring dev said:
Those comments constitute what normal people would call "jokes".

Who the fuck puts jokes about failure outcomes in encryption code, then mocks other people who don't get the joke?

I don't really know much about the issue so perhaps I'm off base here.
+1 / -1
Well as far as what I have observed in #zkdev particularly #[LLC]jK (one of the engine devs) treats ZK not switching into newest stable as something out of this world. That is not really a good cooperation imo :| he just simply goes "this is ridiculous... I am outta here! *flies away*"
I propably should not be critiquing the personality of others why not really knowing the person at all... sorry for that.

Not that I know anything about the issue technically, but...

Nobody does AUrankAdminAquanim if it would be known it would be fixed 2 years prior...
However I know that there was some kind of lead in gadget syncing? AUrankAdminGoogleFrog was meant to check that somehow or somesuch. I would like to know how it went (others too presumably).
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I really don't think we should be diluting the discussion into even more threads..
Please keep your critics to yourself if you are uninformed.
To inform yourself read at least the following:
this thread from: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/6692#110532
latest ZK infra issue: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Infrastructure/issues/355
related uberserver issues (most important mentioned):
- https://github.com/spring/uberserver/issues/130
- https://github.com/spring/uberserver/issues/129
- https://github.com/spring/uberserver/issues/122
- https://github.com/spring/uberserver/issues/121
ZK-info encryption thread: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/11381
official encryption thread: http://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=32844
ZK (Licho's) uberserver changes: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Infrastructure/commits/master/UberServer
infrastructure forum: http://springrts.com/phpbb/viewforum.php?f=71
old lobby dev meetings: http://springrts.com/phpbb/viewforum.php?f=80

This will just give you an idea about the opinion of everyone involved with regards to uberserver . Engine is a whole different beast and something that's a much smaller problem IMO.
I'm not going to give you a summary of all those links because I'm biased.
+8 / -0

10 years ago
Aquanim, there is no accusation, this has been a long time coming for ZK. Split isn't a bad word unless you are one of the touchy feely types like me who want us all around the campfire singing kumbaya.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
So which lobby client can simultaneously connect to rtsmp.com, lobby.zero-k.info and lobby.springrts.com?
+0 / -0

10 years ago

Actually no, there's no irc bridge for rtpms. For ZK, you can IRC to licho.eu:6667.
+0 / -0
Whats the url for zk ubser server fork?
n/m it's in one infrastructure
+0 / -0
USranksmoth: It's more of a practical issue, since avoiding repeated work is one of the key draws of Open Source as a development paradigm.
+1 / -0