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CAI difficulty

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9 years ago
Anyone want to throw out an estimate of elo for CAI, if it had one?
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9 years ago
Previous estimates:
1422 - http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/7675#92401
~1400, ~1500 on large-scale maps - http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/1837?page=1#21725
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9 years ago
It depends on how you play against it. If you take into account it's limited problem solving skill it would likely be closer to 1200, but if you're playing it not knowing it's a com, it's a lot higher.
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9 years ago
arguably you'd need 1400 elo to be able to abuse that well, but it is weaker if you know its strategy from experience
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Yeah, I'm basing it on that I can beat a lot of CAI no problem, but against human opponents of 1300+, they're more able to solve my defenses and break through.

It's probably not the sort of thing you can generalise though. It would be interesting to create an account that is played by a CAI, and see where it landed. You could even add a smacktalking script :)
+0 / -0
9 years ago
If you take into account it's limited problem solving skill it would likely be closer to 1200

Oh, only 1200 elo? The CCR macro challenge makes it feel higher! :(

Maybe I should try 1v3ing new players on CCR to see what happens.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
It's probably not the sort of thing you can generalise though. It would be interesting to create an account that is played by a CAI, and see where it landed. You could even add a smacktalking script :)

At one point in time I was going to do something similar. Widget-based AI instead of gadget. Fell appart before I even started on it haha. I wanted to make a widget AI called X-AI (X-tremely Annoying Intelligence) whos only purpose was to do stupid things like stealing all your idle units and tossing them into a pit or spamming vindicators.
+0 / -0
It isn't actually possible to make accounts played by AI technologically in spring, because an AI is not a player as such.

However, it is maybe possible to make some kind of an AI testing facility Springie host and/or have bot-specific elo.

If anyone has interest to do this ofc.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
IF u plave 1 vs 5 CAIs their elo instantly grows to 3k...
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9 years ago
It isn't actually possible to make accounts played by AI technologically in spring, because an AI is not a player as such.

1) Register the AI as a human player in startscript while tagging it as a bot using a customkey and making sure gadgets handle that
2) ???
3) Profit!
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Hmm this could work for Lua AI's yes.
+0 / -0
I can beat four AI's with CCRC rules, and seven unrestricted on the same map. If I used terraform I could probably go more, not entirely sure. I wouldn't be able to do anything near that number against players of 1300 elo or more. When confronted with a DDM they would spam artillery until I died, or flood fleas past to make sure I can never ever get an economy running. Essentially, CAI may be better than a 1300 in general, but they're more consistently counterable than one.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
When confronted with a DDM they would spam artillery until I died, or flood fleas past to make sure I can never ever get an economy running.


Even nubs at 1400 elo dont do that. They usually spend like 70% of their income building porc right at their start positions, and the remaining 30% is spent pointlessly and never reclaimed.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
If I had a dollar for every impaler ball built by some scrub... I'd have like... enough for a new mouse or something foreshore!
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I can beat four AI's with CCRC rules,

What's CCRC rules? You mean the CCR macro challenge? If so, please provide proof.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I already provided it to you. You said I had the wrong version, but I assumed you were joking since there's no CCRC version with four opponents. I played it to specifications.

+0 / -0
Even nubs at 1400 elo dont do that. They usually spend like 70% of their income building porc right at their start positions, and the remaining 30% is spent pointlessly and never reclaimed.

Unfortunately nubs have this tendency to be harmful no matter if they are your enemies or ally. When u play 1 vs 8 nubs there is 95% chances one of them will rush BB or Silo... Or make Behe which would kill you porc... Or sth similar
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Unfortunately nubs have this tendency to be harmful no matter if they are your enemies

Really depends on the map. On anything large nubs lose simply because they arent aggressive enough and you can get more income than entire other team with proper raiding and expansion.
On small maps where its nowhere to expand in first place, yeah, you eventually get zergrushed because of those extra enemy coms providing extra income and direct army support.
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