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caretakers should get a sidearm

34 posts, 1951 views
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9 years ago
They are so vulnerable,it would be cool if they could have a lazer turret or shotgun to protect themselves, maybe on level 2 morph, and become mobile on level 3 like aegis.
+4 / -3
caretaker can work deep inside terraform.. and they build units who have the better offence.. those units can defend you.. so if this post was somehow serious.. building units and a few llt is your best bet
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Leveler cannon would probably work best.
+18 / -0
9 years ago
And shield, dgun, rez, honk sounds, slow, antinuke, drones and electric toothbrush?
+9 / -0
9 years ago
Why not give factorys weapons too? And now that we are at it, lets give mexes, solars, winds, fusions, singus, cons, storages, pylons, radars, sonars, geos, shields, jammers, tacnukes, tacnuke silos, nuke silos, and antinukes weapons too?
+4 / -0
9 years ago
why dont we just make every single unit and building equally strong then all these posts would be irrelevant because the game is perfectly balanced?
+3 / -0
9 years ago
Railgun Zero-K?
+1 / -0
mby just all units/buildings mashed together into 1 unit that builds itself using the mex it contains
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Why not give factorys weapons too? And now that we are at it, lets give mexes, solars, winds, fusions, singus, cons, storages, pylons, radars, sonars, geos, shields, jammers, tacnukes, tacnuke silos, nuke silos, and antinukes weapons too?

Anti nukes? seriously?
+1 / -1
9 years ago
Antinukes is silly, please don't overdo it.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I am sure AUrankSmokeDragon would be happy if Caretakers had weapons.
+0 / -0
im never going to stay happy though.. ill just keep asking for more and more.. thats why google needs to learn to say no to requests

on a side note.. there are no passive buildings in zk.. even disco kills things.. can we have a few peaceful structures.. im tired of having only swimming pool.. im thinking glave-bar, maybe some kind of carwash and what kind of robots dont need a zoo
+2 / -0
9 years ago
I agree SmokeDragon, a petting zoo would make a nice building where units could go and gain some mental relaxation.
+4 / -0
9 years ago
These threads remind me of rick's post about neon.
In my opinion the neonstorm is op. The reason for this is that he distracts players from the game for up to 30 minutes maybe even more. This is most likely caused by the so called walls of texts he produces at a staggering rate. Players try to read it but are unable to understand what he says. After 30 mins most ppl gave up trying to understand his post and come back ingame only to find they are losing the battle

To show you how op it really is i will now perform some insane maths:
Player 1 has 500 fleas each doing 40 dps this means 20k dps in total
500*40 = 20000

There is 3600/2

1800 seconds in 30 mins. Thus the neonstorm will nerf that player damage by 1800*20

36000000 dmg or 36000 in k's.

I believe 1 nuke does 15k dmg so thats the equivalent of 36000/15

2400 nukes. Each nuke costs 10k metal so thats 2400*10000

24 million metal wasted. Meaning in the time that the player read the neonstorm post he can build 1000 detriments. Which in turn do like 1 million dps.

No other unit has such cost efficiency. Considering you are only limited by time and not my metal its cost efficiency is infinite. This should give a clear picture of exactly how ridiculously op the neonstorm is.
+11 / -0
9 years ago
LEt's jsut remove every unit except fleas... Perfectly balanced.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
if you remove all units except flea .. then flea will be op
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Actually, caretakers already have two sidearms!
and nanoboom2.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
You just need to add back ripped out for dev's whim sake reclaim of enemy units.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Shush RUrankpaShadoWn! Devs ripping out things and turning this project into its own game is the reason I started playing CA frequently. You go play BA if you like it!
+0 / -0
9 years ago
caretaker is weak let's give it starlight gun so it could defend itself and won the game! starlight for the 220 metal, give me two!
+2 / -0
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