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Upcoming Planetary Annihilation Update allows for a line move mod

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9 years ago

The new update is also allowing for the creation of a functional mini-map, which the author of the line move mod is also working on.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
will it add 5 more facs and double the units per fac? otherwise it'll still be boring. Great concept and it looks gorgeous, just poorly done
+0 / -0

+12 / -0
@Natch There are three major gameplay mods being worked on right now.

I'm working on Galactic Annihilation, which essentially adds more units, adds experimentals, and makes the balance closer to TA with wreckage and stuff. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/wip-galactic-annihilation.68872/

ModX was long an addition mod that just added more units to the tiers and added a tier 3 along with tier 4 megabots, but the next update is adding psuedofactions. Basically there are double the number of facs, but each commander only has access to half of them and which commander you choose determines which set of facs you gain access to. 'Twill be interesting.

Both the next ModX update and Galactic Annihilation are slated to be out by the end of the month.

The third upcoming mod is a run of the mill faction addition mod, Broken Alliances: Imperial Legion. It doesn't change the gameplay of the vanilla faction, which I find to be extremely flawed, so I don't see too much potential in it but it does bring a little variety to the table so there is that.

As you can see by the WIP-ness of everything, it'll undoubtedly be coming out later rather than sooner.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
I'll have to give GA and ModX a look when they're out, but for the moment I'm with Sprung
+1 / -0

9 years ago
That's fine. Although I don't think that PA sucks, it is much less than it could be, especially without the various UI mods that are available for it. If I was restricted to the unmodded game I definitely wouldn't spend any time in it when I can play Zero-K or create a decent (Progressive Annihilation style) BA fork.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
USrankStuart98 on the Planetary Annihilation forum.



This confuses me.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
I was not aware that their widget/gadget API was being improved. Perhaps modders will eventually cobble together a good UI. I am not hopeful though because their mods forum looks a bit deserted and mostly focused on adding/overhauling/rebalancing units.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
This is mainly because these mods didn't become possible until about a week ago. What's your PA UI wishlist exactly? There's already been some discussion on more automation (see here: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/why-are-the-following-things-as-they-are.69294/#post-1095999. When people say Uber Cannon in that thread, at least most of them aren't talking about the Uber Cannon (D-Gun) but rather about the unit cannon... because derp I guess?)
+0 / -0

9 years ago
You have all seen and used my UI wishlist. PA could need a bit extra though because of the visualization difficulty imposed by a spherical planet.

My API wishlist is approximately this: https://springrts.com/wiki/Lua_Scripting

+0 / -0
I doubt PA could be "fixed" with just some UI improvements and more units.

Playing PA on multiple planets is similar to playing a RTS on a multiple islands map with naval units that can't fire until they are very close to lands, it's really difficult to imagine how to make this kind of gameplay as fun as usual RTS land or sea gameplay.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
how many people play PA now? I heard it had quite a big drop in players

I mean player count is really the only reason I would consider playing it since the game play is essentially just a step down from spring
+0 / -0

9 years ago
It falls down to a few hundred simultaneously, then a sale boosts it to a couple thousand before it falls again. Currently it's peaking at sub 500 per day; I'd imagine Uber will do another sale when the asteroid update is released.

CNrankqwerty3w My mod, in the terms of your analogy, removed torpedo launchers and all boats aside from mtransports. The focus is entirely on the ground/sea (+air) layers, with orbital merely fro transporting stuff without any combat.
+0 / -0
Then it seems transports would become a central part in multi-planetary games.

But they have the same problem just like other orbital units: the way they travel between planets is similar to whole map teleport with some delay time in a ordinary RTS game, all the potential interactions in midway don't exist for this kind of movetype, so beside intel and guesswork there isn't much depth in it.

I'd rather replace this "whole map teleport" with neutral teleport gates. With teleports gates, moving between two positions on separated planets would require some travel on planets.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I am not concerned about the quality of PA on multiple planets because I think an interesting game could be made around the spherical map idea. Multiple planets and satellites have the potential to improve the game but are not necessary. The right map and mod could remove them if the implementation is poor.

USrankStuart98's mod sounds like it almost removes satellites when a single planet system is picked.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I am not concerned about the quality of PA on multiple planets because I think an interesting game could be made around the spherical map idea. Multiple planets and satellites have the potential to improve the game but are not necessary.
Interesting, I think other way around.
Spherical map I see not so much potential: Ok, so one 'attack from all directions.'
But traditional RTS allow many directions too, if the maps are good. (And start positions are far away from map border)

On other hand multiple moving planets in 2D would be supercool.
Have your normal 08/15 islands map

..but the islands are moving!

Distances change, islands collide and combine into one or break apart..
When islands are in contact units can walk across or jumpers can jump on near islands..then the islands drift apart again.
Islands could be moved by shooting at them or with "Newtons."
I think manipulating the movement of the islands in 2D would be much easier than in 3D to while not losing any complexity. Or maybe the island is a large unit itself that players can command.
The islands could look like normal islands (that just happen to float around) or styled in different ways: As planets/asteroids (like some spring maps try), or as giant turtles with small tanks driving on their shells or moving machine parts like turning gears...
+5 / -0

9 years ago
CNrankqwerty3w Neural teles would be interesting, but are outside the scope of what is possible.

@googlefrog Orbital has only been of marginal utility in a 1v1, excepting when a top player made it meta to orbital rush for orbital cons to reclaim the enemy's base. That got patched so that you couldn't reclaim ground from orbit. Orbital has always been easy to hard-counter. There is a popular mod that makes it rock paper scissors, but I'd rather focus on improving the core of the game (Ground battles) and leave orbital as just for Intel and transports for the time being.
+0 / -0
This is inspiring a daydream of an exciting future:

"Planetary Annihilation: Zero-K"

A total conversion modification for Planetary Annihilation.
+2 / -0
And one that I'll get right to work on as soon as it's properly possible.

Right now cloaky and shield bot are essentially impossible, as is hover and com morphing. Some d-guns are impossible for one reason or another, funnelweb is impossible, ballistics affecting weapon range (All ranges are spheres), terrain affecting movement speed, slasher is impossible, tremor is impossible, air fac is impossible (Re-arm at railroad), slow, lightning, disarm are impossible, jump bots are impossible, newton is impossible, ...
+2 / -0
9 years ago
I have seen hovers in some mod for PA me thinks. I do not remember which one though. Jumpbots and spiders have no point in existing because there are no obstacles they have easier time to traverse. Even vehicles and bots already have this problem in vanilla PA (they are just too samey).
+0 / -0
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