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9 years ago
OK so with some practice, the documentation here online, and thanks to a bunch of great guys in the forums I've basically got the controls down...except for one thing which is how to make my submarines dive? The amphibious units have these controls but the submarines seem to lack them...effectively making them supermarines (a.k.a boats/ships)...or just Handicapped Hovercraft™.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
They can't. They are always submerged at the same depth.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
Can they be hit from land by anything other than torpedoes/depth charges? Nukes?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Torpedoes, depth charges, and nukes all work, yes.
Raven bombs can hit them, so do Gauss guns (Dagger the hovercraft raider has one).

AFAIK melee works too (on shore or if you load a melee unit onto a Surfboard).

Anything else can damage submarines if it has enough AoE and hits the surface above them, but suffers from a 95% reduction.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Melee has the damage reduction as well and I don't even think melee target subs. But they should be able to.

Submarines cannot float/dive because they have no reason to want to float to the surface. They are always underwater.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
It would be a cool if subs would dive deeper in deep water (like having subs be X distance above the seafloor instead of having it be X distance below the surface).
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I doubt it would be. Maps have no standardization in their water depth. It would make Subs un-Ravenable and possibly mess with aiming.
+0 / -0
9 years ago

It would be a cool if subs would dive deeper in deep water (like having subs be X distance above the seafloor instead of having it be X distance below the surface).

How do I upvote?

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog Why do submarines need to be Ravenable? Wouldn't they still be Urchinable, Claymorable, Huntable, and Scallopable? Why should submarines have to float on water just to let Raven hit them...isn't that Raven's failing that it can only hit floaters? Isn't this like making gunships fly at the same height as hovercraft just so they can be "hit" by units that can't fire into the air? Just seems a bit tail-wagging-the-dog to me...
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I've recently killed scalOP clusters with tacnukes :D
But I had huge metal income and it was far from being efficient
+1 / -0

(Neon-ish idea ahead)

How about a "dive/ silent" command if more then X room is below the submarine. It would sealth it and disable its weapons. So in deep water subarines could dive to avoid porc then surface to raid behind the lines.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
also AOE damage subs. e.g. leviathan is skuttleable.
+1 / -0