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Newcomer experience

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9 years ago
Hello everybody, the topic is made for improvments not abbout complaining. Maybe some poeple know the answer on some things.

1. I think to select in minimap a place by pressing scrool is kind of weird is there posobility to change it to some of 2 mouse buttons?

2. Short cut keys, i see them only if start like economy i press x and then it is showing the rest, but if i do first with mouse it dont allowe me to do rest with keyboard.

3. I think there is not enough information about units in game, ok i found there is manual in forums, but i cant learn all of them at once and then play and know them all, like for example where the unit is good or for what it is good that type of information.

4. some units are almoust as same color as some of the maps they ar hard to see if u dont zoom out, but if i zoom out i cant micro the unit so good as if i zoom it in, like background of map is more colored then the units and it takes the units shapes.

5. units often dont do what you say them to do, i heard there is some kind of option somewhere and somehow to dig that up for me would need days and its kind bad. Because when it doesnt do what you say him to do like walk there. For example catapult you say her to walk out but it makes hes prority to shoot one more time and not to walk.

P.S. Sorry for the bad spelling. And topic was made by inspiration from other player.
+1 / -0
3. I think there is not enough information about units in game, ok i found there is manual in forums, but i cant learn all of them at once and then play and know them all, like for example where the unit is good or for what it is good that type of information.

F10 -> Help -> Guide -> Unit List
This contains all units with descriptions (like health and abilities) and some description on what the unit is and how to counter it.

Also, if you hold SPACE and LEFT-CLICK a unit (or its build-menu picture) you can get more information about it.

4. some units are almoust as same color as some of the maps they ar hard to see if u dont zoom out, but if i zoom out i cant micro the unit so good as if i zoom it in, like background of map is more colored then the units and it takes the units shapes.

If you zoom out far, the units change into icons which offer good contrast. Search for "icon distance" setting.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
You have a point with 1 and 2.

3 is not an issue because it is like saying "I cant understand the champions in league of legends, you cant expect me to read about each individual champion!". In other words it is just something you'll learn through playing, every game has its learning curve.

4 can be solved by using Outline widget, it makes the game aesthetics much nicer but isn't active by default because it causes a small framerate drop. It would be nice if it activated when people change their settings to high using ZKL though.

Not sure I understand 5, catapults will move if you tell them to move but they always fire missiles when enemy is in range whether they are moving or not, they dont need to stop to fire. I will admit that the controls feel slightly unrefined and derpy sometimes, I usually don't notice it until I come back after a long break.
+1 / -0
1. I think to select in minimap a place by pressing scrool is kind of weird is there posobility to change it to some of 2 mouse buttons?

"Settings/HUD Panels/Minimap/Left Click Behaviour"->"Camera Movement", or space+click minimap to get to the settings page quickly. I really think this should be default.

2 is a bug. On a related note, there is a setting for unit production keys to make those hotkeys pop up sensibly, under "Settings/HUD Panels/Command Panel/Units tab hotkeys require Meta" (default requires holding down the spacebar for some odd reason)

4 can be solved by using Outline widget, it makes the game aesthetics much nicer but isn't active by default because it causes a small framerate drop.

In addition, XRayShader improves visibility further, working best with outline. The Outline effect could probably be done in a cheap and less accurate way for low-end machines (currently has to underwater on high refraction settings), so I'm pretty sure the performance can be made a moot point, so long as it adjusts to settings presets.

For 5, perhaps artillery like that should default to "Hold Fire" (there is a set of state toggle buttons to the right of the unit commands, the top-most button is fire states). There is a setting to control that per-unit, but that settings page needs an overhaul (the sliders are not clear at a glance).

Anyway, I've filed a bug report for 2 and am working on making outlines go to low quality by default on low presets. I've also submitted code (pending review) to change the default behaviour for minimap clicks and unit tab hotkeys to match genre standards.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
1. I think there's 1. because you can in theory maximize the minimap, or make it take a secondary screen and then give your orders from that minimap.

4. There's also the TeamPlatter widget

5. Isn't that because Catapult takes a long time to fire all its shots and once it started with a volley you cannot tell it to stop?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I think for 5 he probably had a bad experience with friendly fire. Catapult is one of the few units where that is actually an issue. For a nub, it is not intuitive to figure out how to make it stop bombarding your own stuff. You have to know how to set hold fire, there's not really any other way to get it to stop.
+2 / -0
That all commands are consistent between the minimap and the main screen only makes sense. Middle mouse button is how you move the game screen as well. Without this, you cannot select and give orders to units on the minimap.
+1 / -0
Without this, you cannot select and give orders to units on the minimap

Should you? Do you?

My viewpoint is that whatever are the genre standards, left click on minimap to place camera is just good UI because LMB is the default selection button, and camera selection is default behaviour expected and required of minimap.

Minimap orders are imo completely superceded by zoomout.
+3 / -0

9 years ago
Middle mouse button is how you move the game screen as well.

$ which you
+0 / -0

9 years ago
$ which you

Defaults you.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
LMB to select or LMB to view gives us two situations.

LMB to select
Players which spend some time with ZK may eventually discover and derive some use from being able to select units on the minimap. Some new players are confused and think that the minimap is broken.

LMB to view
New players have intuitive (for them) minimap controls. Powerusers who want to select units on the minimap can discover the option and tick it.

For a feature this minor clashing with the major standard of LMB to view, I vote in favour of the new players.
+7 / -0

9 years ago
This is only for players who are used to this standard in other games. It's a bad, pre-middle-mouse-button standard and it should feel bad.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Also many games don't use that outdated (left to scroll minimap) standard anymore. As I mentioned there are many exceptions within the genre.

Having internal consistency and not bowing to "madness" of the commons makes perfect sense. This is not a commercial blockbuster, we can show how things can be done better, in a logical and consistent manner, instead of repeating mistakes just because people are used to them.
+0 / -0
I feel there's another aspect :
some players might not have a third mouse button (or have one that is exceedingly hard to use because the scrollwheel slips, in fact on my Logitech MX620 I have rebinded the "search" button to "middle click" for this reason).
I'm even aware of someone who often plays games, including RTS with a touchpad, and not as badly as you might think...

Now that I think of it, what kind of "(multi)screen-touch" support does Spring have? (this might be rather academic at this point, but touchpads were very uncommon at some point too...)
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Not having MMB? C'mon this is 2015 not 2005...
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Hmm, are Mac's mouses still single-button?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I know of people who use macs, but i know of no people who use macs with apple mice.

There's a limit.
+3 / -0
Other than the LMB on minimap being still the setup people are used to, it is worth considering:

1. MMB is painful. Scrollwheels are very stiff when pressed, while LMB and RMB are designed to be pressed and held comfortably. Especially given the speed at which this game plays.

2. LMB to select units on minimap is unwieldy, even on large minimaps. Given that the minimap is fairly small by default this is even worse, since people would need to select the units quickly. This rapid selection is better served by either moving to the desired location then selecting on the main map, or by the player using autogrouping to have a number ready for selection.

3. No really, not everyone has MMB. Note that pretty much all functions handled by MMB are redundantly set to another button combination, usually ctrl+LMB.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
even my mouse has a MMB + attack
+0 / -0

9 years ago

I know of people who use macs, but i know of no people who use macs with apple mice.

There's a limit.

I remember, about a decade ago, my university filled 4 classrooms with large flatscreen Macs. All with single-mouse buttons. And students were expected to pass "basic computing literacy" on them (while most of them probably never used Macs). IIRC there was actually an issue in Excel where things didn't work like in the Windows version.

Also, the contrast was very jarring with the old Unix computers next room (with 16 MB of RAM). Actually those worked surprisingly well for the courses we had to take... whereas the Macs are unlikely to have come for cheap!
+0 / -0
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