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How do you counter shieldball with the jumpbot fac?

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9 years ago
I have recently gotten back into playing the jumpbot fac, and I always have a hard time countering shieldball without intense firewalker micro(manual firing at where the shieldball will probably walk).
+0 / -0
Jacks eat Felon shots for breakfast, and Placeholders should punish shieldballs pretty handily with Pyro follow up. Moderator and Freaker beams hit shields hard, since they take straight damage from status effect weapons.

Since a savvy opponent will thus avoid using typical Shields strategies, Pyro + Puppy should work against Bandit and Rogue respectively (don't mix that up, Bandits kill Puppies and Rogues sortof kill Pyros), with the occasional Jack and Placeholder to keep the Shields player honest.

I can't think of any J v Sh matches I've seen recently, but if I have you can search for it on YouTube. USrankkaen may have covered some as well, though I don't know how recently.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Sumo might be able to take the ball apart piece by piece (gravity ignores shields) and use the goomba stomp as a finisher.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I see Sumo as being primarily useful for Felon absorption, for which Jack is more cost-effective. However, the stomp does counter balls, so if they insist on balling up, it wouldn't be a bad mid-game option.
+0 / -0
Simply pulling apart the ball with a Sumo is super-effective. Shieldballs lose most of their effectiveness if the units aren't protecting one another - just start pulling them into defences or whatnot.

Pretty much all of your answers to a shieldball are sadly weak to Racketeer themselves. You might have to switch out of Jump at some point. It has been said in the past that JJ vs. Shield is a poor matchup for Jump.

(don't mix that up, Bandits kill Puppies and Rogues kill Pyros)

Bandit killing Puppy I agree with (under the majority of conditions) but Rogue > Pyro I find very hard to believe, unless they're in very large numbers - in which case you probably should have stopped making Pyros a while ago.

I admit I don't recall seeing it, but that's because I've never seen Rogue even built in the matchup... Do you mean Outlaw? I guess not, since they would beat Puppy too.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Sumo slaughters everything shield but racketeer.
+0 / -0
9 years ago

Even if racketeer do nullify them, they will do some damage first. Then retreat the disabled one and cover escape with other jacks etc. You will keep their numbers in check while maintaining your own army numbers, and they risk losing some very valuable units. Once you're comfortable not dying to shieldball, make the firewalker to grind them down, or a sumo to finish them off (with jack support of course).

Pyro are quite good vs. bandits, and alright vs. thugs. But thuglaw ball equals death to pyro, don't even try it regardless of numbers.
+0 / -0
You really dont need that much micro with firewalker for it to work against shield balls. Just send it on fight command.

Additionally if they don't have a outlaw that's turned on, you can skuttle it for lulz. Just tell it to jump a little towards the centre of it and in the direction it's going by just a bit. Lead it by ~10% of your jump range. This is especially viable if the shieldball is stationary.

You should never make shieldballs against jump jets. They just have too many ways to counter you.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
most memorable example of jumpbot kicking shieldbot ass is this:
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Thunderbird is probably the best way to counter shieldballs with jumpbot. Firewalker/Jack/Moderator/Placeholder only have problems once Aspis is added on and Sumo tears that apart until Racketeers come out (Which usually only creates a standoff). By that stage he has to have a shield ball composed of every unit in his factory and you can afford to switch into your preferred method for countering shieldballs.

Though even vs an apex shield composition, there is always this:
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Check the skutle hall of fame, skutles are pretty good if you time the jump right.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
most memorable example of jumpbot kicking shieldbot ass is this:

Godde deflecting thuglaw rush with just jumpie cons, jeez xD
+0 / -0
placeholder + skittle, or just skittle
if shiuldball is not clustered and have aspises resign rush is the only way out
+0 / -0

9 years ago
2-3 placeholder can lock down the ball near indefinately
+0 / -0

9 years ago
1. Use sumo as fat lobster to absorb dmg. Jump is useless if you use sumo gravity beams. Best way is attract fellon if there is only one. I once used sumo as meat shield and several firewalkers who just grill ball who runs away. And sumo also pull out enemy fellon.
2. Placeholder offers very good ability. Plus other units. Jack can jump in hole and can jump out of hole.
3. Skuttles. But its very fragile because they now uncloack very fast.
4. In game start jacks can be very helpfull. They have great hp and they can kill felons.
5. Rush fast firewalker. Only area shield can block it fire. Small shields cant.
+0 / -0
Don't forget that Sumo also has an instagib combo where it kills any non-jumpy ground unit of below 1000 cost by projecting it to another continent.
(attracting things during jump causes them to be lobbed past Sumo at 45 degrees into the sky, nothing survives a good launch except jumpers)
+0 / -0
most memorable example of jumpbot kicking shieldbot ass is this:

Godde deflecting thuglaw rush with just jumpie cons, jeez xD

I watched from the timestamp and see:
At least one pyro, 5 Moderators, 1 LLT, upgraded Commander
defending against:
two Outlaws (one of which arrives bit later) and two Thugs
The moderators seem to drain shields (does that still work?) and then Commander walks in and kills with his laser upgrade.

Godde later built a shieldbot factory himself...
tl;dr game was imo too close to be called "kicking ass" and the Rush was not defended "just with jumpie cons"
+1 / -1
9 years ago
Those "5 moderators" were actually jumpie cons. They have slowbeams now.
+4 / -0
9 years ago
Ah it is kinda hard to see on yt.
But does not really change that there was other units with them (Commander too) and how long/close the game was.
Also reminded me how Moderator and Con now both have similiar looking purple slow-beam weapons...somehow one deals damage and the other one does not.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Also reminded me how Moderator and Con now both have similiar looking purple slow-beam weapons

One is much brighter and does a different sound. They are not really that similar.
+0 / -0
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