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planetwars and epic fail balance

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13 years ago
So i still see pw balance a game with a single faction on both teams. This happens very often especialy with the activity of cybernetics. They usualy got like 3 ppl on both teams making them win ALL the battles. Why isnt this getting fixed? What logic is there behind having cybers on attacking and defending team? Its even getting exploited to destroy structures with like 100% chance of succes (since they are on both teams).
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13 years ago
There are 3 options in such rare cases:

1) no game - refuse to start
2) horribly imba teams (6 cybs with elo 1800 vs 3 nubs elo 1400)
3) game with cybernetics on both sides..

Which one you think most people prefer?
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13 years ago
Maybe the chickens attack?
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13 years ago
I prefer 1 as this prevents exploits. If ppl really want a game they can play a normal game.
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13 years ago
Oh btw this case IS NOT RARE. It happens all the time. I saw it happen today like 3 times while i was online dunno how many times it happens when iam offline.
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13 years ago
Option 1 is the only fair option.
We benefit from option 3 currently... but 2 cyber sending attack ships end up in different teams, it means one will get +N IP and the other team will get -N IP. If you keep option 3, maybe something can be done to prevent this cancelling consequence of sending ships...
+0 / -0

13 years ago
IMO forcespec some cybernetic players. Or maybe just forbid the battle from starting but have a message that says 'x must spec in order for the game to start'.

Also, stop going off-topic Neon, I deleted some of your posts.
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13 years ago
I agree it should not do it. I think its hurts cyber more then anyone because we get reduced ip. However force specing will suck. Its hard enought to get a PW game now.
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13 years ago
The current option is the best one,
Rick is just on the rag again

Horrible balance is good for no one and would result in no games, its no fun getting your arse kicked with no chance of winning.

Failure to start would mean there probaly woudnt be a game up ever, and if there were it would still be crap balance.
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13 years ago
Imo like there is a properly balanced game with 6 cybers in it...No matter what happens you always win...
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13 years ago
Have Planetwars switch it to an FFA game where players within the clan are fighting for personal dominance of a planet they own, or leadership of the clan.
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13 years ago
No one wants to play on your own world because you always have some noob who blows you structures for fun. You will lose all you econ fast.
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13 years ago
Mostly this is Rick a non-player bitching that he cant control all the empire worlds by non-playing.......
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13 years ago
Well I understand Rick we had such battles when ally of enemy team just trolls, spams solars and so on. What could be fixed is limit playercount in each faction (if it is problem) so this wont happen again in future. Also maybe prevent all good players join same faction and not letting random noobs fill minimum required count for faction and not have this problem again, but how to do it... well this is rather hard task I think :)
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13 years ago
@jasper i do play pw that makes me a player right? But i compensate the fact i dont play 10 games a day like you by managing my planets.
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13 years ago
just have games like that not affect planetwars metagame at all?
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13 years ago
I like pxtls idea,
infaction fighting, it has to give some reward just not something that can be abused, like maybe extra ships or some credits, or maybe even control for a planet (with no IP gain just transfer)

i dont think destrying structures would be a problem as both teams would have same faction and if u yell at a noob long enough they will stop.

Or just have PW not include PW structures in faction fighting.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Maybe on infaction fighting on faction planet.

winner takes 20% of all IP on said planet. (ip transfered only from faction members not other factions to avoid abuse for fortifiying worlds)
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