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Noobs vs. Pros: Raider Challange

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Most noobs under-value raiders in 1v1. They don't understand the value of the map control they give you and tend towards units counters instead. There are not many top-50 1v1ers who don't use raiders, but you'll be hard pressed to find someone below 1400 who does use them extensively. Raider use represent a milestone in the development of skill in ZK, and I'd like to demonstrate this with your help.

I don't know how much interest there will be in this, so it may fall a little flat. I wouldn't want to have never tried though.



To enter, tell me which roster(s) you're entering and your current elo. Yes you can enter both, but this option is going to be organically limited to those of middling elo. Only games that happen up to a day before signing up count (so you can play some games then enter and they will be counted), but entering does not represent any extensive commitment - you can
stop at any time. Replays will need to be provided by the winner via this thread or they will not be counted.

I will sign up all of LOBSC, so feel free to harass them for games. They may decline, but I figure that by joining the clan they've already tacitly agreed to at least be on the mailing list for all the challenges I think up :)

Intended Outcomes

I will be updating rules as they are refined due to inevitable onslaught of nitpickers XD

- Radar is now allowed
- Air is no longer allowed by either player
- Tac nuke silo is now allowed for pro player
- Got rid of storage nonsense
- Defined raiders
- Allowed athena for noob player
- Allowed building multiples of the same fac, but not facswitching.
- Changed consequences of using unspecified units so as not to inflate results on noob ladder with unearned wins
+2 / -0

Pro Roster:
GoogleFrog - 2124
FlipStip - 2093 (One win vs. Stuart98 (1538)) (Spirit bracket = three wins)
SnuggleBass - 2011 (five wins against markivs (1560))
Orfelius - 1923
NorthChileanG -
exploit -
DeeDiebS -
Banana AI - 1794
YurGa - 2016
Anir -
Aquanim - 1865 - (one win vs. markivs (1560))

Noob Roster:
El Torero - 2163
ShadowFury333 - 1630
markivs - 1560 (two wins vs. SnuggleBass(2011))
southern98 - 1216 - (one win vs. SnuggleBass(2011))
DeeDieBs -
NorthChileanG -
exploit -
Cunedda -
Autowar -
banana AI - 1794
Dahn - 1390
Anir -
Dakadaka - 1437
Stuart98 - 1538

I signed up all of LOBSC for noob bracket, and several for pro-bracket who fit. If anyone wants to shift brackets or opt out that's fine.

(Some elo scores pending for those not yet on the ladder)
+0 / -0

9 years ago
When is this planned to happen? I'm probably available.
+0 / -0
Planned now. The intention is for people who are on the roster to organise games with people on the opposing rosters, to seek each other out in their own time.

I'm hesitant to do planned time-specific events because people all have commitments, this way games can happen whenever people are available, just remember to post results if you win.

I'll be around for some games in an hour or so after gymming.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Pros can multifac, right? Are banshees raiders? Are panthers? Pyros? Gnats? Should (mobile only?) AA be allowed?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I'll join, I think you need some way to deal with aircraft though. You could ban air for both sides but that would add a lot of complexity compared to the "anything you like" rule.

Adding all AA for the Pro side sounds too complicated. Rapier can shut down raiders so can riots. Fast riots such as Venom or Archer are almost as fast as Rapier. So I would give the Pros one more unit: Razor. All air is eventually beaten by Razor push so it should be fine given an econ advantage.

Commanders too (obv.) but never allowed to assault with them (try to use them for defense and expansion only).

This rule is a bit too vague, even for something with which it is ok to be vague. Instead you could say "Do whatever you like with your commander, as long as it is an unmorphed support comm". That is an unambiguous rule which will probably get you what you want.

Also, what about Obsidian, Hide and Seek or CCR as more suggested maps?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Hmmm good points. This was more exploratory so I was more seeing what happens. I'm trying not to overload people with rules etc. since I have a habit of making my writing and intentions inaccessible.

I'm worried about giving people raiders that are better at finishing out the game, as I want the clearest demonstration possible. It's just not as clear a demonstration of principle when you get map control with your glaives but then facswitch to pyro to circumvent defenses. I'm leaning towards disallowing the building of additional facs, unless there's a really good reason not to. Thoughts?

Air is problematic. I think it's just as simple in communication to say both players can only use ground units, as it is to say pros can only use raiders and razors. The presence of razors dilutes emphasis and either requires an explanation, or leaves people trying to figure out how to abuse razor rather than raiders.
I see air as irrelevant to the actual intention of the challenge, and am thus leaning towards just ruling it out. I'll edit the OP to reflect this after I've given you and others a chance to respond to this direction.

I like the commander rule, and will alter the OP now to include it.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Can pros terra? Restore only perhaps?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
The challenge will be too hard for the 'pro' team if the map is small, porcy or there are too many players in it, since raiders are often useless in these situations.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Pros can restore only.

It seems people are doing their best to bring attention to the map thing. I will post a strict map list shortly. My intention was to allow team noob to abuse it if they gave it some thought (since this is largely for their benefit), but since GF and Eltorerororoeororo are rightly pointing it out I guess I'll just standardise it.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
pros are allowed to use tac-nuke silo, but only after having built 30 storage

Only allowed to use ground raiders, mex, solars, wind, and workers.

storage OP, unlocks victory yet still too baller to actually be available
+0 / -0

9 years ago
It's only available as part of the cost of tacnuke silo. I was trying not to place any emphasis on it.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Looking forward to try this! Count me in!
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Sign me up.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Sign me up too!
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Sign me up because why not.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I like this idea. So noobs maybe will learn to play bether.
So you want to do that in one day, or when do you want to do that?

Sign me in.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Sounds fun, but I have a tight schedule so I don't know if I will be able to join whenever this is going to happen.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
It happens around the clock, so if you see someone else on the list of the opposing roster, you challenge them and then you game. Like in Pokemon. No time restrictions.

If people don't specify a roster I'm adding them to both.
+0 / -0
Ok,I am in.

Put me in the lobster bracket, chef.Elo:1437
+0 / -0
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