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How to disable units?

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9 years ago

I have tried to disable classes of units (like hovercrafts or planes or single units).
Though I found the option in Extras, it doesn´t seem to work.

I have looked through this forum, but couldnt´t find any matching topic.

Can you pls tell where to set this?

+0 / -0

9 years ago
In starting conditions there's a field called "Disable units" go to here and type the name of the undesired unit, copy and paste it to this field.

+0 / -0
Searching for "disabled" has nothing, but (edit: duh now it has results, I guess searching is just bugged.. whatever!)

searching for "disabledunits" (which is how the option is called) has two useful results (edit: now three! \o/):

Disable Units/Striders?
disable porc

Quoting EErankAdminAnarchid
An example would be:

!setoptions disabledunits=cafus+mahlazer+armorco

To find the unit names:
option a)
1) go to https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K -> hit search -> type unit human name (e.g. Bandit)
2) note any files in /units/ among the results, omit the .lua part. E.g. /units/corak.lua -> corak.

option b)
1) checkout or download ZK onto local drive
2) use any tool you're comfortable with to find a file in /units/ with human name in its body (example: `grep -sirl bandit ~/.spring/games/zk.sdd/units`)

option c)
1) What killer said
2) but beware inaccuracies (e.g. unitguide has rapier -> CORAPE.jpg while unitname of rapier is currently "gunshipsupport")

Option C makes use of the Unit Guide. It used to display tooltips with names when mousing over unit pictures, but that's broken. You can still use it though, just get the filename of the unit pictures. (eg. armpw.png - armpw for Glaive)
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Thx for the quick response.

The option
!setoptions disabledunits=scalpel
doesn´t seem to work.

Or... is this field case sensitive?

I´ll try that now.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
ahhh yess.
I need to use that "hidden" name.
For Scalpel it´s "nsaclash".

now i can disable hovercrafts, helicopter and planes
and try some maps with navy only or army only.

that will be fun.

thanks again.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
1) What killer said
What did i say
+1 / -0
@[ffc]killer said:
you can go to manual and move your mouse over unit icons!
and got +3 for it!
+0 / -0
Here´s a list of all "real" factory names.
So you can disable whole classes of vehicels/bots
and try different tactics.

Cloaky Bot Factory - factorycloak
Shield Bot Factory - factoryshield
Jumpjets and Special Factory - factoryjump
Spider Factory - factoryspider
Light Vehicle Factory - factoryveh
Heavy Tank Factory - factorytank
Hovercraft Platform - factoryhover
Amphibious Bot Plant - factoryamph
Airplane Plant - factoryplane
Gunship Plant - factorygunship
Shipyard - factoryship
Strider Hub - striderhub
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Note: If you're using this vs CAI, then you're only effectively disabling it for yourself until a certain bug is sent into the abyss.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Dang... you´re right.

CAI can use the disabled units anyway.


+0 / -0