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The Units of Zero-K are the tools you will use to execute your strategies and defeat your opponents.

Use your Commander and Constructors to build up your base and economy, Raider and Assault units to attack at close range, Skirmishers and Artillery to engage at long range, and Riots to defend in close quarters.

Cloakbot Factory
Shieldbot Factory
Rover Assembly
Hovercraft Platform
Gunship Plant
Airplane Plant
Spider Factory
Jumpbot Factory
Tank Foundry
Amphbot Factory
Strider Hub

Properties shared by most or all units in Zero-K include:

  • They cost the same amount of Metal and Energy.
  • Most units are produced by a factory, and autonomous Drones are built by their parent.

Useful information on units:

Unit chassis movement traits

The movement traits of different unit chassis can be a very important factor when choosing which factory to build at the start of a game. Factors such as the terrain of the map as well as the map size can influence this decision. For instance, lots of deep water may call for a factory with lots of amphibious or airborne options, while a map with mostly somewhat steep terrain may call for bots, spiders or airborne options.

Brief overview

Legged chassis
Angle 54.png
Bots: Non-climbing legged units (generally having two or four legs) tend to have great turn rates and can typically traverse somewhat steep terrain. Some bots are amphibious, notably amphbots and certain strider bots. Many of the bots from the Jumpbot Factory and a few other bots can jump, which can be useful for traversing terrain as well as in combat.
Angle 90.png
All-terrain: Climbing legged units (generally having four or more legs) can climb and traverse any land terrain, including practically vertical hills and cliffs, but tend to have poor speed. They include all spider factory units and various other units such as the Scorpion strider.
Wheeled, tracked and hovercraft chassis
Angle 27.png
Rovers tend to have good or great speed, medium or poor turn rates, and prefer flat terrain (slightly steep terrain slows them).
Angle 27.png
Tanks are like rovers, except their speed and turn rates are typically worse.
Angle 27.png
Hovercraft are like rovers, except they can traverse water easily.
Airborne chassis
Airplanes fly and tend to have excellent speed. Their movement resembles real-life planes.
Gunships hover above the ground; their movement resembles helicopters.
Naval chassis
Ships float on the sea surface. Smaller ships are built in the Shipyard, while carriers and battleships are built at the Strider Hub.
Submarines dive underwater, which gives them protection from radar and weaponry (but they cannot surface).

There are also various kinds of indirect movement, such as transport gunships, teleportation, throwing, gravity projection, etc. And terrain can be terraformed by construction units, or flattened by attacking with certain units such as the Tremor artillery unit, which can help enable units such as tanks to cross terrain that would otherwise be impassable for them.

The pathing map overlay when a unit is selected is useful for viewing where a selected unit can and cannot go.

Debug data:
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  • [SQLBagOStuff] Connection mysql object #127 (handle id #121) will be used for SqlBagOStuff
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  • [SQLBagOStuff] Connection mysql object #127 (handle id #121) will be used for SqlBagOStuff
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  • Parser cache options found.
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  • Title::getRestrictionTypes: applicable restrictions to [[Units]] are {edit,move}