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The Wurm is a burrowing flamer (assault/riot) chicken.

Wurm (chickenwurm)
Burrowing Flamer (Assault/Riot)
Cost 350
Hit Points 1500
Mass 223
Movement Speed (elmo/s) 54
Turn Rate (deg/s) 159
Vision Radius (elmo) 384
Sonar (elmo) 384
Transportable Light
Improved Regen
Idle Regen (HP/s) 20
Time to enable (s) 10
Invisible to radar
Immunity to afterburn
Napalm Blob
Damage 50
Reload Time (s) 6
Damage per Second 8
Afterburn (s) 6 (15 DPS)
Range (elmo) 300
Area of Effect (elmo) 64
Projectile Speed (elmo/s) 200
Inaccuracy (deg) 2
Firing arc (deg) 120
Ground Burn DPS 30
Ground Burn radius (elmo) 128
Ground Burn duration (s) 20
Blob × 2
Damage 250
Reload Time (s) 6
Damage per Second 42
Range (elmo) 300
Area of Effect (elmo) 64
Projectile Speed (elmo/s) 600
Firing arc (deg) 120
Water capable


The Wurm "burrows" under the surface of the ground, revealing itself to hurl a ball of fire that immolates a large swathe of terrain. It can climb cliffs and surprise defense turrets, but is weak to assaults.