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Cheat problem

4 posts, 589 views
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9 years ago
I asked how to get the Carrier from the Carrier has arrvied and i get my info. Now i wonna play with it an so i do the following comand. /give 1 nebular 0. The gameconsol say that it is not possible(????can not be exicuted????)because of the cheatchaenges(? Anticheat?). I do not know how to make cheating possible. Maby you know how it does work and can help me???????????

Plaese :-( (I wanna troll my friend, because he was trolling me :-( and i allways have the host and so................)


+0 / -0
No need to start a new thread for that. Like PLrankFailer and I both told you in the original thread, use !cheats first. Use the following commands in this order:

/give nebula
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Thanks!!!! ok i will try!!! and i think it will work when you say !!!
Thanks you ich is a nice comunity!!!!
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Oh i see your level and you archivments your a master of this game
thanks angain!!!
+1 / -0