-Changes to elo, but mostly better seperation between ranked/unranked matches.
-Do away with the maptagging/feature system and treat maptagging like any other changes to game.
(not anonym, track changes, via github)
-Track & publish more statistics
(win rates on maps, player numbers, factory choices, downloads, page views, how many players completed a mission,...)
-Official rooms for playing RTS.
-Max size 4v4 or 5v5, sensible mapsizes
-No shitmaps (not even with !commands) - only featured maps
-rotating map selection, maps of the week etc
(Every week a new featured selection from supported mappool is choosen and replaces the old one.)
-The soon-to-be-featured maps get pimped up with the pimp-up-system below.
(This ensure no unnessecary up-pimping is done and up-pimping goes un-used)
-Include some default-map-objects (trees, rocks, civil tech stuff, animals) in mod.
Use that stuff to pimp up all the uni-color-flat-boring maps in non-obstructing way.
[Spoiler]( like below but less extreme:
-Spawn that stuff via mod, not map. Tell new mappers how to correctly spawn stuff but also how to make their spawn-stuff compatible with such system.
-Interactive map-objects. (explosive barrels, small neutral military outposts or stuff that can be captured, civil units moving around, traffic on maps with roads like Intersection,..)
-Shitmaps and shitsettings can be used in the shitroom.
-Permaban for everyone who tries to argue that metalmulti!=default with 10v10 on IcyRun is not shit.
-make the smallest units bigger & easier to see.
(No idea why Flea/Roach/Skuttle are so tiny when they have huge impacts. Imo tiny suicide-units is TA-ism.)
-use mediawiki for wiki/manual.
Force people how to use wiki in ways that does not create future work for others.
Permanban people who do not see the use of manuals etc.
-less pregame-RPS/early nonsense rush
(changes to Commander, start eco)
-In turn this would allow more interessting stuff for midgame
-One server, one lobby protocol, lobbies without silly restrictions on one game.
To see greater variety of interesting mods and game modes.
-Must-be-played-before-onlineplay-Tutorial that explains in 5 minutes: How to control units, chat, camera.
-Possible standardize weapon damages somehow.
-Do not use the "freely pick your startposition" system, except maybe for special tourneys.
Allow players to choose between several pre-defined startpositions.