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Whats the point of Aegis and Eraser morphs?

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8 years ago
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+0 / -6

8 years ago
you pay a little more time and effort for the benefit of mobility

next question?

+0 / -0
8 years ago
One good thing is you can mousedrag a selection-rectangle over your base and give a move-order to all mobile units, without accidently moving shields that were meant to protect your base.
Static shield is taken from BA game, then a walkable shield was added, the morph gadget used to be very popular, tada there is a morph between the two. Then morphing fall out of favor, but the morphs between statics and mobiles remained. Or something like that.
Spring mods are more a guided evolution process than intelligent design out of void.
Not everything has a real 'point', what is the point of hair on your knees, some things just are.
+4 / -0

8 years ago
see here http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/9602?postID=106964#106964
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Well, if the statics were removed you could build mobile ones and "wait" them so you could drag-select other units and move them.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Wait does nothing. It does not prevent selection and move orders override Wait.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
move orders override Wait

wait wat?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I would remove the morph ability of the aegis / sneaky pete and add aspis / eraser to all fac because :
- every constructors of every fac can build an aegis / sneaky pete
- the cost of the aegis / sneaky pete + morph is the same as aspis / eraser
- aspis / eraser can go under water
The gain would be less micro.
+1 / -0

Non-queued move orders override Wait.
+2 / -0

8 years ago
I would remove the morph ability of the aegis / sneaky pete and add aspis / eraser to all fac

This would clutter the factories' build panels unnecessarily.
+3 / -0

8 years ago
It's not elegant, but it works. There are some things you can do with the mechanic that is to your advantage. For instance, I often build an eraser near my front porc to hamper the efforts of artillery noobs in big teams, then later morph it to the mobile version when I get my strider or whatever and no longer need to cloak my base. It saves a little bit of money early.

So there's a little bit more decision making without cluttering up the fac panel as Aqua says. It feels a little arbitrary but it's not a big deal. The micro is negligible, you make 2 or so extra clicks a game if you choose to do this.
+0 / -0
I would remove the morph ability of the aegis / sneaky pete and add aspis / eraser to all fac

This would clutter the factories' build panels unnecessarily.

Aspis/Eraser could be buildable by all constructors instead of all facs, as is implied beneath the rude remarks of the first post.

I've always been repulsed by the hurdle of morphing the mobile versions from the static ones, since you can't give the morph order before they're 100% built, and a waypoint until the morph is done.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
The morphs are designed that way. Non-designed morphs have already been removed. You can give a morph order to a unit before it is 100% complete.
+2 / -0
Not everything has a real 'point', what is the point of hair on your knees, some things just are.

+1 / -0
Point of hair is to prevent energy from leaking, insane stupid scrubs.

Also yes selection of aegis is a valid point, but making self-root instant would alleviate it.
+1 / -3