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8 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
Reapir is too cheap. It should cost metal. Its not logical that its so cheap. That would solve some problem with porc - 5 impalers ty kill one gauss who just got reapaired by 10 workers. And it costs only cheap energy.
+0 / -6
8 years ago
some problem with porc - 5 impalers ty kill one gauss who just got reapaired by 10 workers.

How is that a problem?
+2 / -0
It should cost metal

Or maybe just more energy? Or more buildpower? You know, there's an endless combination of possible E/M/BP ratios. I think if you want a useful discusssion, then a good start for this whole topic would be listing all the current existing ratios and modifiers for repair and other BP-based abilities. Iirc there used to be a wiki page or post somewhere that contained all of this information.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Gauss takes only 25% damage when closed, but is still repaired at the normal rate.

In effect, repairing a closed gauss is 4x as effective. Normal repair is not a problem imo, but armored units under repair can indeed be hard to dislodge.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Closed razorkiss being repaired is an essential ingredient of chicken games.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
Gauss takes only 25% damage when closed, but is still repaired at the normal rate.

In effect, repairing a closed gauss is 4x as effective. Normal repair is not a problem imo, but armored units under repair can indeed be hard to dislodge.

As if a closed gauss needed any external repair...
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Closed gauss gave 20 hp regen in sec. It was added to competeate with HLT.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
If there are 10cons repairing 1gauss, why not merl cons? I mean, this is so big clusster that u gotta hit something.
+0 / -0
Why would anybody waste Impaler shots on Gauss or mobile units? Just snipe mexes, radars, caretakers, solars, LLTs and Defenders. They all die to a single shot (and thus can not be repaired). Gauss and Razor were designed to withstand artillery while closed.
+3 / -0
The whole point of having the armor and repair is to make an inefficient static useful. As far as I'm aware, the repair option is just counterplay, which is both intentional and healthy. There is nothing less fun than sitting there while artillery destroys everything you know and love while you can't do anything to stop it.

Specifically, gausse serves as a realistic wall for wolverines, tremors, and firewalkers, all of which desparately need something that they can't just chew through.

The solution is to shoot something else or to kill the workers. Both are very doable.

And might I mention that repairing with ten workers is not "free". Ten convicts is 1400 metal. Gauss is 400 metal. The solars to repair with 50 BP is 1750. If someone invests this much in having one mid-weight static survive artillery, they can bloody well keep it.

I guess I'm open to the notion of adjusting repair costs, but this does not seem like a good reason.
+3 / -1
8 years ago
Worst thing about repair having a metal cost would be situations, where you are being raided early game having scarce eco, with just, say 3 units. You have to use them to kill enemy units, and preserve that at the same time, to gain the advantage back. Having to spend metal in order to repair them would allow enemy to easily snowball on you.

Just kill the cons. Scythes, cloaked roaches, skuttle would make cost on 10 as well and probably kill something else.
+1 / -1

8 years ago
Units currently cost 50% their energy cost and 50% their buildtime cost to fully repair. If a unit has been damaged within the last 10 seconds then their buildtime cost is multiplied by four.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Repair is inherently balanced... right? The mechanic seems fine -- can we go back to whining about how the dante needs a buff?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
How is repair inherently balanced? If it was free then a pair of Welders would be basically unkillable. Large units would be significantly better than small units because they can retreat to repair. If it had infinite cost then large units would lose a significant amount of their power.
+2 / -0

8 years ago
'Inherently' might be the wrong word.

IMO energy needs to be used for things that metal isn't, otherwise there's next to no point having it as a mechanic.

Personally I find energy cost on repair pretty costly. It makes me have to stop what I'm doing and build energy at a time when I want to be expanding. Stuff like banshee and warrior that don't need repairing are great early, because you're able to attrition all day without investing past the unit itself. I already skimp on repairing pyros. etc due to skeletal economy.

Adding a metal cost feels like it would make repair not worth it in sub-strider cases. You've got to compare the improved metal efficiency of repairing against the improved unit efficiency of the square law. The option to keep your damaged dude at the back firing and just having more stuff is appealing compared to having fewer units each of which is full health.

Making repair cost metal would also effect some factories far more than others. Planes and tanks would need buffs to compensate.

I guess this is where we ask for the replay of where repair felt unfair?
+2 / -1
When your negative karma increases 60% in one thread. :P
+1 / -4

8 years ago
When your negative karma triples in one thread.
+1 / -1
8 years ago
I think before continuing with this discussion we should ask USrankAdminCarRepairer for his opinion.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Repair is fine...
+0 / -0