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8 years ago
+1 / -5
8 years ago
Did you draw that
+0 / -0
8 years ago
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Tu mir den Gefallen und bleib Gangster, d.h. mach genau das was du denkst grad.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
In that case what's the purpose of this thread?
+1 / -0
Someone thinks "lobsters" is funny enough to post in GD.

Please move this to Off-topic. Thanks.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Post contains offensive drawings, ban he
+6 / -0
8 years ago
whats the purpose of you posting in this thread?
+1 / -3
8 years ago
whats the purpose of you posting in this thread?
+3 / -0
8 years ago
I think it rightfuly belongs to the development forum.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
please move this thread to the dev forum
+2 / -1
I think this thread is about the OP's artwork, so I'll just post another creation of his...
+2 / -1
8 years ago
thats nothing to do with me, was that you El Burrito?
+1 / -4

8 years ago
+2 / -0

8 years ago
inb4 lock
+1 / -0
8 years ago
lob lob
+2 / -0

8 years ago
The real tragedy here is that matsuda does not hide his taskbar
+10 / -0

8 years ago
Good thing we established earlier that you are in no way offended by undirected lobstic aspersions.
+2 / -0
Lobsters, of the family Nephropidae in the narrow sense, but of the suborder Astacidae in the broad sense, including also reef lobsters and crayfish, are decapod crustaceans. They are most known for their elongated shape, claws, taste, and tendency to feed on what can often be described as 'shit'.

Lobsters may use their signature claws for handling food, threatening displays, and fighting intraspecific competitors. The first pair of claws is often the largest, with two extra, smaller, pairs behind them. While sea lobsters are the most famous, freshwater lobsters are also abundant. The red swamp crayfish, Procambus clarkii, is a species originating from the new world, but which has successfully invaded much of the old world, carrying with it the "crayfish plague", a type of harmful fungus. In its new habitats it is often outcompeting and pushing out native species, and has become a popular food item.

Lobster soup is particularly tasty.

Suggested new slang:



+0 / -0
8 years ago
Shitposting is real
+3 / -0
Page of 2 (26 records)