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Fanart and other media


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Jeremy Gooch


(giant version: 8400 x 4416, 33MB and giant version with ZK logo)
source: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/3928

Jumping Scythe

via http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/19998?postID=141491#141491

Unit drawings by doT


by http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/17463?postID=133568#133568


by http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/16337


via http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/15280


'white stormtrooper'

Zero-k Mayhem: cartoon animations

by PLrankSzyba




Blender render by CZrank[DDAM]aiphee at http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/8727?postID=94078#94078


view edit history
+0 / -0
Edits: 1
First: 9 years ago
Last: 9 years ago
Edits: 5
First: 8 years ago
Last: 8 years ago
Edits: 3
First: 8 years ago
Last: 8 years ago
Edits: 10
First: 8 years ago
Last: 8 years ago
Edits: 1
First: 8 years ago
Last: 8 years ago
Edits: 1
First: 8 years ago
Last: 8 years ago
8 years ago
Stop trolling, knorke
+3 / -0
Someone made a fanart. I added the fanart to the fanart page, with link to original source.
What seems to be the problem, storage?

Someone cared enought about the game to create this picture so it belongs into fanart gallery. This not a photoshop skill competetion.
Maybe others get encouraged to also add & create stuff.

This page is empty except for the old Mech drawings by Jeremy Gooch which get re-used everywhere.
Nice art yes, but seeing the same picture everywhere is repetive and sad and using a mirroed version does not make it more original.
+1 / -0
There's still quite a bit of artwork on Waybackmachine's history of trac.caspring.org's ConceptArt page. Iirc there's also another wiki page or forum thread in this forum with similar content. Some users have photobuckets and other places with fanart and other stuff. Just saying, in case anybody's interested in collecting all of it on this wiki.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
This is the only fanart-page linked in site menu.
There is also http://zero-k.info/Wiki/Media which is about screenshots/videos. One is showcase of the game, other is artistic art.

https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Artwork has more stuff, including those very old CA planning sketches, but imo all not suitable here because it is not fanart.
Yet more is at https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Infrastructure/tree/master/Zero-K.info/img/fanart including some "userbars" and logos. But logos and such stuff is more official and I have no idea what of that stuff is up to date.

There was some lobster comics in forum, those had many upvotes and were funny. Some of those joke-images could qualify as fanart but I did not find them.
+0 / -0
Removed the knorke-added image because it fails my eye pain test.

(We don't expect Leonardo da Vinci level of work but I think that there's a minimum expectation of quality for an image on an official page, and that poster does not pass it)
+2 / -0

8 years ago
I think I remember a good render/drawing of a scorpion, can't find it though
+0 / -0
found the scynthe image.
but i think if only images of that quality get accepted, then this will stay pretty empty.

scorpion drawing was by user doT but he is inactive.
files were hosted http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/19998?postID=142904#142904 which is 404. Maybe someone finds working dl.

/edit: btw the scythe and detri images are hosted on dropbox, like the scorpion was too.
if you want to enjoy them in future i suggest to rehost/find better host.
+0 / -0
+0 / -0
8 years ago
add it, all can edit.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Unlike you knorke, I see a difference between "all can edit" and "all should edit"
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Why would it matter who adds the scorpion picture and why should it not be added? That picture is imo as good quality as the other drawings.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
That picture is imo as good quality as the other drawings

The wiki isn't here to represent your opinion. It's somewhere between representing what the consensus is and what the devs think, with a bigger weight towards the latter.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
The picture has +26 upvotes, including votes by devs, and zero downvotes. (btw might be record) Does it need yet more consens that it is good picture?
Devs are not particular active on wiki, for example nobody did anything with this site for years. The more contributorers the more effective wiki is. But I think you know all this and just want to say something.
+1 / -1

8 years ago
mfw knorke accuses somebody else of "just wanting to say things"
+1 / -0
8 years ago
if you do not like my edits then revert it back to the old state with two images.
+0 / -0
I agree with Knorke that the more pictures the better. And actually why not the fail compilation? It's not like it is mandatory for anybody to repost it. It is just a suggestion. And what about Knorke's funny videos?
+0 / -0
I think this wiki page currently tries to cover two different things and that it should potentially be split.

The description-title saysid "Useful userbars and logos to embed into your homepage". [QQ]
The wiki keyword says "Fanart".

These two things are not equivalent!

Logos to be embedded into a homepage for advertisement of ZK have two requirements:
  • Include or be a reoccurring element to help identify the game. eg.
  • Meet a certain quality standard, defined by developers, the community or some sort of artist/quality manager.

Fanart has two very different, "weak" requirements:
  • Art created by a fan.
  • Be about ZK.

If for some reason people decide that these two things should both go to the same page, then CHrankConnetable's point is very good:
It's not like it is mandatory for anybody to repost it.

Then this article should include an ultimate list of all ZK art to cover any format/style that people might want to show on their website/article/application/poster/merchandise. People who simply want to link back to ZK will go to the Logo/Banner section and use something from there. People who want to print a Detriment or lobster on their coffee mug will look in other sections.

TL;DR: Decide on what exactly this page is meant for. Possibly create a second article for the other things.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
freedom for space lobster! :/

-it is an art
-it is zK related
-it is high quality
+5 / -0