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Project Zero-K death.

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8 years ago
1. Rudeness and mayhem playing admins.
2. The administration does not understand the reasons, but simply throws in the ban.
3. The time of punishment in a few months it is idiocy.
+ Bonus. new design-green color painted Seng blind junkie worse to think hard.

Total: 5 people on the server, from which 3 sleeping administrator.
+0 / -3

8 years ago
Then explain all reasons. Now!
+1 / -1
3. The time of punishment in a few months it is idiocy.

this a special exception made for you only, UArankDIVO :D (for your repeated "achievements")
+4 / -0
8 years ago
Now seriously, why are there so few players these days? Even before the lobby update...
+3 / -0
8 years ago
Maybe because of Steam Promotions Period and many people like me just buy some games and want to play with it :)
+0 / -0
8 years ago
UArankDIVO as I remember you were already banned repeatedly, one ban was for such things as complaining about ban (like this thread).
+0 / -0
8 years ago
There so few players these days because the game is completely broken after the last update.
The new lobby just doesn't work. No battles, no rooms, no even login. Nothing.
I suppose that many players just can't start the game. At least the Linux version is totaly broken.
BTW how and where cant I post a bug report? Does anyone know about teh problem?
+1 / -0
8 years ago
we have what we have !!!!!!!!!!
soon on the server
will be the team of administrators + genius Firepluk
+0 / -0

8 years ago
A complete ban for verbal diarrhea is a bit heavy handed. We should temporarily remove someones ability to use chat or post to the forum as a first line deterrence.
+3 / -0
8 years ago
BTW how and where cant I post a bug report? Does anyone know about teh problem?

+0 / -0
let all ban, five of them will sit on its line deterrence)))
Now no one is playing, but sometimes come and visit and the game will stop.
call ZeroK = Deterrence Line
and one player dogma on the server)))
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Game is dead cuz of pointless dumb balance changes. Eco, shared com income, not fixed bug with no 2nd com income, never fixed problem with odd teams etc etc etc.
+1 / -5
I'm not around to look at the moment, but I'd guess that if the game's dead it's because the "official" lobby doesn't actually work properly, rather than some year-old balance change bawwwwed about by a few clusterfuck players.

Do I really need to call the waambulance for y'all over shared com income?
+8 / -0
8 years ago
for me it was every other day there's an update,either client doesn't apply it properly or it also causes a map rebuild(though I suppose I could go through every map one by one before joining mp- provided there's even anyone online)
then once in game, it can be annoying to put in 40 minutes to over an hour, only to have microcluster lag the game so much everyone starts disconnecting. ultimately, no one is going to agree whether it's a win or loss because the game eventually doesn't know, which can be unsatisfying. the lobby has a bit of a clunky feel like something from Windows XP. not neccessarily the interface but the navigation. (though, that's probably the .NET web browser component acting there,rather than having some pages be native asside from settings)

I don't know enough to fix it and I know, a wand can't be waved that makes everything go away. I might look into it but I doubt I could do much,lol(or just procrastinate anyway...)
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Do I really need to call the waambulance for y'all over shared com income?

Yes please, I'd like to order a one.
Cuz if I am going to lose my metal income cuz some dumbass noob suicides his level 273828363 commander to a bunch of glavies its clearly a problem.
+0 / -1
I understand then you would much more prefer to argue for mexes that are clearly yours instead of actually playing the game then?
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Im not going to argue about my mexes. I'd just spawn somewhere where is noone to take my start mexes. Or if there is no such place, vote for prooper map for such amout of players or try to start a new room
+0 / -0
8 years ago
You clearly haven't played a BA DSD game.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
I like ur overexaggerating from 20-25% private income into BA 100% private income. Actually I don't.
+0 / -1
25% personal income sounds like something that combines the worst attributes of ROI, capitalism, and communism.

Incentive to fight over mexes with allies: check
Easy way to be in position to control most of team's eco: check
Funding mexless allies com trolling: check

It has some advantages over ROI in that it's stable and predictable. But who gets the OD metal?
+1 / -0
Page of 2 (21 records)