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How to kill shielded behemoth with silo

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Pls watch and stop lobbing pointless tacnukes, Tahnks!

PS: Guide on wiki.

(Wanted to use gifv, but forum failed. Pls ignore the shitty sound.)
+12 / -0

8 years ago
Oh. Ummm... Thanks!

I feel bad for not knowing this until now. No wonder you're an FFA lord.
+0 / -0
I always wanted "fire in volley" button, which would make silo fire missiles in 0.5 intervals, one missle at the time.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
interesting but does not feel inuitive at all
+2 / -0

8 years ago
how exactly does that work? It looks like a bug to me.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
This is a feature, this is how Shield <-> Tacnuke interaction is supposed to be.

Tacnuke does 3500 Damage, Shield has 3600 Hitpoints. That means once the shield is lowered below 97.2%, any count of tacnukes will freely pass through. Shield link speed is finite which is why you have to wait a moment for the lowered charge to spread before all shields are below 97%. This is also why firing all missiles at once doesn't work.
+2 / -0

8 years ago
looks like a bug to me
+3 / -0

8 years ago
It's certainly not intuitive that the damage nuke would be better at getting through shields than the EMP one.

How would this be fixed though? It's working as designed, but with an undesirable outcome. Lower damage on tacnuke?
+0 / -0
looks like a bug to me

This has been "known" for a long time. It was part of the discussion when shield charge transfer was remade years back (it worked the same way before).

I don't think Googlefrog considers it undesirable behavior. And since there's no mechanical way for players to circumvent this mechanic/trick (shield charge transfer is always-on), it doesn't result in "fighting the UI/game" or some potential widgetery. It's simply the way the mechanic works.
+0 / -0
What's the undesired outcome here? Silo is supposed to kill porc. Silo can circumvent shields -> Porc dies.

Or was I wrong and shields are supposed to make your porc invincible?

Tacnuke is to area shields like Licho is to personal shields. Just with the twist that you have to do some clever timing. Instead of lowering the shields with a tacnuke, you can just as well use any kind of artillery. (In FFA Bantha's dgun is perfect for that, so you can save one tacnuke)
+2 / -0

8 years ago
It makes no sense that 3 missiles are more likely to penetrate shields if they're fired with small delays between each shot.

I don't know what math goes here when calculating whether missile goes through or not, but if it's just damage > shield health, then it should work differently. I'd make the tacnuke lose "penetrative power" after each shield it goes through.

So basically if it's two 2.5k shields and one 3.5k tacnuke it'd work something like:
1. Compare 1st shield HP vs tacnuke penpower: 2.5k < 3.5k, it goes through but loses 2.5k penpower = 1k penpower left. The 1st shield is now ignoring all collision hits with this projectile.
2. Compare 2nd shield HP vs tacnuke penpower: 2.5k > 1.0k, it blocks the tacnuke and takes the 3.5k damage.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
I think that some pluks will loose some elo cuz this tutorial. Of course if many peoples will learn about it. As most peoples do vs behemot all except silo....
+2 / -0
8 years ago
Peoples... -.-

Anyway, you ask if its intuitive, that 1+1+1 eos is better than 3 eos. I ask, is it intuitive that projectiles cannot pass shields, but units (even enemy!) can?!
+0 / -0

8 years ago
It's just dune shield logic.

Move fast like a bullet -> intercept
Move slow like a handshake -> let it through


IMO tacsilo should be good against shields, but it doesn't make sense to me that the eos would be better against them than the EMP.

Pacing the eos is clever, and works on a logical mechanic, while it's not intuitive unless you understand the underlying mechanisms, I don't have a problem with that particular element. Shield penetration in ZK is done better than most other games where they're just a second pool of hp with no meaningful difference other than regen.
+2 / -0
you cannot gifv youtubbe lobsdeos.

also Piccard was in Dune. Mind = Blown.

Move fast like a bullet -> intercept
Move slow like a handshake -> let it through

+1 / -0
DErankAdminmojjj here's the gifv, but it doesnt fit :/

I made a smaller one now. Whenever somebody wastes tacnukes make sure to post it under the replay:

+1 / -0
Why does eos not work? Because it did not stun all shields?

AUrankSnuggleBass eos is never stopped by shields.

If so, then another way to do it would be to fire 2 or 3 eos on all shields and then tacnuke. It's perhaps more expensive than CHrankAdminDeinFreund's way though.

In any case, thx for the info and the vid
+0 / -0
8 years ago
It's just dune shield logic.
Move fast like a bullet -> intercept
Move slow like a handshake -> let it through
That is common trope.
However between'Bullet' VS 'handshake' is a big difference while the missiles fly at similiar speed and look basically the same too.

If a very large number of tacnuke missiles from multiple silos impact the shield at same time, do they all get blocked?
+0 / -0
8 years ago
4 tacnukes launched simultaneously that are each stopped by a different shield covering the target (as they hit shields with a slight delay) is the expected behavior but having all of them rendered inoperant after a single shot is not. Not a question of shields linking, watch the video step by step, 1 single shield took the first hit as shown, the others are fine but let the missiles pass through anyway. Definitely a bug finely exploited, no more no less.
+3 / -0
This is a feature, this is how Shield <-> Tacnuke interaction is supposed to be.

Tacnuke does 3500 Damage, Shield has 3600 Hitpoints. That means once the shield is lowered below 97.2%, any count of tacnukes will freely pass through. Shield link speed is finite which is why you have to wait a moment for the lowered charge to spread before all shields are below 97%. This is also why firing all missiles at once doesn't work.

What's the undesired outcome here? Silo is supposed to kill porc. Silo can circumvent shields -> Porc dies.

Or was I wrong and shields are supposed to make your porc invincible?

Tacnuke is to area shields like Licho is to personal shields. Just with the twist that you have to do some clever timing. Instead of lowering the shields with a tacnuke, you can just as well use any kind of artillery. (In FFA Bantha's dgun is perfect for that, so you can save one tacnuke)

In the video you show five shields, which cost a total of 2500 metal and drain 50 energy per second when recharging. They also have a total of 18000 shield hp, which is just over 5 tacnukes worth of damage, and to be made useless by a single tacnuke is ridiculous. That's like saying that 5 shields should not be any better than one shield.

It should take at least 7 tacnukes or 2 shockley and 2 tacnukes to take out that behe. I would imagine that shields are nearly useless vs berthas due to the same effect. You could also use that same technique to kill 3 shields using only 4 tacnukes when each shield should have enough hp to block 1 tacnuke.

I think gajop's idea makes a whole lot more sense. I don't see why tacnukes should be wtfop when silo already has a proper counter to shields (shockley).

EDIT: I miscounted. The video actually shows 6 shields being defeated by 3 tacnukes. gtfo.
+0 / -0
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