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wtf hapend to the fun modifiers

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7 years ago
stuff like commander test and i win buttn i played with them alot and after the new lobby i left cuz thay are gone. any need to remove em in new lobby?
+2 / -0
7 years ago
ZK and no fun allowed policy has been going on for a while
develobsters even renamed Disco Rave Party because it was quote 'not serious enough'
lob lob develob
+3 / -0

7 years ago
wat? sumo just got a 20% gravity gun buff!
+2 / -1

7 years ago
+0 / -0

7 years ago
any need to remove em in new lobby?

Yes, they were clutter.

lol how are they clutter if right here is some guy who used them

I'm sure that every modoption that puts a tangible twist on gameplay would see use every once in a while. In this regard anybody could make arbitrary modoptions (say, "all rockets are now homing", "everything explodes at least like a pylon", "all lasers do extra slow damage" etc) that would be considered fun by someone and perhaps see use every once in a while even in the large public room (my experience is that if someone brings up such a vote there it almost always passes). However these options incur a maintenance cost by adding to the codebase complexity and an interface cost because users get overwhelmed. The cost means that there needs to be some minimum quality/desirability for modoptions and these two did not meet them.

so prevent new ones but leave existing ones

This sets a bad precedent for the future and the costs are paid continuously.

Note that this is my personal stance so even though I think it's reasonable it can be overridden if you convince the senior devs.

I think that the relevant features (Commanders and extremely expensive units) could be brought back in some form but there would need to have more than 5 minutes of thought put into them.
  • people love large units for their scale and epicness and IWB was the most boring unit possible. Since Starlight is pretty much a soft win button, you can go zany with anything that lies beyond without much care for gameplay; for example a huge strider with a ten different weapons and a nuke sidearm, slowly but surely walking into the enemy base. A static button that crudely zaps other things is just sad.
  • people love commanders for being their avatar: unique and with the ability to pour attention into it. Commander-centered modoptions should either be in the form of the ability to rebuild a comm after it dies, or extra wacky modules. Being able to build a crowd of comms at 100m apiece completely ruined the whole point.
+5 / -1
7 years ago

+3 / -0
7 years ago

the modoptions, even back when commannder test and co were still there, were imho far from cluttered, and modoptions were already very limited.

also i dont see how removing existing working modoptions saves one from writing new code(for nonexisting modoptions)

and to add to that: not only with modoption but also with unmodded zero-k, there seems to be a Trend over the last years to remove stuff/options that worked perfectly, sometimes even when nobody complained about it.

Disclaimer: This is by no means to be taken as a rant against zero-k or the people developing/maintaining it, as i think zero-k still is one of the greatest PC Games ever, so big thanks to evryone who is responsible for that/helps with zk.
its just that somtimes some decision i just cant really understand
+1 / -0

7 years ago
develobsters even renamed Disco Rave Party because it was quote 'not serious enough'

Indeed, Disco Rave Party was renamed to Disco Rave Party. Horrible!
+0 / -0
Is this good moment and place to ask why we can't select start boxes anymore? .
+1 / -0
7 years ago
but https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/issues/1631 and https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/commit/1e03fa6682f7d3f301dbc2d4bd30bf1fffd28dae
was it reverted? :D
+1 / -0

7 years ago
Is this good moment and place to ask why we can't select start boxes anymore? .

AFAIK this is a side-effect of the added feature of non-rectangular start boxes.
+0 / -0
7 years ago
welp i gess ill go back to sup com faf.
+2 / -0

7 years ago
Without the Iwin button fun is but an impossible dream.
+2 / -0
7 years ago
ikr :(
+0 / -0

7 years ago
It is hard to know which modifiers are used and which never see use. Mostly we assume the really arbitrary ones, such as the list of units changed by the turret modoption, are never touched. How would anyone discover them and how does it have much longevity when they effectively break the game?
+1 / -0
7 years ago
well devs mabe have diff ver's like dev/test ver outdated/fun ver witch can be updated at leashure and defalt wich is defalt
+0 / -0

7 years ago
A request for bloat features from an account with zero games played feels like an unimportant request.
+1 / -0
7 years ago
well devs mabe have diff ver's like dev/test ver outdated/fun ver witch can be updated at leashure and defalt wich is defalt

dat grammar, my eyes
+4 / -0

7 years ago
well devs mabe have diff ver's like dev/test ver outdated/fun ver witch can be updated at leashure and defalt wich is defalt

I think it might be possible to play old versions.
+0 / -0
7 years ago
ive lost my accont 1 or 2 times tbh @1v0ry_k1ng and this accont was made for this post not to play cuz zero-k is not worth my time now any way
+0 / -2
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