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Suddenly: jumpjet unit out of nowhere

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13 years ago
Something I noticed: telling a unit to jump cancels its original momentum. I tried coupling this to newtons -> air mail delivery (flying above defense often). I am curious if this can be abused with skuttles as a long range artillery.

To note, this would only be imba if:
You got a newton cannon that was semi-reliable
Being able to look at units under the skuttle passing by and choosing a target makes cost (sure would if it found fusion/singularity/com)
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13 years ago
This has been going on for years although people aren't doing it so much now.
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13 years ago
When you can just newton any unit without dying it isn't that special. The accurucy is good but it requires alot of attention.

Would be nice if fall damage actually did damage again.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I was thinking of killing land units that leave the map. Every few seconds land units that were about 500 elmos outside the map edge would be destroyed. This is because any unit tossed off the edge of the map will appear unharmed on the map edge.

I heard (might be wrong) that fall damage doesn't exist anymore because engine devs noticed that units were damaging themselves while moving around. This is because they now bounce so much that with old fall damage they took damage just while moving around. The "fix" was fall damage removal,
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Better make the map have no edges. all sphere
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Oops turns out that was wrong. I've now overridden fall damage and unit bounce such that they are reasonable values. Also units take damage if they land outside the map.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
a percentage, based on cost, on health?

> I was thinking of killing land units that leave the map. Every few seconds land units that were about 500 elmos outside the map edge would be destroyed. This is because any unit tossed off the edge of the map will appear unharmed on the map edge.

You know that fighters which are set "fly/land on" but have no order fly out of the map?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
sumorain FTW!
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13 years ago
I tried it, but units fly too fast as it make you easy to target special stuff.
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13 years ago
Wait, isn't skuttlerain more effective?
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13 years ago
Sumos does about 800 to 50 dps - If you get them close to many solars/fusions/factories, etc. they kill more/cost.

The only bad thing is that they have a delay before they start jumping, + leave rezable wreckages.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
If you build a reliable enough newton cannon, it is very easy to select your jumpy unit and have it jumpjet right into the center of a base. You don't have to put effort into timing either - just bind a key to jump, and while the unit is still airborne, place a jump command where you want it. If the units jump order intersects its flight path it will land automagically.

Using sumos isn't so great actually, they fall slower so you tend to be able to see them coming. Skuttles and jacks are better?

Another interesting thing to launch is artillery, like catapults. On a low enough gravity map (duck trololol) you can practically put one in orbit and use it as bombardment! This never makes cost but is still funny.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
roaches are better
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13 years ago
I suggested unit launcher, a static device cost some metal to launch units into air with a pad like the air version surfboard but with about 1000m distance.
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13 years ago
beam me up scotty! but dont forget my clothes, i dont want to scare them!
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13 years ago
one more thing you can consider to launch is the Dirtbag - fun fun fun to launch!
+0 / -0
13 years ago
hahahaha! totally using dirtbags now
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13 years ago
A gravity cloud would so much more usefull.

We should have a test-unit to initialise our first Newton and inherit the calibration on other Newton turrets.

This test unit is invisibly spawned above Newton and get attacked a fixed time.
Once it doesn't fly away too slow/fast we have a calibration value for Newton - have every time the same "map gravity".

If we have an Elevator unit, we could give it load and unload zones.
It should pick up units from it's load zone and throw it in the right direction and arcing to the unload zone.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
A mountable launching platform is what I planned but failed to script.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
You wouldnt need to calibrate manually. You can pull the gravity value directly, and calculate the required force.
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