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Wannabe pros offending new players? Is this the community you like for the game?

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I'm kinda sick of meeting players like this t[o_Ot]

I understand somebody is pissedy by playing with new players,but I don't see any reason why people should like being called IDIOTS every minute before,during and after game.
As long as this game will be played by a small bunch of players, this might not seem to be an issue, but if the number of players will improve, this something which should be solved somehow.
You can't let people like this guy insult everyone just because he considers himself better than anybody else. I'm not a kid, and I am not intended to argue every minute with kids like this guy,nor I am accepting to be called IDIOT just because my internet DC me for a while... sorry. Seriously thinking about stopping this all.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think you rage too much. When you can beat the CAI then you can talk ....
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Go on bothering, trolling and offending, mr wannabe... could you start with answering my simple "HOW OLD ARE YOU" question?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Some people need it, that some others are worse than themselves, to feel better.
+1 / -0

13 years ago
"[Galeazzo_Mussolesi]or even better, open your own game "only pros allowed"
[t[o_Ot]]why play when there is no reason to play
[Galeazzo_Mussolesi]and play there, if they let you enter
[Galeazzo_Mussolesi]nobody asks you to play if you don't feel like
[t[o_Ot]]feel free to talk to me when your elo is higher than mine
[Galeazzo_Mussolesi]no, sorry. don't you ever feel free to talk to me anymore
[Galeazzo_Mussolesi]and i mean it
[t[o_Ot]]in all other cases - shut your fag mouth
[Galeazzo_Mussolesi]k let's report you
[Galeazzo_Mussolesi]i'm kinda sick of kids like you
[t[o_Ot]]ooooooh so scary
[t[o_Ot]]please report me
[Galeazzo_Mussolesi]just done
[t[o_Ot]]cry Italian cry
[t[o_Ot]]rolls eyes"

Muted for rudeness including this.
+0 / -0
t[o_O]t is a well established troll that has been banned, muted, punished, etc several times.

Most of us ignore him. This is the internet, and you get people like this. But I think it is probably time we start server banning players like him.

You've played other RTS games. You really should expect there to be these kinds of people around in any community. Just contact an admin if they act up.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
im still here.

Im not even sure what my first account name was. but i had to deal with alot of that junk too.

Welcome to the internet. someone would think you only just got here from facebook or something.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
That's just t[o_O]t he's been like that for ages. Please don't see people like him as an average for the community :(
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I hope you and t[o_Ot] have as many children as you want.

+0 / -0

13 years ago
t[o_O]t is very hostile and abusive to new players (and mostly everyone else). He relies entirely upon cheese rushes and ragequits when they fail. You would be doing the community a favor if you just deleted his account outright, nobody is going to miss him.

there are a few other trolls around, and plenty of fundamentally bad players that are also hostile and lacking in social graces (ie, are 12), but this t[o_O]t clown is a particular chore to have around.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
the funny part is that the OP is 1600 elo (i.e. actually better than average)

t[o_Ot] needs to calm down
+0 / -0
No he has 1770 elo. He was annoying but no worse than I see other players doing every day; kind of normal for an online game. However, he has higher elo then most of the other annoying people. Other than one even more annoying person from Russia, I know. However, he is an American and that is kind of, what is taught in our school system.

However, muting is a fitting punishment.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Problems should be reported to admins in the lobby. It is better to avoid forum threads because they have a tendency to turn into pissing matches. :<
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I suggest we just put up a bunch of server that say "PLAY FOR FUN ONLY" - then we can all simcity maybe have peace treaties.

Can we make and LUA script so warriors and sumos can hold hands and frolic in the sun?
+0 / -0
Stop with the personal attacks please because I'm getting tired of deleting your posts and the only other option is to ban you from the site.

There are two sides to every story, and you are entitled to tell yours, just do it without racism, name-calling, or excessive hostility.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
OH please LOL - not only do i get trolled - i get censored
+0 / -0
13 years ago
He is asking how old I am. I am merely asking how big his wank is.

Both are equally relevant to this episode where a grown man can't take being called names.

It's players like him that ruin a competitive game.

+0 / -0

13 years ago
By all means, keep digging.
+0 / -0
I brought a big shovel.

But my point is valid. It not like a spammed him with idiot. Overreaction begets supreme TROLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL commander
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I'm kinda sick of meeting players like this Galeazzo_Mussolesi

I understand somebody is pissedy by playing with pro players,but I don't see any reason why people should like being called 'Wannabe Pros' every minute before,during and after game.

As long as this game will be played by a small bunch of players, this might not seem to be an issue, but if the number of players will improve, this something which should be solved somehow.

You can't let people like this guy insult everyone just because he considers himself worse than anybody else. I'm not a kid, and I am not intended to argue every minute with kids like this guy,nor I am accepting to be called 'Wannabe Pro' just because my teammates can't play. Seriously thinking about stopping this all.

+0 / -0
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