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[Suggestion/Ideas] Raider com and Melee weapons

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6 years ago
Can't we have spears/swords for Commanders in this game? Additionally why not let us have a raider type of commander which is softer than Recon commander but much more faster and replace jump ability with a speed boost ability. Deny this com with options of field radar, personal cloak, and high density plating but shields will be allowed.

If this idea was already brought up in the past but discarded away, I would like to know the reasons why.
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6 years ago
All the air players are wiping dribble off their chins as we speak, at the thought of a flimsier, uncloakable commander that has to engage mano-a-mano with enemy units. A flight of Ravens will be on hand to take him to Valhalla every game. The Strike commander at least has weapons and insane regeneration.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
I find coms extremely boring in 1v1 play, so some change might be good.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
ZArankAstran that can be helped if the Com happens to be fast enough to kite the ravens towards danger zone
The only real problem I now think about this is having to deal with Gnat spam
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Additionally why not let us have a raider type of commander which is softer than Recon commander but much more faster

It immediately becomes the default competitive option because of the much faster expansion speed.
+2 / -0
I see, you have a point there welp that's sad
how about a reduced buildpower for the raider com and not allowed to morph more buildpower upgrades? :think:
+0 / -0

6 years ago
TaurusSilver's suggestion is actually kind of interesting even though I criticized it.

What he's really proposing is a new kind of unit, sort of a Jack on steroids. That could be interesting as a new strider sort for the Strider hub maybe. Most striders are slow and clunky; could be fun to have a fast one that does lots of damage close up. Maybe this speedy strider could have an extra strength shield that protects it while moving, but does not allow it to strike out of when active. That could have a few interesting micro implications as players will be rushing from hotspot to hotspot, toggling the shield on and off.

Having the idea as a commander makes it a bit hard to balance though.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
If comms are to be differentiated like this we need to figure out how much they are allowed to take on various roles. We may end up in a blind RPS situation where the raider comm is beaten by a riot comm which is beaten by a skirmisher comm.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Hmmm RPS situation does sound bad and bland
Arguably Astran's variation of my idea sounds better, it could allow for a more viable strider rush compared to a Dante rush that really isn't viable against a strong Air player or mass of heavy units
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Isn't Astran's idea just an ultimatum with melee?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Dunno how a Raider com would be balanced, but I'd love for there to be more Melee units. Potentially, maybe even a melee unit for (almost) every factory (sorry air facs :( )

Jack and Sumo and Scythe are lonely. Imagine a ship that could ram, or a Rover that pulverized units/pushed them into pits or water.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Ultimatum is too slow and arguably just a sneak up unit against other striders
All in all, it couldn't even be considered a "Raider"
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I like the idea of a (light) strider with a sword and shield. You could just call it Knight, or Crusader, or Saracen. Kind of like Halberd, it would take 1/4 damage when shielded, but would not be able to attack. It would run quickly, maybe a bit faster than dante, and engage units with the sword similarly to Scythe. Probably no manual fire for this one.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
how about regulating the com impact early game by making the morphs slower (and possibly cheaper)? that way their differences start to bloom midgame rather than the early game.
+0 / -0
I like the idea of a (light) strider with a sword and shield. You could just call it Knight, or Crusader, or Saracen. Kind of like Halberd, it would take 1/4 damage when shielded, but would not be able to attack. It would run quickly, maybe a bit faster than dante, and engage units with the sword similarly to Scythe. Probably no manual fire for this one.

That's literally Jack. Except that Jack always has the armor on. Even has manual fire for its ability to sprint.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I'm thinking something faster than jack that does not jump, and that becomes vulnerable when attacking. Jack doesn't. Also heavier weight than jack, maybe 2000 metal or so.
+1 / -0
What makes it different from halberd other than price?
+0 / -0
I did mention halberd. Halberd is not melee. This one should probably be slower than halberd, but fast enough to catch Dante and Badger, say 85 speed (Halberd has 96, glaive has 117). It would have a similar role to Cyclops, but more maneuverable (since it's a bot) and no sidearm.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
How about this:

Screw the shield, equip it with a pike and leave it with either a sprint D ability or a cleaving wide arc attack D gun/attack
Guaranteed knockback on all units hit
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Recon comm already has access to some fairly potent melee range abilities. Cluster bomb at zero range is a load of damage (2400 unupgraded), stack with damage boosters and machine gun etc, and you can do 3k plus in a single melee ranged attack.

It falls off at distance, but hey, it's still quite useful there too.
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