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Unlocking units

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6 years ago

After the recent Steam release, the player base should be getting larger every day. However, the game still cannot handle newbies. While the campain adds some learning potential, many players just seem to ignore it (or instantly forget everything they learned).

Point is, 99% new players end up playing one (or more) of the following (not-that-great) "strategies"
- porc in the centre of their base
- shields everywhere
- big bertha as the only "unit" they own
- missile silo cuz its awesome
- 10 different factories in 10th minute of the game
- strider / superweapon rush
- too much storage
Some take it to the next level by ignoring any communication during games (no english?)

I have seen several threads proposing to ban certain units for new players. Such feature is clearly possible, as the campain allows you to build only certain units. Please, is there a way in which we could make this game into a magnificent RTS instead of a bad clone of the SimCity?

For the newcomers that are really experienced players coming from other RTS games, I'd suggest unlocking units based on either level or skill. Something like 1 new unit per 1 level, or everything unlocked above 1600 elo.
+3 / -0

6 years ago
Nobody is stopping you from hosting games with units disabled.
+2 / -4
6 years ago
Pretty much everything you complained about new players doing, are what the campaign teaches you to do. The campaign is all about teraform turlting until you can slowly static def crawl your way across the map.
+4 / -0
6 years ago
personally i would hate that, i only started playing zero-k during steam release and after a few games you learn how to play. Thats with all stratagy games, you lose, then you steal the other guys strat till you learn what to do. And if you have to unlock units then that is just giviving the other team a handicap, what if you block off some superunits, but late game the other team can make them and you cant? it just wouldn't work well.
+3 / -0

6 years ago
I don't understand your logic at all.

New players will take a long time to learn the game, thats a standard feature of RTS and its not a problem. The singleplayer campaign teaches the right lessons, if played on a higher difficulty and if you try to complete the secondary objectives. If you can get away with turtling, you're probably playing it on Normal or Easy, where anything works.

If you don't want to play with new players, stick to custom games, 1v1 or massive teamgames. Or play in a party.
+7 / -0
My first MP game of ZK was when ZK still had unlocks for superweapons. My opponent just sat in a corner of his map building a perfect set of DDM, Lucifer and aspis defense around his little corner, while I expanded onto the rest of the map. He overdriven his mexes to the max with singus (I didn't have fusion or singu unlocked naturally) and then he just built superweapons to kill me. After 60 minutes I just resigned because this was nothing like Zero-K I've hear about and I almost quit it completely back then.

Thats why 5 years later I still advocate against artificial restraints in terms of units. They simply don't work in RTS games and almost made me quit the game that I'm so passionate about.

I would much rather be able to play with the big toys on game 1 than having to play an arbitrary amount of time.

Also Zero-K playerbase has been decreasing ever since the Steam release and is a completely natural process of a released game.

+12 / -0
6 years ago
If you don't want to play with new players, stick to custom games, 1v1 or massive team games. Or play in a party.

1v1 is fine, though this should be a team game and it should offer a way of playing in teams. Other games do...

Massive games have always had their share of newbies. And that is where they may get away with their tactics, because their team may be able to hold the opponents even without them. I can only imagine what the outcome of such games is for them.

You often have to wait for a long time until your custom game gets enough players. Today, there is usually just one massive game, few and match-maker games. Most of the custom games are coop.

Playing in a party is just a partial solution. Parties should be optional, not mandatory in order to get an acceptable teammate.

I understand that these issues should disappear once the player base grows. But it will not grow on its own...


I agree with your arguments about handicaps in late-game stages. However, I am sure we can find a way around it - allowing superweapons, factories and singus after certain metal per second income, just to give an example (though I am not sure that is the way to go).


Or, another proposal, include a mandatory test of English into the tutorial. Or just find a way to make newbies listen. I have been a part of countless games where superveterans like Chesti or Firepluk try to help and are completely ignored, or (in some cases) their help is rudely refused.

Bottom line, this game is supposed to be FUN. Instead, it is full of raging veterans and unhappy newbies wondering why did the team resign, as their super-defended base full of storages still stands and barely anyone attacks it...
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Bottom line, this game is supposed to be FUN. Instead, it is full of raging veterans and unhappy newbies wondering why did the team resign, as their super-defended base full of storages still stands and barely anyone attacks it...

This is why ZK has matchmaking.
+0 / -0
I learned this game at a time when no campain was there at all. If players are passionate about the game, they
will learn it by asking other players, reading wikis and stuff and so on. Most of the people you described are the kind
of guys that want to relax. For them, the only important thing is to beat the ai while not putting too much efford in. It´s the same than with the pevious thread of cerevox. why learn more and put more energy and stress into it if you can already pwn the CAI daily? People just find different things fun in this game. Some want to relax, others want to compete and try hard, others want to experiment, other want to... well... troll, anyway.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
the player base should be getting larger every day

How do you figure that? The influx of new players comes from being listed at the front of the steam store under 'New Releases' and by fortune 'Popular New Releases'. Obviously that is not a permanent thing, you now have to click 'see more' to find ZK under the popular new releases section.

Other games which I've seen being greenlit lost players at a much more dramatic rate than ZK. I think the response from new players has been generally positive and more are sticking around than I personally expected tbh.

I'm not really sure how disabling units for new players is somehow related to player count. Some of the new players are actually pretty good, specifically the ones doing 1v1 I guess and theres also a mixture of people from other spring games I've been noticing. I don't see why they should suffer and be handicapped just because other new players are retarded?

Not sure if anyone mentioned yet but ZK did used to have this system of unlocks but got rid of it for a good reason.
+6 / -0
Sadly, in my opinion this will stay a problem for ever.

Zero-k is a very difficult game, like 100 differrent units, maybe 1000+ different unit combos. And a very frustrating learning prozess, because you get recked so many times at the beginning.
I remember that people complained so hard when i started playing my first multiplayer games... Very intimitating back then.

I agree that blocking certain units for certain players would be a very good idea. In my opinion a lvl 20 or less player does not need anything out of the striderhub, neighter do they need nuke, superweapon or commorph beyond lvl 5.

I dont see any reason why they would need it, because it will just block their way to real knowledge about how to play this game on an "high" lvl. Btw i dont expect everybody to be pro, but my god, some people in this game... God can't help me there... he already quit.

Athon, i would advice you to either use the party mode, play in a clan with friend (mumble is still an option for everybody) or just join disscord or mumble and i'm certain that you will met somebody that knows the power of teamwork :)

have fun!

One more argument!
The reason why in my opinion gameplay without striders, nukes, or heavy porc shit (ddm, lucifer, bb) is important comes from personal experience. When i started trying to approve in this game, what i did was playing bot games, many games.
And instead of using a porcpush tactic, i try to play on big maps (Inculta v2, Comet Catcher Redux, ...) without using anything then my startfac, airfac, and out of porc, only stinger, stardust, defender and lotus. (faraday sometimes too, but rarely, and more for testing) And in my opinion that rly helps alot to improve eco management, production and mikro at the same time.
+1 / -0
I'm against unlocks in general. Having them in the campaign is nice.

To me it seems that the biggest mistake new players make is starting with gunships/air even though they cannot handle it. The problem is that you cannot even try to tell them what to do because at the moment they plopped the fac, the game is usually over because explaining how to use air would need too long. So if anything, you could make gunship/air unploppable for new players until they reach a certain lvl or whr but allow it as a 2nd fac. This way they'd still have access to all units.
+2 / -0
6 years ago
Having a Nubtron back to give advice to new players could help. Things like explaining why that storage you selected is a bad idea right now (only build one if you loose your Commander), that you need more energy or buildpower, that you should expand faster, asking if you really need this second factory, why that superweapon is a bad idea...

Only it shouldn't be called Nubtron or use a Clippy-inspired look. While it's pretty funny, some players may feel made fun of (consciously or not) and may not listen to it as much.
Something like naming it Assistant (or not naming it at all) and the somewhat cute but vaguely creepy smiley computer face in the film Moon, for example.
+0 / -0