Last battles
121 played, 5 watched, 39 missionsB1087480 2 on DunePatrolRedux v1.0
B1087461 2 on Sparkles Reef v1.01
B1087452 2 on TitanDuel 2.2
B1087443 2 on Anvilwood v1.1
B1086735 2 on Ravaged_v2
B1086721 2 on Anvilwood v1.1
B1086714 2 on DunePatrolRedux v1.0
B1085474 2 on Otago 1.4
B1085466 2 on Fallendell v1.1
B1085448 2 on Jurassic Sands v1.00
Posted threads
184 posts in 8 threadsDo YOU believe in climate change and global warming?
Covid 19 conversation
How a battle looks like in every ages?
Stupid pictures
Zero-K v1.9.2.0 - Hot Stardust and Curtailed Cloaking
Plot armor is disgusting (and overly scene-driven fictions rant)
FFA Attack-On-Titan Gamemode
Banned for nothing
Ultimatum is OP, needs a nerf, etc
discussion of the most unfun unit ever (plz remove bertha)
Poll votes
- What sized teamgames do you enjoy most? : 2v2-4v4
- In order to be accurate, the rating system averages the results of many games. Would you like it to put more emphasis on recent games, sacrificing accuracy but allowing for faster rank changes? : I want this poll to go away
- What would your preferred maximum match size be on the team vs. team autohosts? : I don't know
- Should commshare be enabled by default? : Don't know/care.
- Have you configured your hotkeys? : Yes - I use a modified uikeys.txt.
First Login: 12 years ago, Last Login: 18 months agoForum karma: +138 / -1
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