PENALTY: Blatant spectator cheating in MM B545459 Lobby blocked Issued on: 5/28/2018 3:22:05 AM (5 hours ago) Expires on: 5/30/2018 3:22:05 AM (1d 18h remaining) I dont understand this, just played some Clan match making games last night and 1 guy started raging after they lost. Next thing I am banned. If its that easy for players to start throwing accusations of cheating around and get people banned without any proof then theres something seriously wrong. This is completely a case of a sore loser causing trouble for everyone.
+3 / -0
This appears to be the match in question: teams are as follows: Thrankos + Mystx vs. LordofTrolls + TheBogdanoffs The spectators are: PanchoVilla + Wonkey (Both of the same clan as team LordofTrolls) The game is on Intersection. The game starts with Team Thrankos (NorthWest) discussing their opening strategy. Team LordofTrolls (SouthEast) is silent at this time on in-game chat. Just before the game starts, Thrankos expresses his belief that SouthEast will be getting help from spectators. Just after the game starts, team southeast executes the buildup to an ogre drop. Team northwest splits up, with one player staying in base and another expanding. When two ogres have been completed, lordoftrolls flies them both exactly at Mystx's factory on the southwestern hill. Cursor tracking reveals that his attention remains there, clearly expecting something to come up there, rather than preparing to send the transports onward towards team northwest's spawn point. I'm not an admin or the person who handed out this ban, but to me it seems deserved.
+9 / -2
we had been doing drops in all the games, not just matchmaking, and where we were all playing, not spectating. I believe Lord of Trolls planned to travel around the edge of the map to their base, saw the factory and so dropped the units. why is that so unlikely. I can assure you that there was no cheating involved in this. Please provide some solid proof because this situation is absurd.
+2 / -0
  Blackdutchie1: Having overly suspicious players doubting that we might get "help" from spectators is not a proof, just pure speculation perhaps based on their own experience using such cheating techniques 2: We are silent and so what? We have been experimenting all sort of drops and trolling techniques all weekend and I invite you AND the Admin to have a look before making such conclusions. 3: I was micro-ing the units to avoid enemy's sight. I could have went north/west or west/north, it was a 50/50 chance. And got literally surprised to see a dude putting his factory that close to our base, and just instantly dropped the Ogres! (Believe it or not, you just need to press "D" on your keyboard). It's that simple! And most importantly, we have played numerous MM yesterday with NO ONE complaining except this guy! His strategy failed, and he raged. I understand that it can be humiliating to lose crushed by an Ogre drop but he should have been more fair play and accept his defeat. Finally, I was expecting the admins to follow the rules! Admins are supposed to be FAIR and base their judgment only on ACTUAL facts, not speculations. If anyone raging can just report the winning team and accuse them without proof of cheating don't expect the ZK community to grow. So again, I'm asking whoever banned us: WHERE ARE THE PROOFS?
+1 / -0
Watched it a couple of times, it's hard to say really... It's quite possible they were spec cheating, the reaction for the drop is amazing - I don't think I could manage this with my Internet connection, but I live continents away. I timed their reaction to drop the two Ogres somewhere between 1s (time Glaive and terraformed terrain was visible - and I assume you wouldn't drop on a single Glaive) and 700ms (time Commander was visible). With their connection latency being reported in the replay at 400ms, that's a pretty good reaction time. That said, if they were paying attention to the transports *only*, (and they don't seem to have been doing anything else), and if they had practice, I can imagine them being able to pull this off... I'm not sure I would give a ban on this alone, but one thing's for sure, it's going to put a sour mood on spectating - which sucks. Lobster watching is such a nice sport.
+8 / -0
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.... what is that about? PENALTY: Abusing other players Cannot spectator chat Muted Issued on: 5/27/2018 2:39:37 AM (35 hours ago) Expires on: 5/29/2018 2:39:37 AM (0d 12h remaining)
+1 / -2
katastrophe that is unrelated. It was late on a Saturday night so I'm guessing I was talking incessant nonsense on chat. I dont really know, but there was certainly no spec cheating involved.
+1 / -0
  katastrophe Please, don't try to deviate the conversation on something totally unrelated. It's inappropriate. As for the spectating issues, we have been asking for a delay in MM for a long time. We have played many MM vs veteran players and NEVER complained nor reported anyone when a Pyro seemed to have a "sixth sense" and find the exact right spots that hurt. Nor when a Widow seemed to be blessed with the capacity to "smell" a cloaked commander and find him in seconds to stun him, etc. We simply assumed the good faith of the players. Never speculated, raged nor made false accusations. Again, I'm still waiting for an Admin to give tangible proofs for our ban.
+1 / -0
Oh I don't know.... bad apples fall close to the tree 22 days ago GBrank Nigonogger joins clan Gods
+4 / -0
agree with you! proof or it didnt happen, that map isnt big, there arent that many opportunities where to drop. maybe disallow spectators by default for matchmaker in future edit: you could still watch replays if youre interested in those battles
+3 / -1
I don't understand what all the fuss is about to be honest... we were gonna drop them with ogres and unfortunately for Mystx his com was where we flew over and this fuss about the reaction time? Give me a break, if you are paying attention and not in a coma you will drop on time, especially after doing this several times. We've been clan training all weekend in matchmaking and teams games, and having clan members watch us in 2v2/3v3 is great training. Sadly I think that Mystx had let his emotions get the better of him after losing, understandable but look at the mess we are all in now as a result. Spec cheating is still a problem I agree, from an outsiders' perspective it's entirely possible we did that, and the people that do spec cheat probably do it with unassociated alt accounts watching so we wouldn't know about it. Maybe there can be some changes to the system instead? - How about a time delay for spectators? They can only see 5 behind live gameplay? - Remove spectators from ranked matchmaking? Yes it's nice to have live training, but if we want to eliminate speccheating I suppose this is the most sure way? The next best thing we could do is to analyse replays after a match to train... it's not as great though.
+0 / -0
 Well TheBogdanoffs, I dont understand why you think being racist trash is amusing. Since the foul player name above is evidently a previous name of yours. If I were you I'd not draw any more attention to yourselves and accept the punishment given to you at the moment.
+2 / -2
Watched the replay. It looks intensely suspicious. I think you can expect to be treated with suspicion when your username is LordofTrolls, your commander name is Troll, you have clan mates spectating the game and your blind all-in is directly perfectly to where it needs to go. I'd feel fairly confident in calling you out on this. On the other hand, I legitimately don't think a ban is the correct response here. This is a problem with the game, not the players - rules in competitive games should always be designed with the assumption they will be abused. I think a good approach might be to limit the spectator view of players who are in a party to only the LoS of the team containing the other members of their party (where all members of that party are on the same team), and introducing a time delay to spectator view. Wouldn't need to be long, maybe 5 seconds. That would make ambiguous situations and accusations of spec cheating like this less common, without reducing the usefulness of watching your clan mates play for training purposes. The replay will always be avaliable afterwards if you need the perspective of both sides.
+3 / -0
6 years ago
quote: I think you can expect to be treated with suspicion when your username is LordofTrolls, your commander name is Troll |
how is it relevant if you like someones name?
+2 / -0
What’s like or dislike got to do with it?
+0 / -0
you say "you can expect to be treated with suspicion when your username is LordofTrolls" so i just ask... i think this thread is about spec cheating and not his name
+2 / -0
"Watched the replay. It looks intensely suspicious. I think you can expect to be treated with suspicion when your username is LordofTrolls, your commander name is Troll, you have clan mates spectating the game and your blind all-in is directly perfectly to where it needs to go. I'd feel fairly confident in calling you out on this." I understand what you are saying, but: 1, I still dont feel that something looking suspicious is sufficient reason to take punitive action. 2, Surely you can expect clan mates to spectate games? why wouldn't they? 3, Whats in a name? nothing really. Having a troll name does not a troll make. 4, Crazy stuff happens in games! Play enough and someone is bound to get lucky, go to the right spot etc. It happens. 5, Please can one of the admin see sense here, apply some "unbiased" rational thinking to this and reverse this action. thanks, PV
+1 / -0
What kind of proof do you imagine can be brought?
+0 / -0