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Unit icons for single use bomb units

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I'm writing a guide about unit icons for steam right now, because it has recently been a topic of discussion if they are unclear, and I'm trying to classify unit roles. there are the super easy ones, like raider/riot/skirm, then the more questionable role units like crab, fellon, and moderator, which share the arrow icon. In this thread I want to propose 3 units, claymore, dominatrix, and venom to have different unit icons. The reason that I want these changed from their current star icons is because the star icon is SO CLOSE TO BEING BOMBS.Tick, snitch, scuttle, puppy, blastwing and limpet, all stars, all single detonation. That's more than half the roster that's detonation.

But I need to suggest what to change things to, right? Dominatrix can be the generic USB 2.0 symbol for being an elite hacker. Claymore can be a warhead facing doenwards for it's bombing underwater/water targets, where the warhead tip extrudes slightly past the bottom skirt and the warhead top does not intersect with the top of the circle. I'm not sure about venom, because it;'s the second riot, I was thinking somthing like an electric bolt behind the riot X, but that could make it look too much like the power generators.

Edit: people point out that Faraday and Funnelweb also have start icons
+3 / -0

6 years ago
Dominatrix could use the skirmisher icon (horizontal bar, like Rogue). After all, it's the factory's token skirmisher, even if a super weird one.
+3 / -0

6 years ago
I'm not positive this is up to date but might be a useful resource: http://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=Map_icons
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Faraday also currently has the star icon despite not being a bomb. It has a rioty AoE stun like Venom, so whatever change happens to Venom could apply to Faraday too.

I was thinking that they could have a plus sign as the icon, but then they might be confused with Scythe and Phantom's crosshair icons. The reasoning is that they are like "alternative riots" and so can have a rotated riot icon, like how "alternative artillery" (Impaler, Tremor) have vertical bars instead of slanted bars like normal artillery. Alternatively, they could have an oblique-angled cross (e.g. vertical line + 45 degree line).

Funnelweb also has a star over an elongated assault icon despite not being a bomb. Maybe it could change to the elongated assault icon over a spider chassis. The icon being elongated and big would make it unlikely to be confused with Hermit.

Crab and Felon, as you mentioned, are questionable. Jugglenaut is already a precedent for having a combination icon (assault-riot). Similarly, Crab could have an assault-skirm icon (horizontal bar over diamond), and Felon could have a riot-skirm icon (horizontal bar over X).
+1 / -0

6 years ago
I'd prefer to give Crab an assault-riot icon combo, recluse is already a skirmisher and crab doesn't quite do this job well due to it's AoE killing raiders which are skirmisher counters, so that it doesn't result on newbies trying to learn icons instead of units and sending raiders to kill the Crab.
+1 / -0
to complicate a bit further, a crabe is actually an assault/riot/skirm as well as being none of those.
assault: very weak when moving
skirm: cant kite
riot: hm
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Riot: low RoF, horrible turret tracking, inability to hit units up close and personal.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Scythe and Phantom's crosshair icons

By the way, those two should definitely have different icons.
+1 / -0
I made some garbage things in mspaint for proof-of concept, I think the faraday icon is by ar the best looking one, like a circle inside of a circle, but the outer circle is split down the middle and separated. The dominatrix one looks worse than it did in my head.https://imgur.com/r1uHQFS
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Chickens need new icons too while we are at it.
+0 / -0