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Ive discovered enemy's eviiil plan

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eww..in a 2v2 situation, one of the enemy players is going plane, preparing to bomb com in an upcoming future, now I discovered it, what exactly should I do?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
!resign cuz bombers

or build flex aa.
+3 / -0

6 years ago
Cheapest way to defend your com from such cheese is newton or hacksaw but the hacksaw will only kill 1 bomber if they have 5 then your dead.
+0 / -1

Honestly though, morphing armor and spamming aa units is what I'd suggest. Hacksaw has such a short range that your com might as well be dead if it's forced to stay near it. Cover as much area as possible with radars and react as soon as you see the enemy approach.

If you only have seconds to spare, terraform can be more effective than a hacksaw at times. Bombers can't see underwater, just make sure to have a hole big enough to hide your position.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Armor is a good idea, but you need AA anyway (flak), because if you will not kill enough bombers (or none at all), they will be back faster than you can repair all the damage (or with Owl in case U hide under water).
+0 / -0
1) Have scouted this early. This means sending a raider or whatever else to opponents base early.
2) Stay calm. You need to commit to a plan of action to prevent com death and to punish air, but you need to do this without spreading your resources too thin.
3) How many ravens can your commander tank, and how many ravens does your opponent have (Raven deals 800 damage). If they have exactly enough ravens to kill your com, then reducing raven number by one saves your com!
4) This can be done with hacksaw. You can also morph armor to increase the number of ravens they need. Only do one of these things at a time if your economy is small (which it still should be since you obviously scouted their air early right?
5) Once you've stabilised it's time to punish the planes! Most games you're going to start with raiders as the bulk of your army. Ravens suck against riders. You have a really good chance of breaking their com, factory, or economy if you're suitably aggressive.
6) If they survive your raider counter you need to make sure they're not ninja expanding, so maintain map control with raiders. Your economy should be larger and this will put you in a commanding lead.

- Build expensive AA early in the game.
- Morph your com excessively.
- Build units that are juicy targets for ravens such as recluse, warriors, or artillery.
+7 / -0

Edit: no longer relevant.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
problem is to REDUCE the number by one. ZK´s aa isn´t exactly fast at actually killing bombers, exept angler and hacksaw. hacksaw is bad for already listed reasons.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
i have learned that you can have a lobster next to your com, which then should lob away your com (we need a wupget for this). this has to be timed well, and in 2v2 agreed on when your "ally" it the one controlling the lobster. else, be prepared to be lobbed around for no reason, even if no air is present. at all.
+3 / -0
6 years ago
I'm surprised the Thresher isn't mentioned more often when it comes to stopping a bombing run. A Thresher can blow a Raven out of the sky every 1.5 seconds at 1000 range; if the Ravens are stacked, then the whole run is stuffed even faster.
+0 / -0
Maybe the hacksaw is good for sniping ravens in this situation, but I'm often happy seeing the enemy making hacksaws against my air.

You can trade 1 bomber for 1 hacksaw and only lose 80 metal, or with careful micro you can split the missiles and kill it for free (if there's not enough other AA to finish the 2 damaged bombers). Or do a hybrid and sacrifice a swift to gain 70 metal (and the swift can be built and fly there in like under 25 seconds). Or ignore the area its puny range can reach.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
hack still rubbish, needs to be more potent even if u reduce range even more
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Some factories get to cheat by having things like Archers and Venoms against which diving Ravens are good as lost.
+4 / -0
6 years ago
Some factories get to cheat by having things like Archers and Venoms against which diving Ravens are good as lost.

Yeah, for dedicated AA units being as similar as units can get in ZK, flex AA is one of the most variable things among factories.
+0 / -0
In this scenario, i think it's not even about being flex-aa. Most factories have flex-aa.

Consider: Mace is excellent flex-aa, but it's not going to save your commander from Ravens.

What matters for point defense is the stopping power. Venoms have it - they freeze planes in place and can even stunlock them very quickly. Archers just push them away. Ogres don't stun or push, but they sure do stop Ravens as well.

Hacksaw kind of has the stopping power - but it's comparable to Venom in cost and is frozen static. Maybe it deserves a minor buff.
+0 / -0
How I feel about hacksaws is less about how bad it is and more about how much more manageable it seems - as an air player - compared to other AAs.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Hacksaw is so super easily countered that its not even funny, i agree it could use some buffs
+0 / -0
Option 1: Morph your commander to have cloak(or just build Iris if you're cloak fac).
Option 2: Build faradays around you.
Option 3: Spam Pickets everywhere you go
Option 4: Use anti-raven non-AA units on patrol around your com. Venoms(works wonders), Outlaws(low effectiveness), Placeholder, Moderators, Puppies(low effect), Ogres(low effect), Blitz(Low effect), Reavers(Low effect/Low range), Mace(low effect), Archers(Prevents bombing, doesn't stop them).

Hacksaw needs buffs, maybe make it cost 300 metal and let it stockpile missiles like Artemis, so the longer they are around the more bombers they can knock out of the sky, and a slight range buff.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Hacksaw is a thing u only ever build next to your com to discourage air player from choosing u as first target and since u cant dodge bombs anymore with circle jerking i have come to rely on the resign button when i see ravens coming for me like im a piniata,however,hacksaw is a close contender to resign tho.Most times if bomber rush hasnt been scouted then u better bend over and take it like a man,cause u wont have enough time to build a shitty hacksaw.
+3 / -0

6 years ago
You can trade 1 bomber for 1 hacksaw and only lose 80 metal, or with careful micro you can split the missiles and kill it for free (if there's not enough other AA to finish the 2 damaged bombers). Or do a hybrid and sacrifice a swift to gain 70 metal (and the swift can be built and fly there in like under 25 seconds).

Lel. No. I made a widget to completely prevent this. You're going to lose value.
+0 / -0
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