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Let's talk about flea

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6 years ago
Should flea be able to kill economy? Googlefrog seems to think yes. But should fleas be able to beat glaives, riots, llts, comanders, and whole bases in FFA?


I think no. it's BS. nerf flea.
+3 / -0

6 years ago
They beat glaives and riots?
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Flea is a really strong unit and I see people regularly build spider factories just for the flea. I sometimes think they are a bit too good, but any nerf to flea would put a big hole in spider capabilities.
+1 / -0

6 years ago

Here's some vids on how to play flea fac. Please abuse. note how when the enemy build riots I just kill them with fleas.
+4 / -0

6 years ago
Lul not building venoms against fleas.
Resign lobster.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Exibit 6:14 against ATOSTIC and exhibit 2:30 against DrDoom
+0 / -0

6 years ago

Here's a replay where I abuse flea again. flea is especially powerful on small maps. things like placing buildings incorrectly lead to death, and the cloaking makes ambushes super easy even if they see it coming.

3 nerfs:

lower attack range

take 1 slow damage every time if fires(tiny unit tiny power reactor)

to burrow takes more time than instant.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I feel like I've been saying this ever since it last got buffed
+0 / -0
These are all good spider maps for what that's worth.

And yeah, redback is not the spider riot I would build against fleas. I'll grant that jump has a rough matchup against flea spam but since the factory has no functional counters to Venom on rough terrain I'm not sure that matchup is playable on Frozen Planet in any case. Certainly I never had any luck with it in the past.

tl;dr: I am not yet convinced that this is more due to "flea OP" than to "your opponents failed to respect/understand flea". I believe I could be convinced though.

(Not by beating me with fleas, though. I'm rusty as.)
+2 / -0

6 years ago
To be fair, I don't think the 2 vids show more than that the Redback fails as a riot and the Venom doesn't compensate.

I was surprised that pyro couldn't just cook them at leisure though.

Got anything showing fleas against better riots?
+0 / -0
Let's talk about fleas, ba-by

+0 / -0
To be fair, I don't think the 2 vids show more than that the Redback fails as a riot and the Venom doesn't compensate.

I'd want to see what happens against an opponent who doesn't waste metal on Redbacks, and instead uses Venoms and judiciously placed Lotuses to defend themselves.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Would it be possible to make Fleas less capable of firing over each other? I think that would reduce their mobbing power without reducing their capabilities in lower, more manageable numbers.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I would say that the issue is less about flea and more about cheap units in general.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Fleas are significantly more mobile than glaives and have even higher dps/cost. The game has quite a few anti-raiders without aoe that fail to counter flea swarms.

Redbacks are labeled as "riots". They should have been a decent option even if suboptimal compared to venoms in this particular case.

The logical nerf would be to halve their dps. It would still have some harassing power, but the enemy would have more time to respond.

+0 / -0

6 years ago
I remember many 1v1 between randy and godde on vittra where godde tried to play with fleas vs glaives and lost every time. He was complaining flea not stronk enough. Godde was slightly better than randy, just flea cant realistically compete vs glaive. They are a great unit for map vision and harassment and godde would wreck any lesser player that way but glaives will shit them down hard. Retreat micro OP.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
iv been listening for a while.. fixing everything thats slightly off would be cool but maybe we should also prioritize the things that are more broken then others.. fleas are in some ways balanced while other units like detriment are so underwhelming that it may warrant a higher priority no?

im not saying dont tweak flea if it needs a tweak.. but many units in this game are meta owled while flea is still massively used and useful
+3 / -0
6 years ago
Flea seems strong because most of their counters - riots - sucks, their are slow, clumsy and can't properly target and retarget retarget fast units like raiders are, especially fleas. while the first 2 are needed for their role, their targeting system could be improved a bit (turred speed rate, reaction time) . some of them (like leveler) waste have high damage and low rate of fire, that does not help to, they should have a better rof/damage ratio
+2 / -0

6 years ago
As a porc lover in FFA, I can categorically state that while flea is strong, it is not OP.

People are simply not respecting flea and building their porc wrong. Lotus is very useful against flea and you need to build them in chains. You also need to place weaker porc behind stronger porc. Something like Razor on the outside, Gauss behind those and a combination of Lotus and Faraday behind those. Even clouds of fleas struggle to deal with overlapping porc arranged like this.

Other ideas are setting up energy pylons and Snitches as wave breakers. A single energy pylon can destroy wide swathes of fleas. I've also noticed that if you can channel fleas into narrow streams, things like Stardust absolutely mallet them.

Now, I guess I haven't mentioned units yet.

If you MUST use units, then I suggest making Fleas.

They make great border guards and provide intel on enemy positions.

They can be used to swarm ill-defended strongpoints and be used as cheap probes to find weak spots.

Furthermore, if you build 10000 of them, the players with anything less than a supercomputer are forced to drop out due to unbearable lag. Win!

*(This post written part tongue in cheek ;) )
+2 / -0

6 years ago
I think you guys are waaay overestimating venom
+3 / -0
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