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Zero-K v1.7.3.1

87 posts, 5871 views
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6 years ago
u dont need a storage u just need to get a wind up and it can grow from there
+0 / -0
6 years ago
In this replay http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/693787? LegatusJonus loses all energy and no team energy is shared to him. Until someone manual shares him some energy.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
You will have trouble building without storage or energy income. I haven't checked how that works recently.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
think its ok, but was just a game when i had plenty of land and mexes, just main base with e got rushed, and i was unable to continue, kinda sucked
+0 / -0

6 years ago
please give us a way to play with income from other constructors (that are not commander) / caretakers
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Yeah ok I miss my FFA comeback mechanic, unsurprisingly.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Oh hell yes~!

I really like this change. I'm gonna come back and try it out the moment I've got some time.

I love that you got rid of janky con income. People want con income because they like feeling like they haven't lost, like they've got a chance. But it's junk and doesn't make sense. Happy to see it gone. Con farms are bad design and bad gameplay, there's nothing wrong with people losing games as a result of losing all their important stuff.

I can see how the commander income change could address some issues with RPS. You no longer have the 1-minute rush "swell" of units that can be already out of control before you scout. However, I can see how this could fundamentally change the value of different factions (especially those centered on early game who had good matchups against those rush strategies, but now also get out-scaled faster).
+2 / -0
Page of 5 (87 records)