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Cyan is haunting my dreams

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13 years ago
I just played a game where 5 of the 6 people playing WERE THE SAME COLOR. CYAN BLUE. That blue that zk lobby gives you.

It annoys me so much. So VERY much. (along with the whole starting without ready bit)

Will it be particularly difficult to enforce a !fixcolors before the server launches? Do you guys really hate people who dont use local team colors? It seems the consensus is that everyone actually LOVES that annoying as hell cyan color. And its annoying me.


Also, how is a jack considered slow?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I agree, I want there to be local team colors too. I think the jack is considered slow because it's slower than almost every otherr unit
+0 / -0

13 years ago
By default there is a widget (Local Team Colors) which fixes team colours ingame and gives everyone consistent colours relative to you. Like any widget don't expect things to work if you disable it. F11 is the poweruser area, they are expected to fix their own problems.

If you dislike the default colours you can disable the widget and use your own selection of colours by editing teamcolors.lua found in the engine install.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
f11 is supposed to be poweruser territory? Wow. I mean, I dont really consider myself a power user at all, just some guy who likes to have things slightly off the norm. Isnt that what settings are for?

Also, the jack is speed 1.8. A recon com starts at 1.5, strike at 1.3. The only units I can think of slower than that are sumos, at 1.2.
The zeus runs 1.7, along with warriors and hammers.
The outlaw, at 1.5
the crabe at 1.3

I would not consider the zeus/warrior/hammer as 'slow' units... Yet the jack's description is 'very slow'. Its speed is contrary to its description. And, to top that off, IT HAS JUMPJETS, making almost any question of tactical speed irrelevant.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
You are meant to use menu settings to tweak gui -> escape -> settings (wrench icon)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Thats nice and all, but the settings I want arent there.

What other rts do you know of that lets 5 out of 6 players be the same exact color?
Dont get me wrong, I understand that the base 'game' is supposed to have local colors enabled, but I dislike local colors, merely because at the end of the game I cant correlate colors to people. I see people AS their color, merely because the color is what I see, not names.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I would like to correlate colours too but I gave up on that a while ago. Now that everyone uses local team colours you will not be able to discuss anything in terms of colours anyway.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Personally I love local team colors but it seems really bad for newbies, who don't realize team colors are local and so refer to everyone by color.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I agree that it would be nice if we could identify players with certain colours, but do you know what !fixcolors does? It sets your colours according to preset choices. The reason we went with localcolours.lua is because we were doing this basically every game anyway.

Now, granted, if you disable local colours you can tell your ally 'Hey, blue, could you go attack here?'. But If they -dont- have it disabled, you cant.

The reason we did this is because with very large games that are becoming typical in spring (5v5 etc) its hard to tell allies from eachother, allies from enemies and both from yourself if they are both different shades of one colour. Localcolours fixes this: You are always teal, players always have different colours, enemies are always red-yellow colours.

So you can argue that as a default policy we should disable localcolours and go with a lobby-side solution, but you disabling it yourself and asking for support isnt going to help you identify players to colours.

If you want to play without localcolours, just remember to pay attention to the colours displayed and !fixcolors before you launch if they are screwed. Its what you'd have to do anyway.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Sadly, remembering to !fixcolors before every game is seemingly my only option at this point. Most of the time, its possible to ask for help by referring to what you want there ('could i get some air support on this ridge', etc)

It should be possible to implement a workaround to !fixcolors in a local form (as in, lua that checks the colors, and if they are the same applies a randomly selected color from a pallet). Of course, this would be if anything a project for me to figure out..
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Now that we have complete control over colours, a range of other criteria have arisen and advantages to this system become apparent. Notably, one of the criteria used by licho is that colours are not too dark, so that the icons show up well with their black-rimmed borders and details. The 'samness' of colours is also rather relative (you cant just compare values as some hues are more distinguishable than others). With the preset list, we have large and specific differences, and the easiest to distinguish colours are always picked first (so the smaller the game, the clearer the colours). For pure gameplay and recognition reasons, this system is superior.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
kinda suprised that something could not be whipped up in the lobby that is also done by the devs.

shoulnt be too hard to use the local colours style system (that i think is cool) but force it in the lobby.

Team One (Blues)
P1 Cyan
P2 blue
Team Two (Reds)
P1 Red
P2 Orange

Just sort it in join order, if a new person joins the team just add them on with their colour, that way when the game is underway newbs can correlate by color and it still looks nice.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
remove the "shouldnt be too hard"
Im cant code, im no programmer and it sounds a bit rude of me to say that.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
What we need is subjective colours ;D. The chat window could intercept words with are colours and change them around such that every player can talk about other players by colour without confusion.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Or even easier, give all players the same team colors assignation.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
>Or even easier, give all players the same team colors assignation.

i dont quite think you know what is going on.

Team colours in ZK is handled by a widget "Local Team Colours"
you can still change your colour in a lobby that allows it however "local team colors" overrides the color system on your PC.

I did have another thought on how to fix it apart from implementing something in the lobby.

Run Local team colors in alphabetical order, so you dont have to edit the lobby and can just edit the widget.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I know how it works. And still think its easier for local team colors to assign the same colors for everybody than intercept colors names in chat.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
So is there a simple way using local team colors for at least your units to be the color you want (ie i would like my units to appear orange), or would you have to edit the widget?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
To control your colour without controlling others you have to edit the widget. To control all colours enable teamcolors.lua in your engine folder and disable the widget.
+0 / -0