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what zero-k needs is more tactics

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guys the time for zero-k to evolve or grow into a more fun loving sophisticated game where people would aaah at it has come now -_-.

zero-k should be on this list

zero_k needs new traps. new ideas on beaten opponents were all custom of one nuke, end gamers like zenith, and big robots striders. but truly the intelect needs more ways to win A game. i thought for along time but zero-k needs middle tier end gamers. We have the missile silo an medium weapon. ideas have to come to me involve a weapon that can be medium size and cost 3000 like strider. a weapon that can create holograms and fool the enemy. a weapon that like a satelite or like a small tank gets on the battlefield on can copy and make image of 8 units on the battlefield making believe your enemy they have more enemies and make defenses waste thier ammo shooting at them and letting your real troops circle around them. such weapon can cost less like 2000 come to think of it and create more illusions. think of many of this units make 20 units and defenses aim at them instead of the real ones.

this unit like the ix projector can be hidden with an iris like snitches. and goes unto the battlefield and create holograms of units. that way u send a fake army to south and your real army to the north and hit them hard. the truth is this weapon can be used also to spot ghoster's who have a person spying the game for them and telling where troops are. if he know when u send an army south and he follows the real army you know he's ghosting.

cheaters beware on replays moderators would know. but besides creating a superweapon which can cost 30,000 too can create holograms in a larger scale and you would have a fake army of units going one way another not shooting anything and confusing your opponent.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
good idea I support it
+0 / -0
new ideas are that traps are created like faradays and starbursters and stingers. one shock them them the other one kills them. small simple defense mechanism. but zero-k should have more. it should be given idea of a trap like unit or structure u put on land like a teleporter. make teleporter where enemy get teleported in front of your defenses. some thing like a piece of square energy portal on the floor and cover it with iris cloaked. the enemy won't know it's there. djinn are too costly but a small strucuture like stinger and expensive like it gets installed at the battlefield. your enemy walk on it and get zapped into the front.

i remember shaman making lobster kick a shogun and using it to fire on enemy very bright idea ;D the kinetic energy in this game has not fully been exploited really guys zero-k should use the basic and i mean elements in the game. for instance the sumo juggler unit. it could be possible to use the physics in game where a juggle can carry a rock and throw it to the enemy and damaging the enemy. imagine if lobsters can pick unanimated objects on the field like rocks, boulders, and big units like dante and instead of throwing into the air they sling it to the enemy and making the weight crush units and killing them. make units also weapons to throw at.

another trap is now fire mines making unit that send fire mines and burns things. put them on the floor and will burn. have more ideas put them later involving water maps.

+0 / -0
besides now a gravity weapon a new unit or structure to accompany the newton and faraday. this time a weapon that attracts units to fall into the traps. yes acclamator nice name it pulls enemy units in its direction forcing them to fall on the traps u put. those are new ideas and tactics for zero-k. a structure called acclamator pulls a bear, rovers snithces into portals, or faradays but put a mechanism that can't use newtons or this weapon so close they nuliffy themselves. but u get the idea.

so make something like opposite of newton and make them pull fat bears into traps and your defenses kill the bear. or even simpler u make a hole big with constructor and u make enemy units fall on them and collect the scraps later ;D.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
We need quantum units. Athenas should be able to emit a quantum burst, mirroring units in an area. The mirrored units are then quantumly entangled with their real counter counterparts, free to move independently until they make a action in the game. As soon as a quantum unit deals or receives damage, the superposition collapses, teleporting the real unit to whichever position acted upon the game. This would allow for quantum raids, allowing you to send your army to 2 locations at once, and whichever position is more open to attack you get to leap upon.
+2 / -0
that will be nice.....

but people wouldn't be able to code that so simply it's still something not easy to code and do. frankly i understand what u said and i have seen many vidoes about youtube explaining quantum physics. but poor devs i believe they woulnd't understand how to put that in this game. to make quantum burst what color should be appropriate and would it really be quantum tactic not a cheese a of reply of one unit spamming mirror style but something unique people can use, people think quantum mechanics has something to do with time

from some fellow students i've talked to before but don't realize that quantum mechanics are not constraint by time. if u put quantum units later on u 'll make the devs put quantum physics in the game and you'll kill them with brain overload ;D hahahahahah

you have to give a new tactic system so people can learn how to use the whole system and understand it. by god that is a good idea
imagine zero-k being the first quantum game in phsyics real time playing. it would be like making 3-d plane of existence which u mix a game like kernel panic and zero-k in one. just imagine units trascend and interact with each other and destroy each other in a way quantum physics can make it all possibel something like that will make it on top of rts games.

bluesteel u gave me a new idea buddy ;D thanks. going to draw pics and even make a cartoona bout it.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
ZK needs the whole Achron thing, but kept in an owled state in a hard to reach corner of the strider train hub.
+0 / -0
oh come on don't be afraid about new ideas, owl state survives in this harsh world of the internet but if u have talent and ideas are buzzing maybe nothing will happen to zero-k. if devs don't wanna okay just blue idea gave me another. but just simplify things. put them in A draft memorize them and maybe later will be to good use ;D.

. a reverse newton or new unit that pulls units to porc defenses.

. a projector ix units that make replicas of units in mass proportion. you'll see them blue holograms to u but real thing to enemy.

. a rug like square portal to teleport your enemy in front of the base.


. a new system of quantum mechanics incorporated inside zero-k ( that's gonna kill dienfrund staying up all night or any other crazy dev who wants to)

. a athena gives quantum burst to mirror units that on your team then entangles them via quantum power, thus this units have clones or replicas and u send them to one place and u send the real units to another until the fake one get shot only to reveal they have been fake and your real units attack. wait minute bluesteel that's simple mirage or copies of the real thing and foolin' your opponent. nice ;D

+0 / -0

5 years ago
Newton has a toggle just like Jugglenaut to send attract beams. Sadly most things tend to out range it, and on flat ground it suffers from pulling units into the ground creating massive drag(or whatever causes that not move in place the engine does).
+0 / -0

5 years ago
We need quantum units.

All the units in Zero-K are already simulated in a way that models the effects of underlying quantum mechanics.

More seriously... the Athena quantum unit idea is interesting. We have also considered many intel-shennanegan abilities such as holograms, Red Alert 2 spies, and a hidden version of BW Queen parasites. We even had a scrambler that generated fake radar dots at one point. The issue with these mechanics is that they tend to fight the core design principal of not fighting against the UI. It would be cool to figure out a way to have this sort of thing that works in ZK.

The general problem with things like spoofing and holograms is as follows:
  • Humans are good at looking through illusions. If paying attention they can often spot that units are moving or acting in the wrong way.
  • Computers are bad at looking through illusions. Also, making the UI automatically defeat the illusion would make the whole mechanic pointless.
  • This results in a situation where the human knows that the illusion is fake, yet the human's units respond as if it is real.
  • The human must now scramble to prevent their units from behaving really stupidly, which conflicts with the core design.

I experienced these issues with the radar spoofing system. There was never a case when I saw fake radar dots and thought that they were real. The system was only used to bait artillery. We've already got a bad enough situation with nanoframe radar dot spoofing, but at least nanoframes can die.

In short, the task is to come up with a hologram design that fools humans about as often as it fools computers. Here are a few simple options that don't achieve a full hologram system.
  • Don't have holograms (the trivial solution).
  • Make holograms pop as soon as they enter enemy aggro range. This prevents them being used as bait.
  • Give holograms a bunch of costs and abilities that make them not make fools (quantum units could fall under this umbrella).

This is an interesting task because it is mostly design. Everything regarding implementation is either fairly trivial or impossible.
+4 / -0

5 years ago
Quantum units is an interesting idea and solves a lot of problems. The first unit to deal or take damage was the real unit all along, so it is very hard to trick the unit AI. More generally, the tricks occur on a strategic level rather than a tactical level. I expect that going for strategic level tricks is a good heuristic to follow when trying to avoid fooling the computer into being stupid.

Another point in favour of quantum units is that you could reveal all of what is occurring to your opponents and there would still be a mechanic to interact with.

The trick to quantum units will be in figuring out what causes a collapse. As a first approximation this could be the same as what causes a unit to decloak, with the exception of:
  • Being submerged.
  • Being near an enemy.
  • Using jumpjets.
It would be nice to be able to clone shielded units, however shield link makes this difficult. Perhaps shielded units could collapse if they execute a shield link transfer. People would just have to be careful to keep their quantum shielded units at full charge.

Self-collapse seems like it could be an issue. Units can usually freely decloak themselves (just by firing) so I would feel obliged to add a self-collapse button. However, once we do this then there is nothing stopping a unit from collapsing itself in the damage-avoiding way when its other clone is just about to take damage. At this point quantum units are essentially as powerful and automation-fooling as standard holograms, albeit with the restriction that they need a 'real' unit on the backline to maintain each one.
+3 / -0
this brainstorm have garnered good ideas people, there is a large field of new ideas that can benefit zero-k it for the taking. i see anarchind talks about his train making it hover will be nice.

but thinking about the quantum mechanics implemented inside the game will take time. because reality check we don't really need a quantum computer to make modern computer to implement quantum tactics inside the game. scientist are still figuring out how to do it. but moleculeman knows how and can beat them to the point. frankly ideas have come to me about quantum units and tactics.

but pls lets do what anarchind says lets put this in shelve up not only to observe but make more ideas and drafts to finally be creatable. is that we can make it possible to make zero-k look like a quantum mechanics just making it appear like it. but real physics to make real quantum tactics needs more then just adjusting numbers they need to teach people about it and making it feasible for gameplay. for example googlefrog explained ai sees the clones and will know where they are and will be pointless they'll attack the real units and ignore clones or quantum units. what's need is a method or mechanism where the ai cannot see this and follows it's pattern like what? well one is to create another a.i. inside the game that is against a.i. and can intercept the a.i. and prevent it from knowing where the units are.

+0 / -0
okay forget it i make things to long
+0 / -0
makes things to hard for u guys to understand

+0 / -0
5 years ago
you know what's a more simple way for this instead of making new structures u make djinn more cheaper make it 300 metal and less hitpoints 500 and give it a morph power once u push the button 350 more metal it has extra ability which u give it a pointer or a flashlight ability like commander special ability the stunner one and what it points can be also teleported. now u add the crab tactic of making a constructor build it high up and and iris to accompany it.

u make that wannabee djinn up in high up dirt mountain like u want and it can teleport enemy units as your units as well and make many djinns around the map and u make them morph give them share vision which they can teleport around their own radius like shield bots or like iris does with it's cloak field. u also should make djinn now a unit commander bots can make like iris. iris comes out of cloakies, djinn comes out of amphbots now djinn has the opportunity to shine like a boss. and be build separately and given an extra ability like a gun that points and teleports from 10 meters gives u a new tactic for zero-k to beat nuke tactic and game ender weapon zenith. new smarts to win a game.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
to make things simple ;D

. make djinns cheaper and give them extra ability they can shoot from a distance and teleport enemy units and your units.

.make a.i. to create to control and blind normal a.i. game so it won't find clone units or quantum units.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
what else can be added to make more tactics for zero-k cloak snitches, djinn teleporter gun, and replicator of mirror units.
there is more that can be added and simple. perhaps making new strider units make it possible.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I can't read those posts with their lack of punctuation and sentence structure.
+3 / -0
okay i write fast sorry.

make djinn cheaper, give it a gun and let them teleport enemy units also ally units. let them make links between each other so they can teleport thru thier radius.

okay going to make pics.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
look use the same tactics of the eldar in warhammer40,000

and use the djinn like the iris is used and give them range weapon so they can teleport enemies and allies alike. that is a good idea.
+0 / -1