GoogleFrogYou might not like what I am going to say but Zero-k is starting to get restricted when it comes to special tactic. We no longer have interesting stuff in this game that requires heads over micro/macro first. You constantly turn this game into a "mouse breaker" and because of that what made Zero-k unique starts to dissipate.
I just came back and instead of finding new interesting stuff to the game as it should be, I only see nerfed units and very small good changes. I can give you examples regarding what was nerfed since I left and recently rejoined:
Licho ( or what it's called now) - nerfed hard, it doesn't do dmg...it has high turn speed and so on.
Raven nerfed to hell - you can't even kill a commander with 4 of them (1200 metal)
Scythe nerfed - no longer that effective from what I saw
Thunderbird - no longer effective for its 600 metal cost and people no longer build it. It just dies to fast...
Krow - nerfed again and it's extremely useless against 2-3 razors. Remember krow costs 4500 metal...
Bertha - !pending!
Now I will remind you what you nerfed a long time ago, things that I/other players developed and explored/studied hard in order to make it a tactic:
-Space Charon skuttle -
[Spoiler]that moment when you use newton turret to project the small transporter into the air to overcome enemy aa and then use a skuttle to drop on a target from space
-Newtons turrets -
[Spoiler] you can't use them effectively to project roaches after the nerfs and even decent units that were useful previously (jumpers)
-Newton flea space scout -
[Spoiler]that moment when I made a special terraform area, placed the fleas there and the newtons projected the fleas into the air scouting the map
-Athena nuke bomb -
[Spoiler](Developed first by Firepluk, I no longer have information if it works but I just put it here because...it's expected to be nerfed (because why not). You just use the mass of the Athena to stop the nuke from firing making the nuke explode instantly after launching
-Locust -
[Spoiler]they seem to useless for what they were a long time ago. People never use it to raid stuff in the games!
-Gnats -
[Spoiler]nerfed and can no longer hit targets so well
-Aspis mobile/stationary -
[Spoiler]no longer protects that much, I would increase the metal requirement instead of changing the recharge power
Ok now we want to be optimistic...here are the good changes that I saw :
Funnelweb -
[Spoiler]good that you removed the drones it had and made it a strong constructor/protector unit. Now we have a chance to counter tactical nukes/emp nukes
Lobster -
[Spoiler]interesting unit, I might exploit it hardly in the future. There is always a way to exploit the units until they nerf them
The overall changes over the years from my point of view gives me clear hints that the game is in regression. I understand you want an RPS game here but this is not why most of the player base enjoy this game.
[Spoiler](at least this is what I saw)
Most of us have high-end PCs and we still come back to zero-k to have more of this game complexity and not taking this into consideration will be a faulty choice.
The suggestions that I gave over the years
[Spoiler](even if they were not that clear because of my English in those days)
are still the same I am giving you right now. Please stop nerfing stuff and expand the complexity of the game. I might even help up with this since recently I started to make some junior programming courses. If I remember correctly this is mostly LUA based programing and if somebody can give me some links on LUA tutorials applied to this game I would be grateful.
One way to balance all the things in this game and increase its complexity is to make every unit in the game modular (like commander morph is). The difference between commander morph and modular units will be the fact that in the factory you will have blueprints of previously created units. You will save and replace what blueprints you like but, an important aspect is that you can build these units in the game exactly from the factory, with the expense of more metal of course.
We will only need to balance the costs for each unit module (stun, slow, machine gun dmg, explosion dmg, high power servos, cloaking, shield, etc.) in a direct report to the weight/price the current unit has.
So what will this modular unit give you for example? Let's just the "Glaive" unit with the current price of 65 metal.
First situation: I want for example to make it have cloaking technology. This module will cost 40 additional metal making the unit cost 105 total metal when you build it. I would also want to increase its speed of 116 Elmo to 200 so it will move fast. Because it's almost double that value we will add another 40 metal to the cost making the glave cost 145 metal.
[Spoiler] Price adjustment for each module will be directly linked with the weight it has or for the initial cost it has, so in case you want a Cyclops to be invisible you will have to pay 20-40% more than the initial price. These are just examples, the price adjustment for each module will need to be tested over and over again. But you will at least adjust some simple prices instead of nerfing units over and over again!
Second situation: I want a teleporting Glave.
[Spoiler] similar to the Chrono commando in red alert
So it costs 65 but of course, for the additional module, you will have to pay 20-40% more metal than usual to get it.
Let's switch to other units like planes. I want for example an invisible plane, again I pay 20-40% more to make that blueprint and have the unit on the battlefield. To counter invisibility we just make a special radar that has 20-40% more price because it has cloaking ability detection.
So what can you make with this modular integrated system?
Units that have special abilities but with the increased price and even buildings/defenses.
Immagine a bertha that has high reload rate but costs 10000 metal...you won't have to spam 3-4 berthas...you just have one that shoots the hell out of the enemy.
Immagine a radar spy plane that's invisible and nobody can detect except when it comes in the range of a radar system (that has a cloaking module detection added to it).
Making everything modular in this game will remove the nerfing situation that we have right now. It will put players to balance their unit composition and blueprints. The only thing we need is to adjust the current added price rate of each module for each unit, meaning you only have to deal with simple numbers every time you see something OP :).
I will wait for the LUA programming guide in order to make a small step in working on this development if people agree.