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Why the game is only in English?

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5 years ago

It's 2019 yet. Zero-K is in Steam. However, when I try other colleagues to play Zero-K, the most of them have troubles with the language.

There are many Zero-K players that would like to help to translate GUI and messages to their own languages, and this will clearly promote the game to more players. Why is not Zero-K localized in other languages? I'll use Transifex to help but, will be Spanish available to users if I finish Spanish translation?

Thank you
+0 / -0
5 years ago
+1 / -0
Most is translatable apart from loadinscreen tips as they are images - it's possible but it would take a lot of extra work.
+1 / -0
Zenfur if you send me the loading-screen images and i send you plain translated german text, would you have the time to implement it? Remember i am an absolute computer-noob.
+0 / -0
All ingame texts are switchable to a bunch of languages including russian, polish, german, turkish. If you're on Linux, you can also have Chinese (not available on windows for technical reasons).

This is done by clicking on the flag button on the small menu at the top. Not very discoverable, sadly.

Some languages are partially translated and not included due to lack of completion - Spanish is at around 20% total, for example. You can pretty much start translating this whenever you want.

Lobby and campaign are not translated nor currently translatable. If you want to do either, i'll tell you where to start - it's rather simple lua stuff mostly, but there's lots of it.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
DErankkatastrophe it would require making the images buildable with a script instead static images like now - reworking all loadscreens.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
I translated to Spanihs at least 60 phrases today. I'll continue. About loading-screens, I would like to make the translation too, like DErankkatastrophe proposed, but I need the source images.

Anyway, what is "a must" IMHO, is let user to choose the language when installing.
+4 / -0

5 years ago
I am highly in favour of loadscreen text being rendered on the fly instead of being baked into the image. The loadscreens are currently 66MB of the game, so I am not going to include distinct ones for each language.
+3 / -0

I am highly in favour of loadscreen text being rendered on the fly instead of being baked into the image. The loadscreens are currently 66MB of the game, so I am not going to include distinct ones for each language.

Reminded me about one freelance project I took couple of years ago (some Hindu team worked on it before)
The task was to make a webpage with background video... Guess what they did?
+1 / -0
Firepluk why didn´t they use bmp instead? that would at least be consequent towards the quality^^

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog i can submit the translations if you want to render them in. as said, i am unable to do it myself.
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