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Rez Paladin

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Both guns are rez
2 handguns can rez up to 100 metal per shot and fire slower
mahlazer can rez 1 shot up to 2 k metalz
the effect need a little change, perhaps the rezing could take some looks from zombie, the sfx of the guns would be slower moving with diferent colours in a "rez" theme.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
Remove Paladin
+1 / -0

4 years ago
What is Paladin?
+0 / -0
And the next question should be "Why is Paladin" and it will remind us of Infinity War
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I feel the biggest striders are underwhelming compared to the superweapons. Starlight is an "I win" button, Detriment costs half of a Starlight and often fails to decide games (also gets rekt by Starlight from a mile away).
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I faced a paladin in a 1v1 yesterday and it made me real uncomfortable, it kept shooting my dudes and it had heaps of hit points. I don't ever want to feel this way again and I think it should be removed from the game.
+1 / -0
is it ok to mention detriment here.. because paladin is quite nice compared to detriment

a few paladins normally makes cost but a detri can be pwnd by merlins late game

yes if you put a ring of flea around detri it wards off ulti.. but detri is still killed by gnat, merlins, paladins..

even allot of normal units might work like mass recluse for example.. a detri worth of most units might kill a detri

i guess thats to be fair.. however a detri costs heaps so it should be a factor stronger then the average fighting power of its metal weight

super weapons are so op.. detri is a front-line target that costs are steep so.... oh no.. im so angry about detri im ranting about it on a paladin forum
+0 / -0
On this subject, I feel that ultimatums are bullshit. Zero-K tries way too hard to make heavy units dependent on screening, and ultimatums are the the ultimate (ha!) example of that. I feel like if you have managed to complete a heavy unit, you should get to stomp around with it instead of having to be paranoid about ultimatums/gnat swarms/mines/any of the bazillion things that can disable/kill a lone heavy unit at a low cost.

Its not like all these caveats are even necessary, as most heavy units can still be killed by the right mix of ordinary light units/defenses.

Zero-K seems to have a hate boner for the idea of frontal assaults sometimes, no wonder the late game usually turns into an artillery fest.

(Also not sure if this thread is a joke, half a joke, or serious, probably shouldn't be ranting but hey)
+3 / -0

4 years ago
Ultimtam cost almost identical to a heavy unit(constant drain 24E= fusion reactor=1000 metal for active cloak or it won't work) and it very likely dies after one use, as it cannot escape.

If you wish to have Ultimtam survive an assassination.

Change the following,
Improved Regen
Combat Regen (HP/s) +20

Or make it a transformer, able to add wheel and escape at the speed of a cyclops.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Paladin is vulnerable to Big Bertha, Merlin and Ultimaum combination because of its size. Bertha can track Paladin and its shots often hit or blow up units surrounding Paladin.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
we do not talk about big bertha.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
berth while i loose the front 'cough'... sometimes it works tho =)
if good micro i dont mind 1-2.. then make some damn troops already!
+0 / -0
You're assuming the ultimatum has to escape. If the enemy heavy unit just dipped its head into your defensive line, the ultimatum doesn't have to escape anywhere. And "screening" is a pipedream because the entire point of heavy units is smashing them against the enemy frontline so that your light units can do their thing. If you put your light units in front of the advancing heavy unit, they die (not to mention that Zero-K is chaotic as hell and you generally have more urgent things to do than to keep continuously replacing your strider's dead escorts).

Also, ultimatum is way better at escaping assassinations than the theory suggests. 2000 health is very bad for cost but its still assault-unit tier. Shooting an insta-death piercing ball every 1.5 is basically an improv riot weapon. And it can cloak and disappear into the aether after a few seconds, which makes pursuit much harder. I see ultimatums murder stuff and get away with it all the time.

Also, the're extra bullshit underwater.

I believe that, in almost every situation, the 2 berthas you can buy for the price of a paladin, are going to be much more useful than the paladin.

+0 / -0
4 years ago
the wall with ulti behind it is very hard for detri to pass
+1 / -0
And "screening" is a pipedream because the entire point of heavy units is smashing them against the enemy frontline so that your light units can do their thing. If you put your light units in front of the advancing heavy unit, they die (not to mention that Zero-K is chaotic as hell and you generally have more urgent things to do than to keep continuously replacing your strider's dead escorts).

And "expanding" is a pipedream, because the entire point of porc is smashing enemies against them so that your mexes can do their thing. If you build mexes before you build porc, they die (not to mention that ZK is chaotic as hell and you generally have more urgent things to do than to keep continuously replacing your raided mexes).

Therefore Stinger needs to be given +0.8 metal income.

On a less sarcastic point, i'm not sure what game you are playing; the games i've specced recently had plenty of screening (and also quite a few striders that were successful despite no screening). Grizzly remains as oppressive as ever. The issue with Berthas being better than Paladin is a common issue in ZK with anti-unit artillery being king; Bertha is just almost the best there is.

(And a lot of what makes Paladin strong is its artillery sidearms. But while Paladin is an unkillable Lance, Bertha is Bertha)
+2 / -0
4 years ago
Well I'm not saying frontline heavy units are useless in the current meta, they can certainly work without screening if the enemy doesn't pull the ez counters on you, which usually require a bit of setting up.

I just feel like Zero-K has too many units with extreme stat distributions, and that is generally a bad thing as it pulls the game away from the realm of strategy and even the realm of tactics, delivering it to the realm of heavy micro and rock-paper-scissors hard counters. And a lot of them seem to be focused on giving heavies the middle finger.

And from those ultimatum feels like the most bullshit: insane attack, cloaking, terrible everything else. Its a unit that exists to punish you for not screening heavies to an extent you shouldn't really have to. Its annoying to play against and requires insane micro to play with. It can make a game come down to whenever someone gets a lucky break and shots the other person's dante or gets caught on the way.
+0 / -0
I just feel like Zero-K has too many units with extreme stat distributions, and that is generally a bad thing as it pulls the game away from the realm of strategy and even the realm of tactics, delivering it to the realm of heavy micro and rock-paper-scissors hard counters.

Having the units be different to each other is actually a design goal of ZK, though
+1 / -0
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