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Got kicked from the game for making singu by firepluk how is this fair this game is getting really sad constant fights with smurfs and firepluk who is like game breaking glitch


and then he resign in next 5 min
WTF is this
+2 / -0

5 years ago
If it:
- Isn't smurfs, it's firepluk.
- Isn't firepluk, it's bugs.
- Isn't bugs, it's trolls.
- Isn't trolls, it's not voting.
- Isn't voting, it is newbies.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
-Isn't newbies, it's smurfs.
+2 / -0
cry me a river GBrankczesio,

you got kicked for being a completely idle non responsive brick with an intellect of an ant(even ant got more juice) with my vote being just 1/4 of what is required to kick
I at least tried to do something reactive instead of sleeping in a corner in a 5v6 game(4v6 with u)
+1 / -0
5 years ago
I think we don't need to ban Firepluk, but in order for it not to spoil the game, his elo should be limited to 1800 so that it matches this level
+3 / -0
making a fusion is normally all the eco you need to spend your metals
a singu is good but you cant make that kind of thing unless your winning already or are vs porc / idle players

because a singu worth of units is a huge amount of push.. and because pushing mex/reclaim will probably net you more metal then a singu will too
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Indaled is right.

Firepluk on team means that the balancer has taken his blue rank into account when calculating balance.

But in actual fact he does useless stuff over 50% of the time that guarantees a loss.

Example: We had a relatively small game on Tabula and he rushes Zenith facepalm Not only would a NullAI have been more useful (since we would at least get the overflow of M and E) but he went and sucked up all the wreckages with his athenas that were the result of actual frontline fighting and our team's dead units. Metal that would have gone into actual units to win with. We had won south, were winning mid and north was slowly losing. The game was totally winnable and we lost it because Firemollusc poured all the metal into a useless unit that would have been finished in like 20min and didn't even bother making 2 lotus to defend his base, so he resigned once a few Hermits reached his position rolleyes

+6 / -0
5 years ago
He should spam berthas with same setup he uses for superweapons
+2 / -0
fire is just getting lazy and needs to help enforce defense lines before he makes supers.. maybe once the land battle stagnates its ok.. but rushes all the time is punished with losses. i have seen him do well when he can be asked to make real units

:edit: maybe its not correct to say lazy.. maybe better to say 'over eager' .. because he does put allot of effort into defending his key structure.. just not in defending his meat shields
+1 / -0
5 years ago
I mean come on guys, if you are doing total shit in a game - at least help with the basics early on i.e. secure some mexes, make initial energy, etc... Just plopping a single frame in a corner and doing nothing else is not cool
+0 / -0
fire is letting us know we have failed to see he was never the issue here

or atleast not the bigger issue.. i guess new or noob players dont serve to defend him correctly

i now understand how to solve the confusions here

firepluck is a king.. defend your king peasants.. buut new players will still need your help firepluck.. because they are like you say ~ weak and noob
you need to help them to help you.. and super weapon help is always too late

well.. i dont care how you play.. you seem to have fun thats cool
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Firepluk is really fun.. when he in other team xD
actually i see that smth like that:

#trollcom - 2200 elo
#lichorusher - 1900 elo
#nuxrusher - 1800 elo
#meteorrusher - 1600 elo

#serioslpluk - 2800 elo
... but I saw it 1 or 2 time for 5 years xD
So I supppose 1800 elo will be good for game balance
+4 / -0

5 years ago
@Indaled spot on.

What is sad is that Firepluk could be one of the best players if he wanted to but he just doesnt care.

Maybe I need to get his mother's telephone number and tell her what we think.

But I bet she has told him before ;) :D
+1 / -0
5 years ago
fireplucks mother should play a game with firepluck..

fire-mother: " ffs why disco look at front " .. " gg y no unit "
fire-pluck: " resign lobster " "didnt expand"
fire-mother: " just make units next-time "
fire-pluck: " was over anyway they had all reclaim "
fire-mother: " ill 1v1 you then we will see who is noob "

firepluck plays normal makes units and wins..
mother rage quits forever

firepluck reverts to old self and makes starlight next game
+4 / -0
5 years ago
We should fix the game so that Firepluk cannot build any superweapon other than Bertha, problem solved.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
We should have a "social-tree" instead of "tech-tree". You are allowed to build higher tier units only when team mates think you are responsible/worth it.
+3 / -0
5 years ago
I enjoy playing with Firepluk. It makes my loins moist. Moist is a trigger word.


... mmmmmmhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

+2 / -0
5 years ago
Good things never change
+3 / -0
if only badmins didnt stop ppl smurfing games wouldnt have to be ruined wen lobsters dont want 2 tryhard. can relate

also useless afk nubs getting kicked out of games will never not be a thing in such small playerbase games, minimum entry req = having brain
+0 / -0
5 years ago
careful honk moisture is a bit wet
+0 / -0
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