I'm not a big felon fan. I found when I pushed them out early they were invariably phantomed or widowed. Yes, they become deadly once they stack, but then five felons is close to the value of a Dante, a strider whose whole point is to melt face so it's no surprise equal value of heavy riot would do the same.
I'd like rogues to be better shots (or at least have faster projectiles), but they are still the mirror match counter to felon ball, properly looked after (I don't think I've ever seen

Jummy engage stacked rogues with much enthusiasm). Felons have big shields, so the fact a rogue can't hit a barn door is less of a problem. Don't forget rogues can also be forcefired inside the boundary of aspis/funnel to deplete them, usually quite safely. Seeing the safety blanket go red usually persuades the shield player to back off.
Racketeers aren't much more expensive than recluses, so serve as at least a partial counter in a factory match up that otherwise goes badly for shield (they at least buy time for fac swap or cloaked snitches). Even if you don't shut down all the recluses you can still thin out the bombardment. They'll also enable a shield ball to laugh in the face of jacks and juggles provided you see them coming and stack up.
The whole purpose of thug is meat shield (they're basically hermits which can share hitpoints with each other) but thuglaw still shouldn't be underestimated.
I agree Vandals are armpit AA however good the numbers look on paper, but you can't have everything, and good AA would mean the air options that are intended to counter them would be even less likely to succeed than they are now. As it stands, felonball (or just two felons for that matter) delete thunderbirds before they can do much harm and that's not healthy. I'd like to see thunderbirds spray their lightning in an arc like a phoenix when confronted with shields instead of flying straight over to die embarassingly, or at least throw the lightning further ahead of the plane so they hit felons before the felons can hit them.
I also agree bandits remain lacklustre even despite the crumbs of attention they've had lately.
I do find shield a factory where, if it goes wrong, it goes wrong quickly and decisively, but I don't think it's in a bad place overall.