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ZeroWars v1.9

By petturtle

made for zero-k
Size: 16 x 6


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4 years ago
Crash bug now finally found and fixed!
+3 / -0
4 years ago
vipers feel abit op, chickens still useless
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Waiting for next version with fixed hero abilities, since microing hero is all you can do in the first 5 minutes or so while morphing mexes.
+1 / -0
Right now when all heroes are at level 1 you really don't get much XP at all for killing enemy heroes compared to killing units. Most of the games I've played there is some hero v. hero play for the first 5 minutes, but it really doesn't matter how well you do because everybody is going to remain level 1 until somebody blinks and puts a unit on their pad. It's like a really long warmup period where all you have to gain is +3 metal income from the middle.

In teams you have a chance to rout and kill the first turret with sniper heroes and no units, but this is only a one-time metal boost and enemy heroes spawn fast because they're all level 1.

The good news is level 1 heroes seem pretty well balanced. Have had some good rounds of team micro to win mid. But it really doesn't matter how well you do at level 1 hero play, the real game is.. morphing mexes one by one.
+0 / -0
I think chickens have some uses:
  • Lobber has very large LOS.
  • Spidermonkey slow permanently removes attack speed upgrades.
Also the chickens are missing from the tactical AI configuration so they can screw up enemy AI.

I would say the commander are surprisingly well balanced but that Sniper is still the best. I would just expect a long ranged hero to be much more dominant than it is. The reduced speed and line of sight is a fairly effective drawback in the early game.

The advantage of sniper is obviously range. This lets it always be dealing damage, and so always gaining XP. Gaining XP is important because its 7k damage snipe manualfire is a powerful tool in the mid-lategame. It can snipe enemy heavies and even 1-shot the main base from further away than is usually required.

The other heroes don't seem to have any way to gain XP as effectively, or any ultimate abilities as useful as a long ranged snipe. I have not seen them in action though as they very rarely gain XP. The abilities look like shorter ranged variations on damage.

What I'd like to see is more army utility abilities. Perhaps a lobster lob, various auras, big AoE etc...
+0 / -0
4 years ago
All of the other hero types can walk up to a lone sniper hero and kill it at level 1, but when it does have help it does a good amount of damage with low risk. I think these are important characteristics and it makes the level 1 hero play interesting, snipers need a Duck or Puppy to scout for them.

At higher levels I don't think anybody really knows because effect damage is everywhere messing up the upgrades. Once I got a Knight hero fully upgraded and the damage was crezzy until a Cyclops beamed me.

From chickens, Blobber is equivalent to Tremor at decloaking cloakers (but not killing them).

I don't think it would break ZW to let people build Aspis.
+0 / -0
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