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Do Kodachis overshadow the tank factory?

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Currently in 1v1 it feels as though Kodachis and Ogres are more or less the only buildable units for the tank factory, in my games. Kodachis apply insane early pressure and snowball extremely easily thanks to their regen ability. Most factories seem to need riots in order to defeat them in a sane way, which slows you down and makes it hard to expand as quickly as the tank player. And it seems like it takes a bit more skill to fight them than to use them. Some notable exceptions do exist. Ogres meanwhile can deal with many of the things that shut Kodachis down and absorb damage a bit better.

In turn, Minotaurs are very expensive and do less for you most of the time than a factory switch will, especially something like airplane factory for Thunderbird. And since the nerf to repairing I think Minotaurs are downright inefficient. Emissaries are both expensive and unwieldy now that they can no longer move and fire, as well as having extremely slow turret tracking so shooting and scooting is prohibitively slow.

Blitz feels usable but is more or less a slightly tougher Kodachi, and you need a critical mass to make them effective. I do get decent use out of these still but the cost is a little prohibitive. I wonder if it might be better to redesign Blitz and lean them more into their assault role, perhaps at 1500-1800 hp? 1250 leaves them pretty vulnerable to riots and Stardusts still, at that price point.

I won't really talk about Cyclops or Tremor because those do definitely have their uses and mostly don't feature in my games, though Cyclops does seem a little expensive compared to the other demi-striders and feels less generally useful.

Somewhat related, is Scorcher just ineffective right now? It doesn't feel good to use at all, especially the damage falloff ratio at range feels really punishing.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
The tank factory is like a lil strider factory, it lends itself better to the late game/unit dense situations. The unwieldiness of minotaurs and emissaries becomes a smaller problem once the game has become somewhat static and trench-warfarey.

I think heavy raider is a cool concept, but it does make blitz hard to use. Too squishy and expensive to take risks like an assault, too expensive to kamikaze like a raider. You have to toe a line between the two concepts.

Scorcher does feel underwhelming atm, although it might be because it used to be an oppressive unit in the past. Nowadays its more of a pure raider that folds fast when it meets opposition.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
USrankAdminBakuhatsu: When would you use Cyclops rather than something like a Grizzly?
+0 / -0
GBrankdyth68 - Never, personally.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
cyclopse is great at soaking then retreating + slowing is nice.. i quite like them
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Ye. I think the're good units, just poorly advertised. They don't strike me as good anti-heavies as is. The're units that harass the enemy with their huge health pool and then pull back for repairs.
+1 / -0
Can't forget about welder spam. It just works... Reclaim and damage soaking for days. I feel like when spamming welders, that is the only situation when having storage is good. Rush over to the enemy base, and quickly build porc. Not easy to stop quickly.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
This could be a problem. Do you have some good replays demonstrating current Tank play?
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I would second that kodachi seems cray
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I like the current kodachi balance but hate its aesthetics. The poof-poof-poof is just such a nonsense weapon feel.

Maybe a different sound would make it better though, hm.
+0 / -0
I don't have one that I won that I feel good about posting but here's one where I lost to @ATOSTIC and I feel is pretty illustrative of what I'm trying to say. My economy and attrition were significantly better until I chickened out and stopped raiding thinking I needed an ogre to push through all the bandits, and then threw away my whole army advantage against a thuglaw ball like an idiot.

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog as per your request I've messaged you a few more games on Discord
+0 / -0

4 years ago

I like the current kodachi balance but hate its aesthetics. The poof-poof-poof is just such a nonsense weapon feel.

Maybe a different sound would make it better though, hm.

Would it feel better with 40-30% cut fire rate with same dps?
+1 / -0

4 years ago
I'm thinking it could just be a literal flame stream. So actually a higher fire rate, fired in a burst-stream of 5-10 projectiles, with a single fwoosh sound played for the whole stream, maintaining the same DPS.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
WE NEED an amphibious Tank we'll call it the laviathan
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I'll take a closer look at Kodachi and should change it in the next update. The automatic-prefire change has made it a lot better against raiders.
+3 / -0