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evil unit names or why i cant play anymore

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4 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
evil unit names or why i cant play anymore

There are so many nice names for units.

why choose evil/bad/inappropriate names like


please fix immediately
+6 / -15
4 years ago
+8 / -1
Do you have anything better to do than feign indignation on this forum?
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Athena[b] or Athene,[c] often given the epithet Pallas,[d] is an ancient Greek goddess associated with wisdom, handicraft, and warfare.

in Russian wiki: "in ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom, military strategy and tactics".

I do not see anything evil in this name, moreover, it is beautiful

Artemis - in ancient Greek mythology - always the young goddess of hunting, the goddess of fertility, the goddess of female chastity, the patroness of all life on Earth, giving happiness in marriage and help with childbirth, later the goddess of the moon (her brother Apollo was the personification of the Sun).

Again, there is nothing evil in this
+2 / -0
4 years ago
i can agree from a quick to say in the heat of battle angle.. i cant type fast so i had to come up with some nick names..


is sadly all i have for this list

must be some others like detri
+1 / -0
4 years ago
If anything we need more evil names. Let's rename Dante Satan.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
using false god names is bad

because it promotes false gods

please remove them

the cultures that worshiped them failed.

the people that worshiped them failed.

+1 / -11
4 years ago
what about Detriment, Phantom, Roc, Siren, Inferno, Basilisk, Viper, Scorpion, Funnelweb, Grizzly, Ettin, Minotaur, Cyclops, Ogre, Weaver, Flea, Hermit, Venom, Redback, Recluse, Tarantula, Widow, Raven, Raptor, Krow, Revanent, Harpy, Locust, Wasp, Gnat, Blastwing, Flail, Lance, Mace, Claymore, Halberd, Dagger, Impaler, Dominatrix, Ravager, Ripper, Convict, Bandit, Rogue, Thug, Outlaw, Felon, Vandal, Snitch, Scythe, Urchin, Hacksaw, Raxor, Chainsaw and Claw
(all Satanic names according to your list)
Please think of a new name for all of them!
+2 / -0
USrankBatman so are you seggesting that we burn everybody that follows a faith?

EDIT: there is something very wrong with your logic. please fix it.
EDIT2: Batman is false and therefore your name IS EVIL.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
*Updated list*
Basicly everything
+0 / -0
using false god names is bad because it promotes false gods. please remove them.
the cultures that worshiped them failed.
the people that worshiped them failed.

6. Avoid inflammatory forum topics

Due to their highly inflammatory nature, political and religious discussions are relegated to the semi-hidden "asylum" section of the forum and the "#off-topic" channel in lobby and Discord. Please avoid bringing them up elsewhere. Note that even in these subforums/channels the other parts of the Code of Conduct still apply.
+0 / -0
All gods, False gods. IMO.

NO place for this bible driven religious preaching drivel in ZK. save it for your church buddies.

..why i cant play anymore

Batman, you may also have avoid\exclude socializing outside your church, most movies and media, traveling, exposure to other cultures, new ideas, science, free thought and the majority of interesting avenues in life. Prey for me.
+2 / -1

4 years ago
Why choose like inappropriate profile names like USrankBatman? Are you superhero in life or what? Are there is connection with bats and you so you become Batman?
+2 / -0

4 years ago

There are so many nice names for units.

why choose evil/bad/inappropriate names like

By this logic then 95% unit names should be removed and changed not only that few which was mentioned in starting thread.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
the cultures that worshiped them failed.

the people that worshiped them failed.

On the contrary USrankBatman, if I listen to any conspiracy show, they all say my people run the world, therefore those are your gods.

Good Luck, Have Fun!
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I do feel sorry for him. he's so wrong in ever way.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
it promotes false gods

True faith is unshakeable. Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.
+5 / -1
4 years ago
""""""""""""Due to their highly inflammatory nature, political and religious discussions are relegated to the semi-hidden "asylum" section of the forum and the "#off-topic" channel in lobby and Discord. Please avoid bringing them up elsewhere. Note that even in these subforums/channels the other parts of the Code of Conduct still apply. """"""""""

Under these rules I ask for the units to be renamed. The units I listed are named after religious ideas and religious superstitions.

Thank you shaman for providing such important information.

+1 / -1
All gods, False gods. IMO.

NO place for this bible driven religious preaching drivel in ZK. save it for your church buddies.

"But kettle is black!"
+0 / -0
4 years ago
if god exists your going be so surprised lol.. heh i have no idea how it would even work.. what if god has no form at all.. or even worse what if im a dream.. i guess it doesn't matter too much because im able to live happy and free just fine
+0 / -0
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