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password leak

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I just got the message from chrome that zero-k.info had a "found in a data breach" password leak from a stored password

Does anyone else got that message?

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4 years ago
I am using chromium and I don't have that message.
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4 years ago
Sounds like some site had a data breach that included passwords, and chrome found your password for zero-k within that data breach. This could be if you used a weak password for zero-k or re-used a password from a different site that was breached. It probably doesn't mean zero-k itself was breached.
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4 years ago
I checked all passwords/name combinations and I found literally 1 website that has the same name/password combination. But that is just a small dev website of an unreleased game. Very unlikely target for a hack or a public known hack for that matter. Also I dont see anyone else talking about it on their forum/reddit.
Maybe some old mmo that I forgot.
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4 years ago
Chrome and Firefox both do this now, pretty sure it's just relaying info from haveibeenpwned
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