How is it, that 4 spider constructors costing 680 metal can render a very specialized anti-static artillery (Impaler) costing 700 metal useless by repairing? (Spider) constructors are some of the most generally useful units, while Impaler is tuned to do only that one thing. In comparison, Emissary, which costs the same as Impaler but is much less specialized (it can hit mobiles, has aoe, higher rof), requires at least 5 spider constructors to neutralize. And this is a unit some call underpowered already (I wouldn't say so). Possible fixes could be:
Increasing slow repair cooldown to be longer than Impaler reload time
Increasing Impaler reload time so it can one-hit Stingers
Making Impaler cheaper (Anti-quant, but I feel that the price is a bit high for the rover factory)
+1 / -0
Just increasing impaler damage a bit may be sufficient. It will overkill the things that it onehits now, but that's fine. It will have better dps, so will be less countered by shields and repair.
+0 / -0
get vision of the turret with a widow or gremlin
target the weavers, which are stationary because they are repairing the turret
+4 / -0
31 second reload on Impaler?
+0 / -0
Crasher cost too much and is less effective than Gremlin, just make impaler a mod so it attack static buildings only, only economy intel buildings and selected newton/lotus/Picket/ are auto aimable, allow impaler shot any of these once regardless. This will save lot of attentions and make impaler very useful.
+0 / -0
My opinion is to make impaler cheaper.
+2 / -2
Impaler is good. So what if the other guy can make cons to repair something? When there's a swarm of impalers on the other side of a ridge, and they wreck everything you own without you so much as seeing them, then their power becomes obvious. Besides 2 impalers stack faster than the constructors. Theoretically 2 impalers can be countered by 8 cons, 4 per target. But if you switch 2 impalers to just the one target, the other guy better pay attention and switch all his cons to that target or it will die. If he doesnt want to, then he needs 8 cons per turret in order to just forget about the problem. But once you have 3 impalers? 4? I've seen swarms of 10 impalers running around insta gibbing anything with salvoed shots. Impalerspam is cancer on some maps, especially when the team wont make fleas to kill their cloak units that are observing everything and making the impalers super accurate. Please don't buff impaler. It is badass already.
+3 / -0
  Astran can you link some replays(1v1)? I'm talking about 1v1, where I hardly ever see it used. In teams, are there good players who would spam impaler over emissary/lance. If yes, why is it better? 2 Impalers is fairly unaffordable, I already consider one such specialized unit to be a fairly risky investment compared to Ravagers. Even then, most of the time if you factor in the time for which the enemy can hold a mex while you're waiting for your Impaler to pay off, Ravagers are much more cost-effective against porc.
+0 / -0
Deinfreund, I have only used impaler in 1v1 against fairly low level opponents, especially when compared to laddered opposition. Any games I could link to there would be somewhat useless for your purposes. In teams it is frequently used in hilly terrain and is particularly pestiferous on Fields of Isis.
+0 / -0
For poking defences, Fencer is more flexible, and Badger is both more flexable and has better dps for cost whenever Fencers don't work. I think I only care about the extreme range on Impaler to snipe deep mexes, to shut down forward caretakers, or to troll with Widow.
+0 / -0
Impalers become annoying when 3k+ of them show up with los support. They can also kill behes if they're committed to running in a circular pattern such that they change directions on reload duue to behe's travel time.
+2 / -0
Not every unit has to be useful in 1v1/small maps/low metal density situations. Impaler's huge range and extremely vertical trajectory make it useful in many situations: with vision, its the king of long-distance poking, at least of statics or units that are staying static. It generally costs the enemy a lot more attention and metal to counter the impaler than it costs to make it and use it effectively. That being said, I find huge impaler balls silly, since they negate the impaler's central advantage of being easy to use and hard to counter by making themselves a huge juicy concentrated target with no capacity to defend themselves against mobile targets at all. If you want a huge blob of mobile artillery that will annihilate everything in their path, there are many better options. I guess something like a group of 5 impalers is ok if you want the ability to insta-gib whatever they fire upon before the enemy can react.
+3 / -0
With 1500 range and arc missile impaler is bad? For alone unit it is even with insta kill for low hp building. But when impalers are in masses then they start make cost. And LV have badger shits so they have also another type of artillery. Emissary is already OP and was OP. In masses they can be used vs almost anything..
+3 / -0
probably just shrink its size and cost, maybe dps?
+0 / -0
Let's be cute and increase its range.
+3 / -0
quote: Impalers become annoying when 3k+ of them show up with los support. |
I wonder what other kind of annoying artillery you could afford for 3k. Maybe Merlin?
+1 / -0
I don't think Impaler needs to be much better. If you're talking about 1v1, then Rover already has many ways to attack turrets. With its range I doubt it is completely useless in 1v1, and apparently it works fine in teamgames. It could probably be a little cheaper without breaking much, but it doesn't seem to be what Rover needs in 1v1.
+3 / -0
Missile Silo is less used these days. Terraform Crab is much more cost effective. Could we lower the missile cost over time?
+0 / -0
Impaler-spam (10 or more) without micro is really common in team-games. mostly it does not hit anything, but if it WOULD, this unit would be totally annoyingly OP. 10 impalers can theoretically insta-kill 10 solars, llts, mexes etc in one salvo while being pretty much invulnerable to retaliation because of their extremely high range. on a map like Titan Duel, they can exert an enormous control over the whole map. what holds them back at the moment are primarily lack of vision and lack of apm/attention from the players side.
+1 / -0
I just noticed another, somewhat impractical way to spot for impaler or other artillery. When firing racketeer at a radar dot, you can watch the racketeer missile hit a precise ground location because it tracks the enemy unit. You can then fire impaler (or lance, etc) at that ground location and it will hit the enemy unit.
+3 / -0