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Begginer friendly?

12 posts, 1042 views
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4 years ago
As a long term RTS fan, I can say that this is one of the best RTS games of all time. But things are not so well in multiplayer. You give it a time to learn and finally join the coop vs AI matchmaking, and than someone just kick you out of the game because you are noob and they play for moeny vs AI. There is an option to lock the lobby with password genius if you do not want others to join. Also how are we going to learn if not with stronger players cooperate that is why we play vs AI ?
So I took time to writte this post for these pro players that can use console commands WOW you so pro.

GAME 10/10

It's sopoused to be fun. Why so serius?
+2 / -0
If somebody kicked you out of the All Welcome Coop room for any reason short of you deliberately blowing up a bunch of their stuff, you should report them. The admins like to know about such things.
+6 / -0
4 years ago
Thank you for understanding, I watched the replay and he kicked me because of building windmills trying to connect the economy(I was blocking the base? only two were connected), but I cannot take the screenshot from replay when he wrote the command for kick, and don't know where to report.

All I have is battle ID http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/968463.

My post was for those players to have understanding or if they do not, to lock the PRO lobbys if we newbies are not welcome.
+0 / -0
Always, you can go in Teams All welcome. There is a lot of good people.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
So yo can even understand all language we are using...
I still dont understand some things and it helped me a lot.
Probably you will not be kicked if you listen to people on chat(i didnt watch the replay, but it is generally good)
Good Game!
+0 / -0

4 years ago
It's very strange that you got kicked from Coop vs AI. Teams All Welcome is usually where the new players get kicked from for messing up their team's strategy. But Vs AI is not counted for elo and that room is usually very chill and relaxed. Sorry it happened to you. Playing vs AI is indeed a good place to learn strategy.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
The player who kicked you was not representative of the community. Your windmills were fine and not blocking anything. The best thing to do is just shrug it off and avoid playing games hosted by that player.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
Imho you did nothing wrong BArankexbih .
In my opinion connecting with windgens is WAY better than with pylons in most situations.
DErankbloodshark was being a dick and because he created the room he had boss rights
= no need to vote can just use commands at free will
To prevent such situations there are the [A] autohost rooms where more than 50% of the players have to agree on votes and stuff like kicks very rarely happen.
+4 / -0
lol i was just kicked by him so there is noting to worry about this individual he is just a random troll:)

kicked again while in spec


+2 / -0

4 years ago
Instakick should just be disabled when a room is not passworded. (Or if the room has been unpassworded in the past, so can't do !setpassword shenanigans to kick ppl.)
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Thank you all for supporting, all my friends said that this is a great community but I had bad experience with one player so I suspected that this is how everybody roll.

You all brought my faith back in this community so I take back my Community 2/10 grade and give you all 10/10.

This kid who thinks he is the boss is just another bad looser.

Once again, thank you all, see ya ingame :D
+4 / -0

4 years ago
Ex join us more often, in POT, let's boil together
+3 / -0