This is the first (and posisbly last, but maybe not) team battle event. Two 5-player teams will play 5 matches of varying teamsizes. Everyone is free to register their team, but only two will participate! Which ones? The ones that donate the most to the prize pool of course! (or barring that, the ones with strongest players lmaooo get fucked noobs)Date and TimeStart time is 15:00 UTC, Saturday 24th October.Sign ups are now closed!And since nobody signed up, we will set up teams on the fly at the start of the event. More details in this postLinksCountdown timer   Shadowfury333 stream: LinkMatcherino pageFormat
2 teams of 5 people will play a series of 5 games of varying size.
Exact teamsizes and maps are decided randomly 24 hours before the event. Exact mechanics explained below
Team managers submit their final lineups for each match at the start of the tournament by PM to the organizer. The matchups are revealed once both captains have submitted their lineups
Each player on each team must play exactly 2 games
A player may not play more than one 1v1 game
Anti-Stack: If there is more than 100 difference in average MMR between the teams, manager of the team with less MMR may swap 2 players in his or opponents match lineups. The layout modified this way must still follow the above rules. This action can repeated multiple times, 1 time for every 100 points of difference in average MMR
Scoring[Spoiler]Different-sized games give out different amounts of points to the winning team. No matter the layout, the total points is 15 and thus a tie is impossible
1v1 = 2 points
2v2 = 3 points
3v3 = 4 points
4v4 = 5 points
5v5 = 6 points
Team with more points at the end of the tournament wins
Tournament match layouts TL:DR - 5 games, some are 1v1's some are team games [Spoiler]
There are 5 variants with different team size layouts
There are 5 map pools, 1 map from each pool will be played
The layout, the maps and the play order are picked randomly 24 hours before tournament start
The table of layouts is displayed below, along with their probabilities
24h before the event, one out of these 5 layouts will be picked at random according to specified probabilities (so layout C has 30% to be used in the event)
 Map Pools Pool A: Small 1v1 game [Spoiler]
Pool B: Medium 1v1/2v2 [Spoiler]
Pool C: Large 1v1/2v2 [Spoiler]
Pool D: Medium Teamgame [Spoiler]
Pool E: Epic teamgame [Spoiler]
Sign ups / Roster rules
Team sign ups are open until 24 hours before tournament start
Registration is done by team managers submitting their team lists in this thread
All team players must confirm their team membership in the thread
Team roster must include at least 5 and up to 7 players
Team manager may include or not include themselves on the roster
Sponsorship and team selection
No matter how many teams sign up, only 2 will participate in the Team Battle
24 hours before the tournament starts (signup deadline), 2 teams will be picked according to team rules below
Sponsorship: Any person may donate extra funds on the Matcherino page and include a comment with a team name (or specific player) they want to sponsor
Sponsorship money is added to the prize pool, and the sponsored team gains sponsorship value equal to the amount donated
2 Teams with highest sponsorship value will be picked to participate in the tournament
In case of ties, teams will be picked in order of their top 5 players average MMR at the time of deadline
If a team or player with non-zero sponsorship does not qualify for the tournament, their sponsorship amount will carry over to the next tournament (If/whenever that happens)
Participating resets all teams' and players' sponsorship amounts
Cash Prizes
All payouts are done through Matcherino, so you will need to have an account to receive your winnings
Amounts described below may be reduced by the Matcherino/Paypal commissions
All of the prize money is awarded to the winning team's manager.
Explanations and clarifications
Players MMR for the purpose of this tourney is whichever is greater of Ranked or Casual MMR
+6 / -0
[Reserved in case i run out of space in first post. Is there even a limit on post size?]
+1 / -0
I dislike your rule outlines for this tournament. 1) A limited entry of only 2 teams means that few players will be able to compete. 2) Your guidelines for selection are based on donation, so there is effectively an entry fee. 3) By only giving out 75% of the prize pool, you are profiting off of the tournament (there is no guarantee of future tournaments hosted by you). 4) I don't believe any serious (prize money based) tournament should use WHR as a metric. In a huge number of cases true skill doesn't correlate strongly with WHR, especially when you are allowing for use of either casual or ranked. Additional, there is no statement in your rules that stops someone from making a smurf account to revert to the starting WHR. 5) The opposing team shouldn't have any say in a team's player composition choices. That's just silly. I love community based tournaments, but the limited entry and prize pool will likely turn this into a mess.
+4 / -0
quote: 1) A limited entry of only 2 teams means that few players will be able to compete. |
In an ideal world this would be a team league with multiple individual team battle events. But i am not sure if there is enough interest in such thing or if i would be able to organize those Team Battle events on the regular. So, it is a one-off event and we need to find a way to pick only 2 teams regardless of how many sign up. If you have the time and ability to organize similar events in the future let me know and we can turn this into a league with as many teams as you wish quote: 2) Your guidelines for selection are based on donation, so there is effectively an entry fee. |
Not necessarily. If nobody donates (likely), we'll just get 2 teams with highest rated players. Also, yes you can say there is a fee, but theres also a prize pool to cover it for you. If you are certain that you will win, donating any amount under $10 will give you positive net gains quote: 3) By only giving out 75% of the prize pool, you are profiting off of the tournament (there is no guarantee of future tournaments hosted by you). |
Dont forget i am already spending $10 on this. I would only be "profiting" if there would be more than $40 worth of donations, which is a very big IF. The idea was to make some part of donations go to the next tournament so i dont need to fully fund the initial $10 myself, but i guess since there is no guarantee future tournaments will happen, theres no point in arranging it that way. I've amended the rule to just award 100% to the winners. quote: 4) I don't believe any serious (prize money based) tournament should use WHR as a metric. In a huge number of cases true skill doesn't correlate strongly with WHR, especially when you are allowing for use of either casual or ranked. Additional, there is no statement in your rules that stops someone from making a smurf account to revert to the starting WHR. |
Thats true. Unfortunately, we dont have any other metric like past tournament performance, so WHR is the best thing we can use. If you have any alternative ideas on how to pick 2 teams out of all that sign up, let me know. If you think we should not limit the event to 2 teams, please refer to first point. quote: 5) The opposing team shouldn't have any say in a team's player composition choices. That's just silly. |
100 WHR average advantage means every player on stronger team has 100 WHR over their conterpart on the other team. That's a lot of WHR, so i thought there should be at least some sort of mechanism to deal with it. I dont like it too much, but i also dont want to watch a boring event where one team just stomps the other 5 games in a row
+0 / -0
matcherino works with paypal?
+0 / -0
can someone explain the sponsor thing please is it like bets? can we have bets ? would you consider making these changes to the ruleset ? 75%>90% no player swapping games should be 5v5 or whatever size for each game of the series of 5, fixed game size for the whole event
+0 / -0
quote: matcherino works with paypal? |
I think it works entirely through paypal. Ive never tried cashing out, but for cashing in paypal is the only option. Alternatively, i guess i can set Licho as the winner and then ask him to distribute kudos according to winners request quote: can someone explain the sponsor thing pleas |
Due to time limitations, there will be only 2 teams participating. What if more teams sign up? Teams with higher average WHR will get priority. BUT! You can donate to the prize pool to have your team participate. In hindsight, this does not make much sense since the team most likely to win the prize is going to the one with highest WHR, and its gonna be getting priority just for that anyway. The original idea was to do a "first come first serve" priority instead of WHR, but that puts us at greater risk of two terrible teams participating instead of best onesI've already changed it to 100% because people dont like the idea of any cash staying in the system since there's no garantee of more similar events The weaker team may choose not to swap. If they agree that the rule is stupid nobody is forcing them to use it. Or hopefully we will have 2 teams of very similar level and there wont be a need for anti-stack anyways quote: games should be 5v5 or whatever size for each game of the series of 5, fixed game size for the whole event |
No. The whole point of this event is to test teams flexibility in different-sized games, and to make them strategize on which players to pick for each match.
+0 / -0
I think it would make sense to test this without the srsbsns cash stuff first to get everyone acquainted with the format and iron out the edges.
+5 / -0
quote: I think it would make sense to test this without the srsbsns cash stuff first to get everyone acquainted with the format and iron out the edges. |
lol its just a $10 reward altho ppl do be getting confused by all this talk of "sponsors" and "donations", the reality is no 1 need to donate and probably no 1 will donate
+1 / -0
Its just $10 though, thats like less than an hour of work at any decent job Again, i wish i could organize a few pilot events and then do a league, but my vacation is only 2 weeks long. I was hoping a token cash prize would be enough to attract some good players and maybe make them take the tournament at least relatively seriously. Judging by current signups (I expected to at least see some people looking for team via this thread), ZK doesnt seem to even have 10 active decent players to play in the event. Oh well, if the event fails i'll be saving myself 9.40$ so its alright i guess.
+0 / -1
People should probably start posting their teams, if they did assemble one. I wanted to join this tournament too, but sadly I dont have time for this one.
+0 / -0
Agree. With only 5 days to go and only 2-3 players confirmed on the team drone was putting together, it's hard to imagine participants are going to surface at this point. Part of me suspects that being down to the difficulty of assembling a team of 5 people that you know and like, and are available, in a game with such a bijou community.
+0 / -0
quote: Part of me suspects that being down to the difficulty of assembling a team of 5 people that you know and like, and are available, in a game with such a bijou community |
Yep, i was hoping that a 2-week advance notice and a cash prize would be enough to get at least 10 good players to organize amongst themselves, but so far it seems i've been wrong. I've just checked Platinum lobby stats and apparently the last time it got to 5v5 or above was 41 days ago, so its not like there are even enough 2k WHR players to get a 5v5+ in a public lobby. I wonder what has changed since late August when platinum would actually get some 7v7's and even a few 9v9's. Oh well, the sign ups will stay open until designted deadline as originally promised. If someone is looking for a team or some team looking for players, there's still time to post in this thread and find yourself a match. Surely at this point the potential managers cant afford to be very picky
+0 / -0
Okay now it is official: Nobody signed up. The $10 prize goes back to me except i paid $10.60 due to commissions. However, i'm not gonna lose hope until tomorrow when the event starts. Here's how we're gonna organize this instead of pre-made teams: Join the game room at the time of eventShortly before the start time (15:00 UTC) i will set up a tournament lobby. If we get 10 volunteers (no pre-made teams), we will auto-balance those volunteers and these will be our 2 teams for the event. If we get more than 10 volunteers, we will sort by highest WHR (Casual or MM - whichever is higher). If we dont get even 10 people, then fuck it the event is cancelled. The teams will join their private channels to discuss the lineups and then submit them. Once both teams have submitted the lineups, first game will be player Maps and matchups was used to make all the rolls according to the options outlines in the OP. Layout: B (3x 1v1, 3v3, 5v5) Maps and play order:
+1 / -0
In 23 hours from right now, get in the event lobby and then pray we get 9 other willing participants. Considering your WHR i dont think you are at risk of getting filtered out Its funny how Kshatriya was worried that we'd have more than 2 teams sign up for the event and we actually ended up with 0
+0 / -0
Afaik there was nearly a team of only purples (which I initially was part of), but idk if they will still participate
+0 / -0